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Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

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My girls

Member since 7/05

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Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I'm pregnant and just found out my second will also be a girl. I'm very excited and say so whenever someone asks me the gender. I think its going to be great to have sisters.

Why is it that 85% of people seem to think I'd be disappointed not to have a boy? It drives me crazy. Its not like we live in a society where we need a son to support us in our old age -- first off, we'll save enough, second off a daughter is just as capable. So why the assumption that we must be planning to try again until we get the boy? ARGH. We don't own a farm, and even if we did, I'd let a girl operate a plow too!

Is it sexism or just the assumption that everyone wants both? Do moms of two boys get the same "awww, are you going to try for another?"

Posted 7/10/07 11:21 AM
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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I would love to only have boys. I don't get why people try and try to have both sexes. For me it doesn't matter.

Posted 7/10/07 11:31 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

It is not a sexist thing it is the one of each thing.

I get when are you trying for the girl comment all the time. If we were to have another I would want a boy only because we have so much boy stuff already.

Posted 7/10/07 11:33 AM

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I think people think you need to be "even".

I have a boy & a girl. The comments I received were "Great! I guess you're done!"

I always wanted sisters or brothers. Congrats on your girls!!

Posted 7/10/07 11:34 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I think it's just the assumption that everyone wants both - at least one of each. I don't think it's really sexism. I know lots of people that had two boys and people ask them if they are going to try for the girl.

Posted 7/10/07 11:34 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I think people will make the comments going both ways regarding trying for a boy or a girl to be 'even'.
I am currently 36 weeks preggo and we havent found out the sex, but get so many comments from family hoping for a boy that is bothers me since I am pretty sure this baby is another girl. I would be thrilled with 2 girls and think 'sisters' are a great thing. I can only hope there are no dumb comments after the baby is here!

Posted 7/10/07 11:55 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

People are just dumb. Why they feel the need to comment at all is beyond me.

A friend of mine has 3 girls & couldn't be happier. In fact we always joked that her husband is destined only to have daughters.

Posted 7/10/07 12:02 PM

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

ugg...that would drive me nuts too!

Actually, everyone keeps telling me "when are you going to try for a girl." NEVER, that's when. Chat Icon Why can't people accept that you would be happy with two kids of the same sex?

Posted 7/10/07 12:02 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I don't get that at all- I am actually hoping to have another girl so my daughter has a sister. My DH doesn't care either way. That is so stupid IMO.

Message edited 7/10/2007 12:18:38 PM.

Posted 7/10/07 12:17 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I don't understand either, I would be happy with a boy or girl the next time, just as long as the baby is healthy is all that matters to me!

Posted 7/10/07 12:20 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

First, congratulations on Chat Icon !!!

Yeah, I get that a lot since I have 2 girls now. When I was pregnant with Abby, we did not find out the sex and everyone kept saying, "Oh, I guess you want a boy now since you have a girl already.", not really. Actually I am *thrilled* to have 2 girls Chat Icon

If and when I have a third baby, I truly do not care what the gender is, but would be totally psyched to have a 3rd girl...although an extra pair of hands to help kill spiders when DH isn't home would be cool Chat Icon Chat Icon

My girlfriend has a 2 year old daughter and just had a boy in March. She gets, "Oh a boy and a girl... now you're complete." Like she would've had unfinished business if she had 2 girls Chat Icon

You get comments no matter what!

Posted 7/10/07 12:20 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I have two girls and when asked if I would try for a boy I always responded the ****'s are not royalty and do not need to pass on the name.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/10/07 12:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I think that today people are having 2 children on average (so it seems). I've heard SO MANY people say "oh this one is a girl which is great b.c we have a boy and now we're complete". Or vice versa.

I think its more that lots of people want the experience of having each gender so they expect everyone else to feel the same way.

I'll be happy with whatever I'm blessed with and to tell you the truth, I'd be thrilled with another boy. Doesn't matter to me in the least.

Congrats to you, I think it's wonderful your daughter is getting a sister!!

Posted 7/10/07 12:44 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

Posted by CkGm

I don't get that at all- I am actually hoping to have another girl so my daughter has a sister. My DH doesn't care either way. That is so stupid IMO.

Same here. I love that I have a sister and would love Lily to have one too. But I would be happy if she ends up with a brother too (then I might have to try for another one so she can have a sister.) Chat Icon

Posted 7/10/07 12:44 PM

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

Posted by nrthshgrl

I think people think you need to be "even".

