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new update from park: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

Posted by Janice

had him tested for foods...allergic to wheat and peanuts.

should I test animals as well? he's really not around them much.

I would test him for animals as well. Dander is everywhere. They did a study once and a HUGE percentage of people who DON'T have cats had cat dander in their carpets b/c it came in on their clothing/shoes

Posted 9/23/08 11:01 AM
Long Island Weddings
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HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

I'm asthmatic -
I know you can't rip up your rugs .....but if you can set aside a day to basically empty your son's room and clean everything before putting it all back - It will probably help -

I'm talking about removing all of the furniture cleaning out the closets taking down and cleaning all window treatments, washing the walls, steam cleaning the carpets (if possible) and THEN wipe everything else down before putting it all back in the room ........

I don't know WHAT was in my bedroom, but it was KILLING me at night, and after doing this (although I have hardwoods) it helped. - There must have just been dust or dirt or soemthing somewhere that I wasn't getting in my normal cleaning routine .......

Also, when I'm wheezing like that and having a hard time, a nebulizer treatment usually really helps me and avoids an attack ....... - I don't know if that's an option for your son though -

Posted 9/23/08 11:12 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

I haven't been on much (busy with house stuff). I hope Josh is better soon. Chat Icon No advice here - thankfully i have no experience with this problem.

Posted 9/23/08 11:18 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

thanks all!

here's my update:

seriously, after going to town with the dyson last night and washing his linens in hot water(I am taking away blanket, just has pillow and sheet)

we finally made it through the night without a treatment! usually we get up at 1, then again at 5ish because he is coughing so bad.

LAst night, nothing...just a really deep sleep. So, we will be keeping the dyson.

I have to figure something out though...this morning I had a 9:30 library class...gave pulimort at 8:45...he was a maniac. maybe on mornings when we have class, I should do the neb at 6ish while he sleeps?

He's been sleeping in my room is bare other then his bed, my bed, one dresser and a tv.

I think the trick is going to be buying twin size comforters for the winter...I have a small washer, so I will be able to throw them in every 3 days.

okay, so no SI air purifier. Leo's searching for the ones stephanie posted, I will tell him about jenns rec as well.

thanks everyone!

Posted 9/23/08 11:19 AM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

4985 total posts


Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

Posted by JenniferEver

Do NOT get the Sharper Image air purifier. My allergist says it's crap. it doesn't circulate the air. The HEPA filter is the best.

Definitely get the plastic covers and wash all bedding, curtains, all soft materials once per week in hot water.

Sorry Josh isn't feeling well! Chat Icon

Agreed........ SHarper image stuff is not the best. Defenitely look for a purifier with HEPA filters............

Posted 9/23/08 11:26 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

hey suzy!! how's the house coming along!!!!!!!!!!

okay, now ac/heating filters.

last night I bought the mold one...but they also have a pollen one...which one do you think causes the bigger issue?

left message for pulm...I don't think I am getting an appt. for awhile.Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/08 11:35 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

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Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

Oh no! Josh okay? Poor little guy Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/08 11:40 AM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

4985 total posts


Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

Posted by Janice

hey suzy!! how's the house coming along!!!!!!!!!!

okay, now ac/heating filters.

last night I bought the mold one...but they also have a pollen one...which one do you think causes the bigger issue?

left message for pulm...I don't think I am getting an appt. for awhile.Chat Icon

I think it depends on what you are allergic to. I am HIGHLY HIGHLY allergic to Mold, my biggest asthma trigger. Pollen only really affects me maybe 1x in the Spring on the worse day.

Right now you shouldn't be dealing with to many pollen issues but more mold issues from the rain and wet leaves which tend to mold.....NEVER let an asthmatic child play in the leaves or help rake.......WAY too many mold spores that can trigger an attack!

Posted 9/23/08 12:11 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

thanks maria.

thanks far so good today.

no treatments last night, none this morning(albuterol free)

leaving for the park in 5 minutes, that's where he had an attack yesterday, so if I make it through that, I would say today has been great.

Posted 9/23/08 12:28 PM

Cold go away

Member since 10/05

1265 total posts


Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

Just wanted to wish your son well. My son was jsut diagnosed with astma and this post really helped me out. Thanks!

Posted 9/23/08 12:59 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

I hope he feels better soon.
Sorry you are going through all of that.
If you need BB&B coupons, let me know and I can mail some out to you.Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/08 1:04 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: new update from park: Just got back from ped...still wheezing


so he hasn't needed albuterol since yesterday at 1, when we arrived at park.

so, I guess the dust mites were effecting him since I used the dyson, and he did not have a problem last night or this morning.

went to park, within 15 minutes, the coughing started.

so, I stripped him down when we got home and threw him in tub.

I guess I should always keep our house clothes in his bathroom, that way I can strip down too.

the other boy I watch, maybe I will keep house clothes for him as well.

sorry, one more thought.

my linens I will throw in with his every 3 days...but my comforter is huge. do you think the dryer alone will kill dustmites? maybe I can do that and then get it cleaned once a month?

sorry so many questions...I will attack pulmonologist once I get appt...but I can't go to that ER for the third time this month.

Posted 9/23/08 2:42 PM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

4985 total posts


Re: new update from park: Just got back from ped...still wheezing

Posted by Janice


so he hasn't needed albuterol since yesterday at 1, when we arrived at park.

so, I guess the dust mites were effecting him since I used the dyson, and he did not have a problem last night or this morning.

went to park, within 15 minutes, the coughing started.

so, I stripped him down when we got home and threw him in tub.

I guess I should always keep our house clothes in his bathroom, that way I can strip down too.

the other boy I watch, maybe I will keep house clothes for him as well.

sorry, one more thought.

my linens I will throw in with his every 3 days...but my comforter is huge. do you think the dryer alone will kill dustmites? maybe I can do that and then get it cleaned once a month?

sorry so many questions...I will attack pulmonologist once I get appt...but I can't go to that ER for the third time this month.

Is he on any preventative allergy type of medication? I'm not sure if they can even take anything at this age. It seems like he has some enviromental allergies as well. Also after having attacks for a few days your lungs are VERY susceptible to spasming quite easily. I remember when I was younger that even a few weeks after an attack I still couldn't do gym or run and play like normal because my lungs were sensitive to start spasming right away and I would start wheezing. THis might be the reason for the wheezing occurnig today at the park.

THe dryer won't kill the mites, you need really really hot water to do that. I remember when I was little in the winter months instead of a comforter my mom used thick blankets on the bed because it is easier to wash and doesn't "trap" as much dust and mites as a comforter does. Maybe look into getting 1 or two thick blankets and warmer pajamas as oppossed to the comforter..

edited for spelling

Message edited 9/23/2008 3:00:08 PM.

Posted 9/23/08 2:57 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: new update from park: Just got back from ped...still wheezing


he is on pulimort twice a day as a preventative.

I am taking away his blanket all together...I just worry about mine.

good to know about your lung sensitivity after an attack.

Posted 9/23/08 3:34 PM
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