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Neighbor Issue - WWYD

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My family ROCKS!!!

Member since 2/08

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Neighbor Issue - WWYD

I first wanted to say hello to everyone as I haven't posted in a while. Hubby and I are still working on the condo! AHHHH! :o) ...we closed in February.

Anyway, everything has been great until the woman in the unit behind us got a dog. A yappy dog. This dog barks constantly when the woman isn't home. Last night, the dog started barking at 9pm and kept going through 11pm. I got so frustrated I went into another bedroom to fall asleep. I am 6 months pregnant too..and sleep is very valuable to me when I can get it.
I want to complain to the condo board, but am hesitant to because I do not want to start a feud. In addition, I'm 6 months pregnant, and we will soon have a screaming newborn that i'm sure the woman will hear. I know that is different, but I"m still not sure what to do: Complain to the board, go over to the woman and tell her, or get revenge with a screaming newborn? LOL What do you think?

Posted 10/15/09 11:09 AM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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LIF Adult

Member since 2/08

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Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

I don't think you can do much because the dog is inside her home. If I was you I would speak to her since the dog barks when she is not home she is probably not aware of it.

Posted 10/15/09 11:15 AM

I love my hot dog!!

Member since 6/06

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E & J

Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

my apartment has quiet hours. when we leave our dog home alone he is on a bark collar since our neighbors complained to the landlords and almost had us kicked out.

does your condo complex have quiet hours? maybe you could leave a note on her door or in her mailbox letting her know that the dog is barking while she is not home, without complaining to your board.

Posted 10/15/09 11:29 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/09

121 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

I would go to her before the board BUT unfortunatley there isn't much you can do.

She owns and unless there is a no dog rule/.....Chat Icon

Posted 10/15/09 11:39 AM

Life is Good :)

Member since 11/07

6605 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

she may not have a clue that the dog is doing that. I would send her a friendly note like:

Dear X
I'm not sure if you are aware, but your dog barks in excess at night. Recently it seems to be happening when your not home. While I understand its hard to control your pet when not home, I ask that you find some way to do so because I am 6 months pregnant and I like to sleep at night. I hope we can resolve this issue without having to go to the board. I thank you for your help with this matter.

your friendly neighbor

then if the problem isn't resolved call the board

Posted 10/15/09 12:06 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

I'd talk to her. I had a friend who had a dog that did that and she wasn't aware of it until a neighbor told her. After that, they left the radio on for the dog while they were out and it wouldn't bark. The neighbor actually thought they got rid of the dog once they started using the radio.

Posted 10/16/09 11:23 AM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

12785 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

Yes I would speak to her first. My GF just moved into a place and thought all was well. Her tenant just informed her the first night out the dog was howling for about an hour. She had NO idea.

Posted 10/16/09 12:15 PM

my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08

3303 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

i would maybe bring it up to her....she might not know that her dog is barking....if my dog was upset and barking while we weren't home i would want to know that way i could make my dog happier in my absence...she may just need to turn on a radio for the dog - something as simple as that could do the trick....i am sure your baby wont make too much noise (at least that neighbors can hear) but you are right, you dont want to step on any toes just in case you have a cryer on your hands - but i pray that you do not!

Posted 10/16/09 1:55 PM

my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08

3303 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

Posted by dpli

I'd talk to her. I had a friend who had a dog that did that and she wasn't aware of it until a neighbor told her. After that, they left the radio on for the dog while they were out and it wouldn't bark. The neighbor actually thought they got rid of the dog once they started using the radio.

Chat Icon i just read your post after i posted my comment! i said the same thing about the radio! Chat Icon

its true - it works!

Posted 10/16/09 1:56 PM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

The dog probably needs some time to adjust and I'm sure it'll stop barking eventually. So my advice is just try to deal with it until you see her in person and maybe then mention to her as to what is she doing to transition the dog to its new home. You can let her know then and there that the dog is barking insanely, most likely when she is not home.

Posted 10/16/09 2:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

5981 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

I would speak with her first if that doesn't help, most condo/ coop boards have rules against pets that make excessive noise. if she doesn't do anything, then you should go to the board, they will have to take care of it.

Posted 10/16/09 2:51 PM

BLUE times 2!

Member since 11/05

1884 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

I would speak to her and take the point of view that you are concerned about the dog before saying that you are concerned about your sleep first. Obviously, I know that you are peeved and I would be too (we are now dealing with neighbors who seemed to have recently got a yappy dog too, but they are in the house behind us...) I would say something about the dog transistioning and he sounds unhappy and scared. Maybe mention how a "friend" left the radio on for her dog when she found out he was barking when she wasn't home.
If that doesn't work, then I would either let her know that it is bothering you or take it up with the board.
GL Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/09 8:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/09

49 total posts


Re: Neighbor Issue - WWYD

buy her a basket of toys , bones and other things for the dog that may occupy the dog while she is out.
it's a nice gesture and maybe she wont be so annoyed. i mean how can u get mad at someone standing there with a gift lol
and who knows maybe when your child is born she'll come to your door with a basket of binkies and stuff lol

i feel for ya though - pregnant or not sleep is important !!!

Posted 10/19/09 9:42 PM

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