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Moving and school district during mid year???

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Member since 4/07

7631 total posts


Moving and school district during mid year???

What happens if you sell you house mid way through the school year? Can you child remain in the school until the end (assuming its a public school not private) or do the have to leave once you are no longer a resident of that district?
My reason for asking is we are going to list our house in the new year. I am concerned not about this year but given the current market it might take time to sell. DD starts k in September and what if we sell after she starts K?

Posted 12/4/13 9:26 AM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Moving and school district during mid year???

You can't stay because you are not paying taxes towards that discreet. If it was within the district you would probably just need to drive her everyday.

If was private school it probably wouldn't matter.

I am in NJ but my neighbor is going through this now. She moved within the district but different elementary school. She called up transportation and just said she will be driving her DD and doesn't need bus service anymore.
The next day the super intendents office called and wanted to know what happened. She told them and they said to write a letter to the SI and it was up to him. She hasn't heard anything yet and it has been a month.

Posted 12/4/13 9:39 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

833 total posts


Re: Moving and school district during mid year???

I would honestly say , just don't tell the school district . IMHO, you have paid school taxes for however long you have lived there so why not ? Especially if it will make the move easier on your LO, and you are able to get him/her back and forth to school yourself as transportation won't be provided.

Posted 12/4/13 2:22 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: Moving and school district during mid year???

I know this was awhile ago and as a result things could have changed, but in elementary and HS there were several families who moved out of the district mid-school year and they were allowed to finish the year. This was during 6th and 12th grade so maybe the district didn't care as much since they were graduating both times.

Like the pp said, I just wouldn't tell anyone. Although, also back in the day, my district did have someone from the school come and check to make sure the family and child lived at the address they provided 2x's a year.

Message edited 12/4/2013 3:27:56 PM.

Posted 12/4/13 3:27 PM

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