Motionless Sleep, as recommended by healthy sleep habits happy child?
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Member since 5/08 1814 total posts
Name: T
Motionless Sleep, as recommended by healthy sleep habits happy child?
I know a lot of you read the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. I am reading it also and I really like it. It has helped us so far.
But what do you think of the idea of "motionless sleep" not being good sleep? Do you find DC is more well rested when not sleeping while the car is moving, swing is swinging, or chair is vibrating?
I feel like sometimes DD can't sleep without the motion, but I also see how the motion sometimes disturbs her.
What is your experience?
Posted 8/31/09 12:14 AM |
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Member since 10/07 9888 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Motionless Sleep, as recommended by healthy sleep habits happy child?
I feel my DD does sleep better when it's 'motionless' but I have a feeling it really depends on the baby. I guess the dr's point is that it's never a full, deep sleep when it includes motion. They may sleep long, but not as deeply? I dunno...
Posted 8/31/09 7:39 AM |
Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07 17227 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Motionless Sleep, as recommended by healthy sleep habits happy child?
DD is 8 months now, and I do notice that her naps if we're in the car are shorter than when in her crib, but I attirbute that to noise etc where as in her crib its dark quiet etc...
Posted 8/31/09 8:01 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/08 1001 total posts
Name: Indira
Re: Motionless Sleep, as recommended by healthy sleep habits happy child?
Read that book, love it and still go by it..dd is almost 7 months and we have had a few sleep issues which that book has helped us solve...and yes. motionless sleep for baby is definitely more refreshing and they get into a deeper sleep..its the same sleep pattern we follow, so think of the sleep you would get in a car vs in your bed at home...with that said it took a little while to get her to nap great, she was only napping on us or in the swing ...but once she learned how to self sooth and that we weren't going to allow her to sleep on us anymore, she sleeps from 30min to 1 1/2 hours during her naps will be a slow start, but sleep training is well worth it...good luck!
Posted 8/31/09 10:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/08 1001 total posts
Name: Indira
Re: Motionless Sleep, as recommended by healthy sleep habits happy child?
Also, darkening her room helped greatly..
Posted 8/31/09 10:39 AM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Motionless Sleep, as recommended by healthy sleep habits happy child?
Absolutely. DS slept in the swing - for naps and at night until he was 5.5 months and he slept HORRIBLY. He would wake up constantly, be cranky all the time. We finally bit the bullet at 5.5 months and did CIO to get him to sleep in the crib. It took a few days but then he slept SO much better.
Posted 8/31/09 11:03 AM |
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