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Now I'm a little freaked out...

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Now I'm a little freaked out...

I mentioned to my grandma that Logan often looks and nothing and smiles.

Her response:

"Well, that's because babies can see ghosts that adults can't see.

He's probably just looking at your grandfather or someone else who passed."

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

She was so matter-of-fact about it.

Now I get a little freaked when he smiles at nothing. Chat Icon

Does anyone else heard this or believe it's true?

Posted 6/21/07 9:24 AM
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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Wow....never heard of thatChat Icon

Posted 6/21/07 9:28 AM

My babies

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I have heard of that and DH and I are believers Chat Icon . It is comforting. We think that when she did that when she was newborn, and our nephews as well, that their Grandpa was playing with them and making them laugh. Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/07 9:29 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Posted by leighla

I mentioned to my grandma that Logan often looks and nothing and smiles.

Her response:

"Well, that's because babies can see ghosts that adults can't see.

He's probably just looking at your grandfather or someone else who passed."

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

She was so matter-of-fact about it.

Now I get a little freaked when he smiles at nothing. Chat Icon

Does anyone else heard this or believe it's true?

I've heard this too, can't remember where or from who though.

Christopher does it too though, just smiles and now will laugh at nothing.

I could buy into it, especially since a lot of times it will be when DH or I are holding him and he is looking past us like someone is behind us.

Posted 6/21/07 9:29 AM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Posted by KateDevine

I could buy into it, especially since a lot of times it will be when DH or I are holding him and he is looking past us like someone is behind us.

YES!!! That's when I get the goose bumps. Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/07 9:30 AM

My Children

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I totally believe in that. Michael looks and laughs, points & smiles at nothing and I know that he is doing all those things to my mom.

Posted 6/21/07 9:32 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Yes I have heard that babies and animals can see ghosts.. I believe it. Jacob also used to look at something "not there" and smile when he was an infant.. and my dog would go into a room, stare, and start barking in this low muffled bark..I just assume it is my mother's spirit. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/07 9:33 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Posted by leighla

Posted by KateDevine

I could buy into it, especially since a lot of times it will be when DH or I are holding him and he is looking past us like someone is behind us.

YES!!! That's when I get the goose bumps. Chat Icon

Well, the first time DS smiled was at the cemetary (yeah, he is 8 weeks old and has been to a cemetary, we are freaks). We went for my grandmother's birthday and he had never smiled before and was SOO smiley while we were thereChat Icon

Posted 6/21/07 9:33 AM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I have heard of that and have to say that I totally believe in it.

Posted 6/21/07 9:46 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/06

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

My sister in law was holdingm y son and he was looking up to the corner and smiling. She asked him if he was smiling at the angels.. I guess alot of people believe it. I want to think my dad, who passed 9 years ago, can see him...

Posted 6/21/07 9:49 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I believe it but not ghosts - they see angels. My grandmother used to say that whenever a baby smiled they were seeing angels - usually family members that had passed who were watching over the baby.

I like to think this is what they are doing but I am sure a doctor would explain that it's just that they are still coming to terms with social smiling and are still learning to direct that smile - so sometimes it's in a corner of a room that gets the smile until they can get the coordination handled.

Posted 6/21/07 9:51 AM

My babies

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Also when we were at a baptism when DD was exactly 2 months old - she looked up at the ceiling in the church and had her first ever belly laugh for about 5 minutes straight. Got the hiccups too. Everyone was turning around to see what she was laughing at. She wasn't laughing at any of us Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/07 9:58 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I have def. heard of this - that since babies are more open to things then adults are - they can easily see people who have passed. It's kind of a comforting thought if you have people that are close to you who passed away.

It's kind of like their own guardian angels.

Posted 6/21/07 9:59 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I've heard it and totally believe it too!!

Posted 6/21/07 10:01 AM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I never used to believe that until I was at my aunt and uncles visiting when my cousin was very little and he told my aunt he wanted to go up to bed because "that's where grampa is" Chat Icon Meanwhile, he never even knew my grandfather because he passed away so long ago and at that point had never seen pictures of him either. My uncle asked him to tell him what grampa looked like and he described him to a "T"!

Posted 6/21/07 10:05 AM

Making big changes

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I believe in it.

Posted 6/21/07 10:06 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I believe that's true!

Julia was born in July and my grandfather passed away in august, and she would look up at this one spot in by bedroom and just smiles all the time, my mom said its probably my grandfather visiting her.

I got so freaked out after that--lol

Posted 6/21/07 10:17 AM

Love my son!

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I do believe in that. I remember when Michael was an infant, he'd look behind me with this pleasant gaze, I swear there was someone behind me. It was a little freaky, but nice in a way. Even now, I sometimes think he sees something/someone that I don't see.

Posted 6/21/07 10:19 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Yes, I do think it's true. Molly used to look at "nothing" and coo and smile and laugh. I think her grandpa was there.

Posted 6/21/07 10:25 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I don't believe it but it's a comforting thought.

Posted 6/21/07 10:27 AM

Grammie's Little Man

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Absolutely believe it. Babies are more in tune with things than we are because their minds are more open. When my grandson was an infant and used to stare past me at something in the distance, I knew he was seeing something or someone. I found it more comforting than anything else that Angels or someone was looking out for him.

Posted 6/21/07 10:30 AM


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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Noah laughs in his sleep...been doing it since birth....a full fledged all out belly laugh and my family continually is telling me that my dead relatives are "playing" with him and now I freak that a ghost is tickling my baby.....Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/07 10:37 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

Posted by Ang-Rich

I believe it but not ghosts - they see angels. My grandmother used to say that whenever a baby smiled they were seeing angels - usually family members that had passed who were watching over the baby.

I like to think this is what they are doing but I am sure a doctor would explain that it's just that they are still coming to terms with social smiling and are still learning to direct that smile - so sometimes it's in a corner of a room that gets the smile until they can get the coordination handled.

I totally agree. We used to say that Lily could see her grandma (DH's mom who passed away and Lily's middle name-sake).

Posted 6/21/07 10:56 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

yeah I think there is something to it.....just like the cat that sees the "invisible bug."

When DH asks baby G what is he looking at I always say..."Duh the Angels...." Freaks DH out something fierce...

Posted 6/21/07 10:58 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Now I'm a little freaked out...

I agree with your Grandmother. I always say that when babies are smiling at nothing that they are "Smiling at the angels"

Posted 6/21/07 11:17 AM
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