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Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

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Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Hi ladies!

Matty is 11.5 months and really had never consistently slept through the night.

He's a great napper- on a great schedule- one morning and one afternoon nap, generally about 1.5 hours each. Cries a little- I let him cry about 5 minutes to tire him out and then rock him for a few minutes- it never takes more than 3 tries at most to get him to go down.

We start bedtime routine at 7:30- bath, book, baba- then I rock him a few minutes- he usually goes down drowsy but away and is usually asleep by 8:15.

Then he can be up anywhere for 1-3 times- usually just a "binky run" for 1 minute. Occasionally he sleeps through- most nights its 1 or 2 times. Then we get nights like last night - rarely, but he was awake for over an hour!

He's up anywhere from 6am-7am depending on how badly he slept the night before.

I'm preggers again and just beat- really beat.

We go in say its night night -we love you, here's your teddy, here's your binky- then if he still cries we let him cry for five minutes. Most nights it works. But how do we get the awakenings to mostly stop all together? What are we doing wrong?

A mom friend told me just don't go in at all- I can't do that though......Chat Icon

Any other suggestions? I would REALLY appreciate all advice! Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/07 12:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

347 total posts


Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Oh god I could have written this myself. My DS is 11 months as well. He is very inconsistent with his waking up at night some nights hes up a few times, but i never go in unless its a blood curtling scream. He will put himself back to sleep. Otherwise hes up at 4ish for a bottle that he will not let go of. I know I need to stop it but he will not. I have tried the crying it out and it has not worked for him. To get him napping a few months ago and to sleep I tried the Sleep Ladies book and that worked real well. I can give you details on that if you want to try that. I am sorry I dont ahve that much advice but just know you are not alone. He wakes up at about 6 everyday as well. Hang in there, just know Im up at night with you. FM me if you want the Sleep Ladies info. It really worked for him but not for that 4 bottle maybe for your DS it will.

Posted 11/16/07 1:37 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Thank you so much- i have her book too!

We may have to start her program for his age group!

Ugh, this is so hard- he goes down so easily but keeps getting up at night.

And last night I KNOW there was nothing wrong. He just wanted us to stay by his crib- maybe he was scared?

Poor thing! But we are starting to feel depressed from an overall lack of sleep. Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/07 2:18 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Sounds like my DD- She is 10.5 months old and still wakes up occasionally at night. She is a great napper too. She is out like a light by 7pm unless we are out and she is no where near her bed so it has nothing to do with his bedtime. Be happy he sleeps until 7! We are lucky if she stays alseep until 5:30Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/07 2:50 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Oh boy 5:30am! I will think of you when we are grumbling at 6:00am! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/07 4:58 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Glad its not just happening here.

Mine is 11 months in 2 days...still gets up always for a 4:30 feeding and other times at 1 AM or 2 AM as well. Then he is back up for the day at 6:30-7ish.

Naps are fine. Its getting old.

Posted 11/16/07 5:14 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

I know this might not be what you hear, but IMO at this age he knows how to get what he wants, and he wants you to come in to see him. We have had this problem even recently at almost 2. Very often I would hear Noah "crying" in the night, and when I went in he would be standing up and ready to play.

My decision was to let him cry, I don't let him go to a ridiculous amount of time, maybe 15 minutes at the most. Usually he just shouts (not cries) but for us, this was the best way to break this bad habit.

Posted 11/16/07 5:17 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

We had the same issues. She would sit up confused and need us to come in and give her nuk. Now I honestly put in 7 or so and I first would go in and hand it to her so she would put it in her mouth and lay her down. After a while, it took about a week or so, she would sit up, find it, put one in and collapse and lay back down.Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/07 6:12 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Sorry I can't help...since the clocks, Steven's been up at 4 every morning asking for a baba and SCREAMING at the top of his lungs. I have to rock him and put him back down for him to sing for an hour before he falls asleep again...then he gets up at around 6;30. Chat Icon

Maybe it's the age?

Posted 11/16/07 9:02 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Posted by pmpkn087

Sorry I can't help...since the clocks, Steven's been up at 4 every morning asking for a baba and SCREAMING at the top of his lungs. I have to rock him and put him back down for him to sing for an hour before he falls asleep again...then he gets up at around 6;30. Chat Icon

Maybe it's the age?

us exactly! it was 5:30, day light savings, now its 4:30. back up at 6:30ish.

I know he is hungry as hell at 4:30...he attacks me. The 1:00 wakeups I should just let him deal with it. But the 4:30 I feel is a true feeding.

Posted 11/16/07 9:04 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Could you cut out one of the daytime naps? DS was the same way fior a couple of weeks and once we cut out the 2nd daytime nap he slept all night

Posted 11/16/07 9:24 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Posted by racheeeee

I know this might not be what you hear, but IMO at this age he knows how to get what he wants, and he wants you to come in to see him. We have had this problem even recently at almost 2. Very often I would hear Noah "crying" in the night, and when I went in he would be standing up and ready to play.

My decision was to let him cry, I don't let him go to a ridiculous amount of time, maybe 15 minutes at the most. Usually he just shouts (not cries) but for us, this was the best way to break this bad habit.

DH is advocating doing this- but I'm scared it will go on for more than 15 minutes. I do believe that CIO is the way to go- its just SO hard. Chat Icon

ETA: for the occasional "long" wakening he really is screaming- like a temper trantrum- I know he isn't sick or in pain because he just wants us to hang out next to his crib- if we walk away he screams.

Message edited 11/17/2007 1:47:31 PM.

Posted 11/17/07 1:45 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Moms with babies around 11-12 months- sleeping issues!

Posted by Kitkat

We had the same issues. She would sit up confused and need us to come in and give her nuk. Now I honestly put in 7 or so and I first would go in and hand it to her so she would put it in her mouth and lay her down. After a while, it took about a week or so, she would sit up, find it, put one in and collapse and lay back down.Chat Icon

A lot of the quick wakenings are exactly this- he sits up confused and just needs a binky and a pat....I'll try putting lots of binkys in! Chat Icon

Posted 11/17/07 1:46 PM

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