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Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
My poor baby (sorry so long)
So Hannah was really "angry" and "aggressive" this weekend. Pushing us away, hitting, cranky, etc. She had a runny nose, but seemed fine otherwise. I figured a phase...
SO I took her to day care this morning and just knew she was "off." No fever, but eyes were glassy and she wouldn't let me go (that never happens!) I was going to turn around and go home, but the teacher convinced me it's just a little separation anxiety and she would be fine. So I left. A little less than 2 hours later they call saying they can't calm her, to come get her something is wrong.
Well I get there and I didn't even recognize her. She was sitting at the table in someone else's clothes eating a buttermilk pancake. Ok being in someone elses clothes I can live with, but my DD has a milk allergy - it's posted all over the room. The new teacher in training didn't think there was milk in buttermilk pancakes. Regardless, I've taken the menu and pretty much crossed off everything but pasta in tomato sauce, fruits and veggies. Everything else I provide.
So I took DD to the ped and she has a severe double ear infection, pink eye and will probably have a reaction to the milk. He was pretty shocked she didn't show symptoms earlier. She was "angry," but not sick. He also was shocked that day care gave her pancakes. I feel sooo bad for her. She never cries, she doesn't get fevers how am I to know when something is wrong?
and what do I do about daycare? This is the 2nd time they screwed up with the milk allergy. This is her 4th teacher in 6 months. I think I need to start looking, but I fear this is common in daycare centers. Any thoughts?
Message edited 10/1/2007 4:09:30 PM.
Posted 10/1/07 4:05 PM |
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My girls

Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Wow, I'd be furious about the food allergy. Thats ridiculous.
Posted 10/1/07 4:09 PM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Poor baby, poor Mommy. That must break your heart. As for the daycare issues, I don't know much about them, but it sounds like you should probably start looking for a new one. I hope she's better very soon!!
Posted 10/1/07 4:10 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/06 185 total posts
Name: J
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
I'm so sorry for you little girl. As far as daycare goes, I would speak to the director let her know this is the second time this has happened. An allergy is not something that should be over looked like that. Can you look at the menu each day and specifcally tell them what she can and can not have?
Posted 10/1/07 4:11 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Oh Jodi...I am so sorry that happened
Posted 10/1/07 4:12 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Oh poor thing! I'm so sorry she's not well I don't have any advice on the daycare issue, but I too would be furious--what if the allergy were life-threatening?!?!
Posted 10/1/07 4:14 PM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Posted 10/1/07 4:14 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Poor little girl I've been there myself thinking DD was being like you described only to find out she had an ear infection when i thought it was teething.
I would though be FURIOUS about the milk allergy issue at daycare. UNACCEPTABLE!! Did you talk to the director?
Posted 10/1/07 4:14 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Posted by jatm
I'm so sorry for you little girl. As far as daycare goes, I would speak to the director let her know this is the second time this has happened. An allergy is not something that should be over looked like that. Can you look at the menu each day and specifcally tell them what she can and can not have?
oh the director knows. I walked in and asked her if she would assume a "buttermilk pancake" has milk in it. She laughed and said yes. Then I asked her why was my milk allergic daughter eating one when I walked in? Her jaw dropped. I was civil, but firm on how it was not acceptable. She knows I'm not happy, but what can I do other than take my baby somewhere else? They just have a lot of turnover and move teachers to different rooms alot. The last time it happened was when a new teacher was training.
They provide a menu for the month. I took one and crossed off in black marker what she can not have and highlighted what she can. I don't think I can make it any clearer.
Posted 10/1/07 4:16 PM |
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Poor Hannah
Posted 10/1/07 4:18 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/07 715 total posts
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Awww poor baby! Hope she feels better
Posted 10/1/07 4:22 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/06 185 total posts
Name: J
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Posted by Charly
Posted by jatm
I'm so sorry for you little girl. As far as daycare goes, I would speak to the director let her know this is the second time this has happened. An allergy is not something that should be over looked like that. Can you look at the menu each day and specifcally tell them what she can and can not have?
oh the director knows. I walked in and asked her if she would assume a "buttermilk pancake" has milk in it. She laughed and said yes. Then I asked her why was my milk allergic daughter eating one when I walked in? Her jaw dropped. I was civil, but firm on how it was not acceptable. She knows I'm not happy, but what can I do other than take my baby somewhere else? They just have a lot of turnover and move teachers to different rooms alot. The last time it happened was when a new teacher was training.
They provide a menu for the month. I took one and crossed off in black marker what she can not have and highlighted what she can. I don't think I can make it any clearer.
You have FM.
Posted 10/1/07 4:26 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
I hope she feels better soon. As for daycare, there is no excuse for that. You even highlighted the menu for them? It's not that hard to follow a highlighted menu...
Im so sorry this happened.
Posted 10/1/07 4:37 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Awww, I hope she feels better soon.
I'd be really pizzed about the food thing. Especially considering you provide most of her food, I would think they should have a big note on it that says "For Hannah only" or something so that even a sub would think to ask why hers is separate.
Posted 10/1/07 4:42 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Posted by Calla
Wow, I'd be furious about the food allergy. Thats ridiculous.
I agree, there is really no excuse for that..poor baby, I hope she feels better soon
Posted 10/1/07 4:45 PM |
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
I'm sorry Jodi. for you and Hannah- I hope she feels better soon.
Were you still thinking about the other place for day care? Maybe the extra money would be worth it for the peace of mind, if this other place is better.
Posted 10/1/07 4:45 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06 535 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
I'm sorry, I hope she feels better soon.
I would be so mad at the daycare.
Posted 10/1/07 4:54 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
awww...poor Hannah. Hopefully she'll get better quickly!
As far as daycare, I really think you should start looking to switch. You don't seem happy with it at all. And, I can't imagine that all daycares have slip ups as severe as this.
Posted 10/1/07 4:54 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
My jaw dropped when I read about the buttermilk pancakes Ummmm seriously...what were they thinking! You sounded unhappy in the past so my suggestion...yes, start looking. I really like a family day care or 1:1. 6 teachers in less then a yr....I couldnt handle that . Even if that is normal or not. Sorry Jodi that this happened to hannah. There is better care then what you described out there. Feel better Hannah
Message edited 10/1/2007 5:45:13 PM.
Posted 10/1/07 5:44 PM |
Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05 15567 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Posted 10/1/07 5:45 PM |