I have a boy & a girl. The comments I received were "Great! I guess you're done!"

I always wanted sisters or brothers. Congrats on your girls!!

sorry to crash, but my mil said something similar to me this weekend. we were talking about tiwns, i'm not having them, just dicsussing the odds. she said something along the lines of "too bad its not twins, a boy and a girl, then you'd be done, right? huh? i didn't respond, but its one of those things were you go what??

Posted 7/10/07 12:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

congrats on your Chat Icon .

People ASSUME a they assume when you get married you want kids, they assume if you dont have kids in the first year of marriage you are having trouble getting pregnant, they assume once you get pregnant you will want to find out the sex of the baby, once the baby is born they assume you will be BF....the list goes on and on and on.

I only have one DD now but when I do get pregnant the second time I will be secretly wishing for another girl but I know people will ASSUME that I will want a boy.

You cannot win.

Just be happy you have another healthy child on the way and to hell with the assumers.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/10/07 12:53 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

congrats on the girlChat Icon

When I tell people my second is a girl (I have one boy) they usually ask me if I'm not really I would have loved another boy or girl...just healthy. I guess it's just small talkChat Icon

Posted 7/10/07 12:55 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I always thought I wanted a boy and a girl - but now after having a boy I don't care what my next is as long as he/she is healthy.

Posted 7/10/07 12:58 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

OK, I'll stop being defensive that its something against girls. I got my feminist feathers all ruffled for no reason, looks like I'd be hearing the same if it was two boys! Chat Icon

Posted 7/10/07 2:05 PM

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

People will think and assume for you. What they are really doing is assuming that you think like them and their own preferences.

My mom had 3 girls before my little baby brother was born.

You should have heard the comments my mom got at both my younger sister and when my brother was born.

For my younger sister (my mom was 32).
"was it planned?"
"so, you were trying for a son and that did not work, right?".

For my brother (my mom was 38).
"finally it worked, it's good you kept trying".
"wow, you must have felt desperate to have a boy to be PG at 38"

Comment from my own grandmother (my dad's mom) to my mom after my brother was born. "you did not have to keep trying to have a son, I already have a grandson (my cousin)... to witch my mom could not help but reply... "I did not get PG and had a boy to give you a grandson. I wanted another child,"

Posted 7/10/07 2:14 PM

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

haha...Well, my ILs did have their 3rd hoping for a girl and it wasn't until the 4th that they had one.Chat Icon She's a real gem, too.

I can tell you that as a mom with a girl and a boy I get sick of hearing: How cute, you have one of each now.Chat Icon They're kids, not puppies I plan to breed someday. I don't know why it matters to some people what gender your kids are.

Posted 7/10/07 2:26 PM

Never Forget

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

Posted by Diana1215

I always thought I wanted a boy and a girl - but now after having a boy I don't care what my next is as long as he/she is healthy.

ITA. I have twin boys so usually I get the, "don't worry, you'll have your girl" from old people. Happy and healthy - that's the baby I want!

Congrats on your new bundleChat Icon

Message edited 7/10/2007 2:31:48 PM.

Posted 7/10/07 2:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I hear very often "aren't you lucky" since I have a boy and a girl. As to suggest that those with two of the same sex are "unlucky". Utterly ridiculous! A baby is a blessing no matter what the sex. People are just retarded sometimes.

Posted 7/10/07 2:44 PM

My 3 Miracles!

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

Well, I have 2 boys and I always hear the same thing. Oh, another boy so when are you going to try for a girl? This is when I was PG! Chat Icon I didn't care what the sex was honestly. But I do have to say that when we have a 3rd baby I would like a little girl, but if it's another boy I'm more than happy with that! Chat Icon

Posted 7/10/07 2:48 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of two or more girls and no boys...

I have 2 girls and then had a boy and I can tell you that my girls are best friends, I wouldn't want it any other way now that I have it this way. My 2nd daughter and my son are close in age but they just don't have the closeness that my girls have, I;m sure in a few years they will be close, but it is heartwarming watching the "sister bond" flourish, I am so happy they have each otherChat Icon

BTW- if I could have chosen I would have picked to have 2 girls and then a boy just like I have, the "girl bond" in my exyended family is indestructable. Me, my Mom, my Nanny, my cousins, my Mom's cousins, we ae really a tight unit, so I alwasy wanted that in my own immediate family.

Posted 7/10/07 3:22 PM
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