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LIF Adult
Member since 11/09 3672 total posts
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by DaniRella
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.
Posted 11/25/14 7:53 PM |
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You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by JME78
Posted by DaniRella
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.
I have countless black male (and female) friends and none of them feel they are facing any battles other than traffic on the northern state trying to get to work 
Posted 11/25/14 7:59 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by JME78
Posted by DaniRella
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.
I agree with you JME78. You just can't comment on it unless you are in that situation.
I don't know enough about this case to even comment on it, but I can say you just don't know how it feels unless you are actually in that situation.
Posted 11/25/14 8:06 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by DaniRella
Posted by JME78
Posted by DaniRella
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.
I have countless black male (and female) friends and none of them feel they are facing any battles other than traffic on the northern state trying to get to work 
You know that for a fact? I mean sometimes I feel oppressed as a woman, but I don't talk about that fact with many. It's just a feeling I have. Do you really know what your friends are thinking and feeling?
Posted 11/25/14 8:09 PM |

Member since 6/10 4094 total posts
Name: F
Officer Wilson not indicted....
Everyone makes right and wrong choices everyday. I chose not to become a drug addict, I chose not to steal my groceries, I chose to go to college, I chose to get my HS Diploma, I chose to have a child, etc etc. Choose your destiny, color does not affect the choices you make in life.
Posted 11/25/14 8:24 PM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by DaniRella
I have countless black male (and female) friends and none of them feel they are facing any battles other than traffic on the northern state trying to get to work 
You know that for a fact? I mean sometimes I feel oppressed as a woman, but I don't talk about that fact with many. It's just a feeling I have. Do you really know what your friends are thinking and feeling?
Yeah, because of the line of work we are all in and the fact that I was in a monogamous, committed relationship with one in particular (prior to me being married, obviously) uhh yeah I'm sure. I wouldn't have said so if I wasn't.
My ex boyfriend and I have always remained close friends. He's one of the best people I know.
Posted 11/25/14 8:27 PM |
Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07 7260 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by PaddysGirl
Posted by Paramount
Posted by 2BadSoSad
With that said, I do think some of it, of course, were troublemakers, who ceased an opportunity when they saw it.
What is stomach that by doing just that they are helping to perpetuate the stereotype of black people.
I cant tell you how many people in my Facebook feed have said things along these lines.
"those people"
"stop their welfare"
Its so wrong. On so MANY levels.
Guilty. But these people who are rioting are animals. It doesn't matter the color of the skin.
This. That welfare comment is uncalled for, but the others may not racially charged. Someone on FB was going crazy today over people referring to rioters as animals. I really didnt get why but apparently they should be called criminals instead.
I haven't much followed the story & really didn't know until reading this thread that the rioters are all/mostly black. Last night I saw the coverage briefly & commented to SO that "behaving like animals doesn't change the outcome. Do these people know that?" I don't care if these people- these rioters- are black, white, or a pretty shade of purple burning down a town, stealing your neighbor's livelihood, shooting at innocent people is behaving like an animal! That has nothing to do with race. How many times on this site has a criminal of some sort been called an animal?
And sadly for closed-minded racist individuals, this type of behavior is only going to perpetuate negativity & racism. Not saying that's right, but it's how the world works. Be the change you want to see...
Edit: apologies for the grammatical crimes. I'm on my phone!
Message edited 11/25/2014 9:12:34 PM.
Posted 11/25/14 9:11 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by My2Girlz11
Posted by Bearcat
I just read some of the 4000+ pages of the grand jury transcript. Very interesting stuff.
What was interesting?
The questions asked/answers given by witnesses and others. The details. I didn't watch any of the media coverage on this incident. I prefer to look at the evidence if and when it's available to the public.
Posted 11/25/14 9:13 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 4971 total posts
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by JME78
Posted by DaniRella
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.
i just read an article by a black professor about this. He wrote about how he and his black wife are ivy league educated, professional, etc. and once they had their children they vowed to never have their children experience racism . They sent them to private schools, made sure they spoke well, dressed well, etc. One day while the son was away at a prestigious camp a carful of white teens yelled out ****** to him. The boy called his dad terrified. He had no idea what to do or what happened. After that day the author lost faith in trying to make sure he could shield his children from racism. Wish i could find the article.
Posted 11/25/14 9:31 PM |
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted 11/25/14 9:35 PM |
Time for Baby #2!

Member since 8/10 4194 total posts
Name: M
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
I'm sorry if this has been posted, I haven't read the entire thread.
They're short. And really enlightening. In all honesty, they changed some of my thoughts on this.
Posted 11/25/14 9:43 PM |
Always in my heart.....
