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october mommies check in

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/07

130 total posts


october mommies check in

just checking to see who's left. i had my 37w 5d appt today and was told i am 3 cm dilated but my cervix has not really thinned. i just went out and bought some evening primrose oil because that is supposed to help thin the cervix.

i am so uncomfortable and barely sleeping for 45 minutes at a time before tossing and turning or getting up to use the bathroom.

the internal i got today was absolutely horrible and the medical assistant kept trying to hold my hand.

how's everyone else feeling? anyone getting better news at their appointments than me?

Posted 10/12/07 8:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

I'm still here..Due on Sunday. I actually have been feeling a lot better than usual, just not sleeping well. I have been waking up at around 2:30 -3 every morning and can't go back to sleep.

My cervix is really thin, but I am not dilated at all.

Posted 10/12/07 10:43 PM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

I'm due on Monday and still here. I'm less than 1cm dilated and feeling like I'm not even close to labor. I'm only extremely uncomfortable at night with tossing and turning and up a million times, sometimes for good at 5am. And my skin is burning like crazy, I guess from continuing to grow.

Posted 10/12/07 10:53 PM

Luv my munchkins

Member since 5/05

4789 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

I have my 39 week appt on Monday and yet to have an internal. I don't know if I am dialated. I am hoping our little one comes in the next week. Feeling good actually, just excited & anxious.

Posted 10/13/07 9:04 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/07

374 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

I have my c-section in 9 days!!! Chat Icon (I was supposed to be a November mommy but with my situation I've been bumped up 2 weeks).

I have no idea if I am dialated, etc because he is not doing internals. All I know is that my little girl is head down and still very active! I hit 37 weeks today and I cannot tell you how relieved I am that we have made it this far!!!

Good Luck to all of you and labor dust (or vibes or whatever you want to call it) to those of you who are ready for it!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/07 9:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

3121 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

I'm 38w3d and had my 3rd internal yesterday. I'm 1cm dilated and my cervix is in her words totally soft and squishy. I guess that means thin? The baby's head is very low too.

My last day of work was yesterday, I had a manicure and pedicure this morning and I'm getting my hair highlighted and cut tomorrow.

I hope the baby comes soon of course after my hair appt Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/07 2:14 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

hey october gals... i am a mom!! will write a separate post about it. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon LABOR DUST to all of you!!!!!

Posted 10/13/07 4:05 PM

GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 4/07

1223 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

I am 38 wks and not dilated at all and for some reason im actually sleeping better really weird.

Posted 10/13/07 11:30 PM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

just wanted to see who else is still here. i didnt feel well at all yesterday and thought maybe something would happen last night but no Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon i'm so done!!!!

Posted 10/14/07 4:55 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

I felt the same way yesterday and I am still here too.....Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/07 6:04 PM

Luv my munchkins

Member since 5/05

4789 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

Going for my 39 week appt later this morning. I am not leaving the exam room until they do an internal.

Posted 10/15/07 9:09 AM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: october mommies check in

Posted by jms100303

Going for my 39 week appt later this morning. I am not leaving the exam room until they do an internal.

Good luck!

Posted 10/15/07 9:10 AM

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