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Mommy of 2 girls!

Member since 5/10 2046 total posts
My natural delivery of my DD
From even before I got pregnant, I always knew I wanted a completely drug free and natural delivery. My mother had done it 3 times and it was always something that was very important to me. Throughout my pregnancy, people would always ask if I planned on having an epidural. When I answered no and told them I wanted no drugs most people told me I was insane. They would say the second I felt the pain I would be screaming for drugs. They laughed at me even more when I told them I was not taking any birthing classes. I tried my best to push their comments aside and stay strong.
After some fertility issues, I had a great, uncomplicated pregnancy. I went to the gym 3 times a week up until I was 36 weeks. At this point I started having contractions and did not want to go into labor at the gym. From 36 weeks on, DH and I went walking (2-3 miles) about 5 nights a week.
At my first internal (36 weeks) I was 1 cm dilated and the baby was “very low.” I was the same at 37 and 38 weeks. At my 39 week appointment I was 2 cm dilated and the baby was still low. My due date was in 2 days (11/17) and because of Thanksgiving we discussed inducing labor because my dr. did not want me to go past the holiday. We settled on me going in for a NST on Friday (11/19) and most likely inducing after that. I was not happy about this because an induction was something I knew might compromise a natural delivery.
After work on 11/16, I was having contractions for about 2 hours but didn't think much of it because I had been having them on and off for weeks. I went to bed that night feeling fine. I woke up at 1am with contractions that were 5 minutes apart. After about an hour or so, my DH woke up and we got out of bed. I relaxed on the couch as the contractions came. I ate some food and took a shower around 4am. At 7 am I called the dr. who said I could go to the hospital if I wanted. I decided I was not ready to go and DH and I went for a nice long walk. Walking through the contractions was much more bearable. When we returned home contractions were about 3 minutes apart and we decided we should go to the hospital.
We arrived at the hospital around 945 am. I was 4 cm dilated and 90% effaced. They called my dr and he said I could be admitted but he suggested going for another walk knowing I wanted to go natural. We decided to go for the walk. We went to a bagel store and I had a bagel because I was starving. At this point the contractions were getting intense and I could not sit still during them. I had to stay moving. We continued to walk and the contractions got stronger. Focusing on slow and focused breathing really helped. I stopped periodically to labor on parking meters, mail boxes and fences. People were looking at me like I was nuts!
We returned to the hospital around 12pm. I was 5 cm dilated and still 90%. They admitted me and I walked down to my room. The nurse asked me to get into the bed and it was horrible. All I wanted to do was stand. My dr. came in, about 1pm, to check me and I was 6cm and 100%. I begged to get out of the bed and my dr. agreed. I preferred to stand with the bed raised, resting on it. I labored there for a while. My back was killing me because the baby was posterier (facing up) and I was having terrible back labor. Next, I sat on the toilet for a while, which helped to relieve some pressure.
My dr. returned and checked me again. I was 9cm dilated. He broke my water and I was 10 cm almost instantly, around 2 pm. I began pushing. This took sooooooo much energy. I am so glad I ate! It felt like I was running a marathon. I was literally soaked in sweat. The pain was intense at this point. After 1 ½ hours of pushing, my baby girl finally entered the world at 335 pm. DD was 6lbs 14 ozs and 20 inches long. The second she was born the pain was instantly gone. I couldn't think of anything besides the fact that I was holding my baby. I was in disbelief and even asked DH, “Is this my baby?” It was the most surreal, amazing, spiritual, breathtaking experience of my life.
Giving birth naturally was everything I had hoped for. Everyone kept telling me how controlled and strong I was. The nurses even told me to ask for them next time I give birth because I was so easy. However, I could not have done any of it without the amazing support of my husband and a dr. who knew and respected my wishes.
If you read this far, thank you. If you have any questions feel free to fm!
Message edited 1/16/2014 8:47:27 AM.
Posted 11/28/11 8:36 PM |
Keep It Positive

Member since 4/09 6262 total posts
Name: Alexandra (ali)
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
I read your story and I have to say how much I love her name! Also, I wish that I had your workout routine at the gym! You guys are very blessed! Good luck with your little angel!!!
Posted 11/30/11 8:48 AM |
Mommy of 2 girls!

Member since 5/10 2046 total posts
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
Posted by Alexandra17
I read your story and I have to say how much I love her name! Also, I wish that I had your workout routine at the gym! You guys are very blessed! Good luck with your little angel!!!
Thank you very much!!
Posted 12/1/11 9:23 AM |
i got a mama's boy!!
Member since 10/11 1132 total posts
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
wow.. thank you for sharing. she is beautiful.. amazing story!
Posted 12/4/11 9:33 AM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
This is a great, inspiring story!! I don't think I could ever do it drug free!! Genevieve is ADORABLE!!!!!!!
Posted 12/4/11 4:04 PM |
Mommy of 2 girls!

Member since 5/10 2046 total posts
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
Message edited 1/16/2014 8:48:02 AM.
Posted 12/5/11 9:28 AM |
Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08 4030 total posts
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
GREAT natural birth story! You definitely inspire me to keep with my plans of a drug free birth (when we get pregnant). Especially since you didn't take any birth classes!!
Posted 12/12/11 2:18 PM |
Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08 8423 total posts
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
what an absolutely amazing birth!! i had toyed with the idea of a natural birth too (i wanted SOMETHING about her conception and birth to be natural ). obviously mine didn't quite work out that way but your story is def inspirational to other first time mommies who are planning a med-free birth. i dont know if i will ever get the chance to deliver med-free (or even vaginally) but if i do i will def reread your story for inspiration!!! congrats to you and your DH, she is gorgeous!!
Posted 12/20/11 12:32 PM |
Mommy of 2 girls!

Member since 5/10 2046 total posts
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
Posted by FlowerWife
what an absolutely amazing birth!! i had toyed with the idea of a natural birth too (i wanted SOMETHING about her conception and birth to be natural ). obviously mine didn't quite work out that way but your story is def inspirational to other first time mommies who are planning a med-free birth. i dont know if i will ever get the chance to deliver med-free (or even vaginally) but if i do i will def reread your story for inspiration!!! congrats to you and your DH, she is gorgeous!!
thank you very much!!
Posted 12/20/11 9:33 PM |
Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11 5043 total posts
Name: Antonella
Re: My natural delivery of Genevieve Grace
Congratulations on going through with something that really meant a lot to you! Hope you and your little one are doing well!
Posted 2/2/12 3:38 PM |