Member since 11/06 6686 total posts
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by WhatNow
Posted by IansMommy23
problem with this is people don't usually associate Jewish people as "white people". I'm jewish...i can say this. I've met a lot of people who think my race and nationality is Jewish. I have to correct people all the time and tell them I'm WHITE but my RELIGION is Judaism.
people...all people...need to stop seeing themselves as oppressed. i speak as a Jewish person too. what happened to ALL of us was horrible and in the past. in order to not let it happen again we can't act like victims. are the native americans victims...yes. do they act like it? no. its 2014...almost 2015...we need to all act like we're equal and stop bringing up the past.
the looters and rioters in Ferguson are giving stereotypes a true meaning. they want to be treated as civilized people...act like it. stop stealing from a Dollar Tree
. I think this is one of the reasons I so despise the whole Black Vs. White comparison. WHITE is SUCH a broad term! An Irish immigrant stepping on US soil for the first time is white. Blue blooded heiress living on 5th Av is white. Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe are white... SO completely different, yet all thrown into one large silly group: white people... "White people were never oppressed", "white people have it easier", "white people are not discriminated against"...
BTW, there are a lot of different types of Jews as I am sure you know... Ashkenazi Jews ARE white... Sephradic Jews are also white, they just don't "look" white... So, yeah, I see where the confusion comes from!
Add the black jews and it gets even more confusing.
Message edited 11/26/2014 12:11:26 AM.
Posted 11/25/14 9:58 PM |
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by MandJZ
I'm sorry if this has been posted, I haven't read the entire thread.
They're short. And really enlightening. In all honesty, they changed some of my thoughts on this.
I also am a believer in having all cops have cameras on car and/or person to record visual and audio.
I bet it would help both sides ... No more he said, she said.. Also would lower the instances/accusations of police brutality (as well as show credible evidence to have a cop be shown as truly justified in actions).
Also - the pics of the cops injuries didn't look like injuries to me. Not from what I saw. Unless someone can show me other pics.
Message edited 11/25/2014 10:17:33 PM.
Posted 11/25/14 10:14 PM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by DaniRella
Posted by JME78
Its hard to stop seeing yourself as oppressed when you actually are oppressed.
I am not condoning the riots and violence, but we do not live in an equal society. There is a systemic racial problem in this country.
In the first half of 2014, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 27,527 times. 22,682 were totally innocent (82 percent). 14,549 were black (53 percent). 7,662 were Latino (28 percent). 3,363 were white (12 percent).
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
In regards to the statistics you posted, yes, that's correct. What also needs to be considered is the demographics of the areas in which the stops took place. My husband works in an area where it is 97.9% non-Caucasian. He could literally walk up and down the street all day and trying to find a white person is a tall order. He loves his job and loves the area he works in. He serves his students but not a single one of them is white. So, if he was a cop and part of his duty was to stop the residents periodically to safe check for weapons, of course the vast majority would be non-Caucasian.
It's like going to Scotland looking for Japanese people. Certain races and religions and groups of people live largely together, in pockets. That's how NYC is... And a lot of Long Island too. . Amen
Posted 11/25/14 10:34 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/13 87 total posts
Name: finally!
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Message edited 11/25/2014 10:35:39 PM.
Posted 11/25/14 10:35 PM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by stinger
Posted by JME78
Posted by DaniRella
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.
i just read an article by a black professor about this. He wrote about how he and his black wife are ivy league educated, professional, etc. and once they had their children they vowed to never have their children experience racism . They sent them to private schools, made sure they spoke well, dressed well, etc. One day while the son was away at a prestigious camp a carful of white teens yelled out ****** to him. The boy called his dad terrified. He had no idea what to do or what happened. After that day the author lost faith in trying to make sure he could shield his children from racism. Wish i could find the article. I read that article too. I think what happened to that boy was awful , but I think his wealthy ,highly educated parents downplayed the fact that their money and education will protect their child for 99 percent of his life. I'm sure he will go to an Ivy League school like his parents, get an excellent, high paying job and live a basically insulated life. I think what happened to him was a disturbing,isolated incident ,but by no means defines his very privileged existence. I've had Jewish friends go to isolated, red neck parts of the south and be called anti Jewish slurs,but they certainly don't identify themselves as victims. So, while I'm not saying it isn't appalling that that young boy was called the N word I also think the way article described the incident was over the top. ETA: I think the fact the family had the connections to write about their experience in the Huffington Post speaks to the kind of lifestyle they must live.
Message edited 11/25/2014 10:48:50 PM.
Posted 11/25/14 10:43 PM |
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by stinger
Posted by JME78
Posted by DaniRella
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.
i just read an article by a black professor about this. He wrote about how he and his black wife are ivy league educated, professional, etc. and once they had their children they vowed to never have their children experience racism . They sent them to private schools, made sure they spoke well, dressed well, etc. One day while the son was away at a prestigious camp a carful of white teens yelled out ****** to him. The boy called his dad terrified. He had no idea what to do or what happened. After that day the author lost faith in trying to make sure he could shield his children from racism. Wish i could find the article.
I think people have this idea that bettering yourself through hard work and education will serve as a shield. It's not. When I taught in NYC i saw, more than once, my black male colleagues getting frisked in the street for no apparent reason. Professionals with masters' degrees. I totally disagree with rioting and Michael Brown was no saint but I think the black community has legitimate complaints.
