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Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Moms of newborns
What do you do all day? I feel like I am slowly going stir-crazy here! The TV is pretty much on 24/7, and at this point, I am still in my pj's .
I did manage to get a few loads of laundry done between pumping sessions and feeding DD.
Posted 11/14/07 1:55 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: Moms of newborns
I seem to be on computer ALOT.. I pretty much cant do anything DD wont let me lol. When DH gets home from work i rush around and do laundry, dinner and cleaning, pumping. She wont even let me pump, she crys and wants to be held, and the handsfree bra doesnt even help when it comes to holding her.
I was spending alot of money buying things, then my DH lost his wallet and had to cancel all the credit cards, so now i cant buy anything.. hmm maybe he did that on purpose lol.
ETA: bright side.. DD gets 2month shots next week, so ill be able to go out to stores and other things YIPPY (if weather permits lol)
Message edited 11/14/2007 1:59:03 PM.
Posted 11/14/07 1:58 PM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: Moms of newborns
Yup I spend a lot of time running around here like a chicken with its head cut off when he's sleeping to prepare for when he's up. Otherwise I'm on the computer or TV is on 24/7 (I've actually started DVRing more shows because daytime TV stinks!). I can't wait until he has his shots!
Posted 11/14/07 2:08 PM |
I love this boy!

Member since 4/07 3372 total posts
Re: Moms of newborns
well, my parents are here for the month so i'm stocking up on my they have been cooking and cleaning and watching DS when I nap. I feed him and pump during the day, my dad likes to burp him and my mom likes to change him so we have a rotation going on. don't know what i'll do when they leave - it's going to be bittersweet b/c i love the help, though if it were up to them DS would go back to NY w/them - they think he's
Posted 11/14/07 3:10 PM |
Member since 8/06 1730 total posts
Re: Moms of newborns
I think I'm pretty lucky because dh works nights so he's home with us. My tv is on all the time & I'm getting bored with the computer. I left the baby home with dh to go jogging a few times & I plan to start a personal training program with my friend so that will be 3 nights a week.
I also looked into the Mommy & Me class at Mercy (where I delivered) so I might do that.
When is everyone going back to work, if you are at all? I'm going back in April
Posted 11/14/07 3:24 PM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: Moms of newborns
I may be an odd ball here but I never have time for TV...I hardly manage to catch the news in the morning, Days of our Lives at 2 and then Oprah at 4...other than that I am running around either pumping, playing with or feeding DS or cleaning or taking care of other things that need to be taken care little leisure time consists of coming on here...oh and we've been going out a lot more often lately...he hasn't gotten his shots but since I got my carrier (which I LOVE) I've taken him to the mall, parks and today for the first time we took a ride on the train to my job and he met my co-workers.
I find since I've been home with DS and since he is getting older that my time revolves around him...he is awake a lot more so we play and talk...other than that there is a million things to do around my house.
Posted 11/14/07 3:32 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Moms of newborns
Oh ladies as a mom to 2 kids-18 months and 4 months, please please please don't take for granted this down time. Read a book, look through a magazine, paint your toenails/fingernails, talk on the phone without hearing mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy in the background. Put your feet up on a recliner, take a nice quiet shower if they will sleep in a bouncy...cause when they mobile and/or #2 comes, you will not be able to do any of the above during the day whever you want too 
ONly way i get to sit is mealtimes! I'm lucky if they'll give me time to go pee!
Enjoy it, i wish i did
Posted 11/14/07 3:33 PM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: Moms of newborns
I'm on here all day!! Or on looking for new things to make. DS has been up more and more but when he naps I either shower, cook dinner, do laundry. I also have been trying to get some christmas shopping done online. TV
Posted 11/14/07 4:44 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Moms of newborns
I take a shower and get dressed everyday. In a little over 3 weeks I think I have only missed about 2 days. Usually when I feed DD in the morning she goes back to sleep and that's when I get ready. Or I put her in her swing and that usually tides her over - sometimes she cries.
Other times when she is sleeping, I try to make dinner even if its in the middle of the day. I just heat it up at night.
Last week I started taking her out and we went to my grandparents house or I take her to my parents house. Today I went to a friends house and we went to the diner and then BRU. Her first time out in public!!
Other than that, I am online or trying to pick up the house.
My mom comes over a few times a week which is a godsend bc she watches her and I get to run errands. I am getting my first manicure since I had her on Friday - I cant wait!!
Posted 11/14/07 5:08 PM |
Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Moms of newborns
thanks ladies!! It seems like a lot of us are going through the same thing.
Christine - how did the pics at BRU go?
Posted 11/14/07 5:16 PM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: Moms of newborns
yes you can go stir crazy!
So this time around I made it a point to go out at least 1 hour a day even if it is just to the bakery at the corner to get a coffee.
Take advantage of these mild days and just put the baby in the sling and walk.
The my first I had a really hard time adjusting...he would cry ALOT!
Posted 11/14/07 5:34 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Moms of newborns
Posted by Karen
thanks ladies!! It seems like a lot of us are going through the same thing.
Christine - how did the pics at BRU go?
I go next Wednesday! We'll see. I am a little nervous about them. I hope she's not fussy and we can get a good shot!
Posted 11/14/07 6:02 PM |
I lvoe the fall :)

Member since 6/06 3543 total posts
Re: Moms of newborns
Posted by MST9106
I may be an odd ball here but I never have time for TV...I hardly manage to catch the news in the morning, Days of our Lives at 2 and then Oprah at 4...other than that I am running around either pumping, playing with or feeding DS or cleaning or taking care of other things that need to be taken care little leisure time consists of coming on here...oh and we've been going out a lot more often lately...he hasn't gotten his shots but since I got my carrier (which I LOVE) I've taken him to the mall, parks and today for the first time we took a ride on the train to my job and he met my co-workers.
I find since I've been home with DS and since he is getting older that my time revolves around him...he is awake a lot more so we play and talk...other than that there is a million things to do around my house.
I agree I get to watch channel 12 news in the am during GS 1st fedding then Opera at 4 and that about all between klaundry dinner my 8 year old I cant even say I rest when I sleep BECAUSE I DONT SLEEPPPP!!!
Posted 11/14/07 6:06 PM |
Re: Moms of newborns
I'm on here all day long it seems I try and get dinner ready (crockpot lately) and clean and pump and take care of DD. I am going a little stir crazy here though, I just want to finish a magazine or go shopping for a little while!
Posted 11/14/07 7:32 PM |
Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Moms of newborns
Posted by Tine73
Posted by Karen
thanks ladies!! It seems like a lot of us are going through the same thing.
Christine - how did the pics at BRU go?
I go next Wednesday! We'll see. I am a little nervous about them. I hope she's not fussy and we can get a good shot!
Sorry, I got all excited when you said you went to BRU!! I'm sure it will go good!!!
Posted 11/14/07 7:54 PM |