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Napping question

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Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

8069 total posts


Napping question

We moved up to the "big" carseat. No more infant carrier. The problem is, Lily falls asleep in the car ALOT. This was how she would nap many times. When she was in the infant carrier it was no big deal, she'd stay asleep while I took her out. Now I have been sitting in the car while she naps since I don't want to wake her. Today I sat in the parking lot of The Right Start for an hour! Normally she only naps for half an hour, but occasionally I get a long one like today. I was trying to wait to go out until after she napped at home, but it just wasn't happening. So, my question is, what do you do when DC falls asleep in the carseat? I need to get her on a better nap schedule at home. She never naps in her crib - only the high chair while watching Baby Einstein or the carseat or the stroller while I take her for a walk. I think I may have to do CIO for naps to get her to nap in the crib. I was hoping to avoid that. Chat Icon

Message edited 8/29/2007 11:50:43 PM.

Posted 8/29/07 8:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 10/05

4708 total posts


Re: Napping question

Well sometimes I can actually take her out of the carseat and make it to the crib and she will stay/go back to sleep. Sometimes, not so lucky. I am very carefull, I take her shoes off in the car, get out, open the front door and then carefully take her out and make a clear dash for the bedroom, lol. Good luck. Hailey is usually good at napping in her crib though.

Posted 8/29/07 8:36 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Napping question

I might be no help with this, but my Oldest naps in her crib, but my youngest, well i know i am in for it cause right now she will only nap in the bouncy, carseat or swing.

You don't have to do CIO if you don't want too. I refused to do it on my girls, too traumatizing for the both of us and it doesn't work for all kids. But that doesn't mean i never let them fuss or soothe themself back to sleep. :)

I used a combo of methods from The No cry sleep solution and Baby whisperer.

When we first switched seats, i would take her out of the car and try to put her right down in her crib, some times it worked, most of the time it didn't. I'd take her back downstairs and try again in 15 mins.

Good luck!

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Posted 8/29/07 8:37 PM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: Napping question

honestly if I feel Lance needs the rest because he is cranky I will do the same thing. Most of the time though I just transfer him into the stroller... sometimes he will wake up, sometimes not. At home he will never nap in the crib, so I just let him nap in the highchair. I just don't think he is that tired during the day that CIO would even work.

Posted 8/29/07 8:40 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

8069 total posts


Re: Napping question

Thanks, ladies. I don't know how to work this out. We live in a high rise building with the garage in the basement, so I can't just run inside with her. I have to take her out of the carseat, put her in the stroller, take her in the elevator, up 11 floors...She'll never stay asleep through all of that. Yesterday I sat in the garage for 20 minutes. At least I thought ahead and brought a magazine.

Posted 8/29/07 11:53 PM

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