Member since 4/07 2080 total posts
Name: Summer
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
ur not a bad mom- u DID know something was wrong and off this morning....what a great child that she doesnt get fevers and super duper sickness bc it owuld be THAT much more difficult.....hugs to hannah and u....we all know how hard it is on the mommy when baby is sick... as far as the day care issue goes- i guess i would be furious too.....but DD isnt in daycare so i have no idea what i would do and how i would respond....ur right, u cant be more clear, u know??
Posted 10/1/07 6:01 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
OMG I would be so upset and angry! Can't you find a small in home day care for Hannah? The one we have Grace in is wonderful- maybe not all the advantages of a big center but she loves her and her assistant so much its great. I think she actually misses them on the weekends. Something like that would NEVER happen at my day care since they are only 6 kids and they know everything that they need first hand.
I hope she feels better- she reminds me of Grace more and more. She is the exact way when she is sick- angry, hitting, argumentative- its too funny how much alike our girls are.
Feel better too Mommy
Posted 10/1/07 6:37 PM |
Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06 3554 total posts
Name: Andrea
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
OMG that is crazy.... If itwas the first time I would understand. I would take her out of there
Posted 10/1/07 6:40 PM |
God Bless America

Member since 5/05 3572 total posts
Name: A.K.
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
I am so sorry for poor Hannah (and for you). This must be so sad and stressful. I hope she has some kind of medication and starts feeling better soon.
Posted 10/1/07 7:37 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: My poor baby (sorry so long)
Poor baby! I would look for a new daycare allergy is nothing to be taken lightly
Posted 10/1/07 7:41 PM |
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