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Normal vaginal delivery

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Love my girls!

Member since 10/06

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Normal vaginal delivery

How long are you in the hospital...

Is it a total of 48 hours or is it 48 hours from the time the baby's born. Can you stay a few hours longer if you need to?

My DH decided to renovate our bathroom and the guys have to come on Tuesday to put the tub in... I'm being induced Sunday - is there a chance I'd be home Tuesday morning? I'd prefer to keep the baby away until the work is done. DH will also have to be at the house while the work is going on which stinks!

Posted 4/30/08 11:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

Hah, I was in one day and two nights, less than 48 hours, though since DS was born before 11 pm, that counted as a day (never mind that they didn't get me to my room until after 12).

I was back home in the blink of an eye. Really not enough time IMO.

Posted 4/30/08 11:26 AM

life is a carousel

Member since 7/07

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

It depends on when you have the baby. I was induced and being that I had my baby after midnight, I was kept an additional day (this was for my first child).

With my second, also an induction, I was home the next day. (they have to keep the baby for a mandatory 24 hour period, so even though my OB had already released me, the baby still had to be kept for the 24 hours (by law).

Posted 4/30/08 11:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

Had the baby at 7pm on Wednesday and was out at 1pm on Friday.

Posted 4/30/08 11:30 AM

Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

5696 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

i went in the hosp midnight 8/27 had DD 420pm on 8/27 went home on Weds. sooo yeah there is a chance you may be home.

Posted 4/30/08 11:31 AM


Member since 2/07

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

If you have the baby Sunday you will be coming home Tuesday. I was discharged and out the door by 11am...but I could have stalled a bit and not of gone home until later in the afternoon.

There werent a lot of babies born when my son was and we are at the beginning of the alphabet which is how the nursery prepared the babies that were going home..

When I had my twins I was discharged and they had to stay. So even though I was discharged I stayed in the room until late in the evening.

Posted 4/30/08 11:31 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

It totally depends on when you give birth, how busy the hospital is and whether you had any complications

DS#1 born Wed 2am and I was released by Thurs at noon but they let me stay in the room until 6pm when DH got off of work.

DS#2 born Mon 5pm and I was released by Wed at noon

Posted 4/30/08 11:31 AM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I gave birth at 5pm on Monday, discharged from the hospital at 10am on Wed. so less than 48 hours...

Posted 4/30/08 11:34 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I had DS around 4pm on Thursday and was out the door Saturday morning.

Posted 4/30/08 11:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I was in and out quickly (my choice). I had Ella at 12:59am Sunday morning, so they weren't going to count Sat night, but I had no desire to stay any longer so I left Monday afternoon, though I had the option to stay until Tuesday.

You never know how long it will take the baby to be born - even though you're being induced on Sunday, it may be Monday before he/she is here.

Posted 4/30/08 11:37 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

Had DS on Thursday evening--was home Saturday afternoon

Posted 4/30/08 12:07 PM


Member since 2/07

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I was out within 48hrs.

Posted 4/30/08 12:10 PM

My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I had DD sat morn, @ 4:30 am and left Sunday @ noon so less 48 hrs

Posted 4/30/08 12:11 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

DS was born at 5pm on a Friday and I was pretty much kicked out by 2pm on Sunday.

Posted 4/30/08 12:35 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I went in on Tuesday night but had the baby Wednesday morning, so I was supposed to go home on Friday. They kept my baby so I refused to leave, but otherwise it would have been 48 hours from birth.

Posted 4/30/08 12:37 PM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

2527 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

Had the baby Friday evening was home by Sunday morning.

Posted 4/30/08 12:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

Posted by cjik

Hah, I was in one day and two nights, less than 48 hours, though since DS was born before 11 pm, that counted as a day (never mind that they didn't get me to my room until after 12).

I was back home in the blink of an eye. Really not enough time IMO.

Me too! I got there at 6:30pm on Thurs and left by 2 on Sat. I didnt even get into my room until around 2 on Friday so i was in my room less than 24 hours. I had such a terrible hospital experience though so you cant go by me.

If you are being induced your labor will probably take a little while. Are you going in Sunday night for Cervidil? then you probably wouldnt have the baby until some time on Monday and you would be out on Wed. We were allowed to leave any time on Saturday, we could have stayed the whole day, but we just wanted to get out of there.

Posted 4/30/08 12:43 PM

My loves!!

Member since 1/06

9203 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

At had my son friday night at 9:17 and left sunday afternoon.

Posted 4/30/08 12:59 PM


Member since 10/06

2938 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

Let's see Tuiesday night I had the Cervidel put in at 9:00pm. The Pitocin was started at 10am wednesday and Ds was born 6:25pm Wednesday. I was released on Friday at around 2pm.

Posted 4/30/08 2:12 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

6787 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I had DD at 11:54 pm on a Friday and was home by 3:00 on Sunday. RUSH RUSH RUSH! It was crazy.

Posted 4/30/08 2:13 PM

Back on Board.

Member since 10/06

1838 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

we got two nights. baby was born sunday at 5 am so we checked out tuesday afternoon (baby stayed an extra day for jaundice).

Posted 4/30/08 3:22 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/08

871 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

went in around 4pm Saturday, started induction at 7pm Saturday, had baby at 7am Sunday, released from hospital 10am Tuesday. I was dying to get out of there though...they check you so much you can't get any sleep! Chat Icon

Posted 4/30/08 3:24 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I delivered both times at Winthrop

With DS he was born at 5:02am on Thursday and we were leaving the hospital around 2pm on Saturday.

With DD, she was born at 12:22pm on Monday and we were leaving the hospital around noon on Wed.

They didn't rush me to leave. With DS I had to wait for my Dr. come and discharge me and since it was the day before easter it was a little late. With DD, her and I were discharged early but we didn't rush to leave.

Posted 4/30/08 3:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Normal vaginal delivery

I had my son at 10:30 on a Friday night and left the hospital at lunchtime on Sunday.

Posted 4/30/08 4:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

1571 total posts


Re: Normal vaginal delivery

Im in NC and on the hospital tour I was told they will keep me 24 hours after baby is born, and then I will be sent home Chat Icon

Posted 4/30/08 4:49 PM
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