Posted 11/25/14 10:56 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/14 1336 total posts
Name: Scrumba
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by MandJZ
I'm sorry if this has been posted, I haven't read the entire thread.
They're short. And really enlightening. In all honesty, they changed some of my thoughts on this.
not sure if I'd consider Vox as a site to which I'd go for accurate news
Posted 11/25/14 11:33 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by DaniRella
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by DaniRella
I have countless black male (and female) friends and none of them feel they are facing any battles other than traffic on the northern state trying to get to work 
You know that for a fact? I mean sometimes I feel oppressed as a woman, but I don't talk about that fact with many. It's just a feeling I have. Do you really know what your friends are thinking and feeling?
Yeah, because of the line of work we are all in and the fact that I was in a monogamous, committed relationship with one in particular (prior to me being married, obviously) uhh yeah I'm sure. I wouldn't have said so if I wasn't.
My ex boyfriend and I have always remained close friends. He's one of the best people I know.
Well then I guess that qualifies for all then.
Posted 11/26/14 12:53 AM |
Get Out!

Member since 10/06 4463 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by MrsProfessor
Posted by stinger
Posted by JME78
Posted by DaniRella
Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.
Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.
i just read an article by a black professor about this. He wrote about how he and his black wife are ivy league educated, professional, etc. and once they had their children they vowed to never have their children experience racism . They sent them to private schools, made sure they spoke well, dressed well, etc. One day while the son was away at a prestigious camp a carful of white teens yelled out ****** to him. The boy called his dad terrified. He had no idea what to do or what happened. After that day the author lost faith in trying to make sure he could shield his children from racism. Wish i could find the article.
I think people have this idea that bettering yourself through hard work and education will serve as a shield. It's not. When I taught in NYC i saw, more than once, my black male colleagues getting frisked in the street for no apparent reason. Professionals with masters' degrees. I totally disagree with rioting and Michael Brown was no saint but I think the black community has legitimate complaints.
I agree they have every right to protest peacefully,
Posted 11/26/14 5:29 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 7/07 499 total posts
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Message edited 11/26/2014 6:14:17 AM.
Posted 11/26/14 6:13 AM |
insert creative comment here

Member since 2/12 1998 total posts
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by DaniRella
Posted by EatingMyVeggies
Don't assume my religious affiliations.
I clearly meant in regards to black vs white. You're smarter than that. Everyone here is.
I'm not assuming anything.
I'm just stating you said that white people have never been oppressed.
I was trying to point out that whole Holocaust thing as a small example of how white people are certainly oppressed and being that a Temple was just defaced recently in Nassau County, it still happens to this day.
I'm pretty sure EatingMyVeggies meant that white people haven't been oppressed for the sole reason of them being white. When Jews are oppressed it isn't because they are white, it is because they are Jewish.
Posted 11/26/14 7:08 AM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by klingklang77
Well then I guess that qualifies for all then.
When did I ever say that? If you try a little harder, maybe you could be just a bit more passive aggressive.
Posted 11/26/14 7:11 AM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by DaniRella
Posted by EatingMyVeggies
Don't assume my religious affiliations.
I clearly meant in regards to black vs white. You're smarter than that. Everyone here is.
I'm not assuming anything.
I'm just stating you said that white people have never been oppressed.
I was trying to point out that whole Holocaust thing as a small example of how white people are certainly oppressed and being that a Temple was just defaced recently in Nassau County, it still happens to this day.
I'm pretty sure EatingMyVeggies meant that white people haven't been oppressed for the sole reason of them being white. When Jews are oppressed it isn't because they are white, it is because they are Jewish.
Of course but the end result is the same, is my point. Who cares the reason?! They suffered so much and the way they have been able to overcome it should be looked up to.
Posted 11/26/14 7:14 AM |
Officer Wilson not indicted....
I don't think any group of people overcomes racism or etc. It's not about the group over coming anything. To me, it's the people who surround them that are ignorant and oppressing them, belittling them, etc that need to overcome. They need to overcome their hate and fear. Like a biracial couple... If everyone keeps treating them poorly, why should they have to jump thru hoops for everyone to accept them? Why should they have to constantly prove things for everyone else to overcome? No. The ignorant assholes need to overcome their fear and stupidity, kwim? It's 2014. JmO.
I hear all the time that black people need to overcome things. What do they need to do? This is a battle that they've been fighting for a long time with some of the best leaders in history and people are still ignorant. To me, the issue is everyone else that needs to overcome.
Just like the article above... About the black professor who was his best self. It still didn't stop the disgusting racism for his son. It's heart breaking.
And I don't think people really truly can understand. I don't fully, Because I am white. But I've seen and heard of black people be trailed in stores, treated differently, stopped and frisked, all for no reason. And even if they never experienced that before - they know someone who has. They are aware of it constantly. I'm sure someone will say "well they were dressed like this and that" but would a white dude wearing the same get the same treatment ? No.
We can agree to disagree. It's just one of those topics that are strong.
Message edited 11/26/2014 8:12:38 AM.
Posted 11/26/14 8:04 AM |
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