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my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Thanks ladies!! Im really excited and scared at the same time! Ive been trying to get EVERYTHING done today - which of course didnt happen lol.
ill post pics and update asap!!!
Posted 9/30/09 5:43 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/07 1199 total posts
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
38 week appt today
So I woke up and my right leg was more swollen than usual. I mentioned it to DH in passing but didn't think anything of it.
Get to my appt and it turns out that my blood pressure is a touch too high - 130/90. It has been holding steady at 110/70 since day 1. Along with the swelling, my dr is concerned that I have a mild case of preeclampsia.
So she told me to take it easy on Thursday and Friday - not go to work, keep my feet elevated, and try to lay on my left side. She wants to see if the pressure and swelling come down.
Thing is my lovely manager ( ) is going to Cabo San Lucas next week and needs me in the office.
So I am going to "work from home" which to me means that I am going to check in every hour or so.
I am really frustrated with my job (why would my manager knowingly schedule a vaca the week before my due date!) AND she said today that she really needs me to work next week.
I told her I will do what I can but it is up to my body and baby to decide next steps.
Ughhhh! Just needed to vent.
Posted 10/7/09 6:55 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 3/08 95 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by alisha
I am really frustrated with my job (why would my manager knowingly schedule a vaca the week before my due date!) AND she said today that she really needs me to work next week.
I told her I will do what I can but it is up to my body and baby to decide next steps.
Ughhhh! Just needed to vent.
what a winner she is!! I hope you really take it easy and rest up!
Posted 10/7/09 7:11 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by KaPrK
Posted by alisha
I am really frustrated with my job (why would my manager knowingly schedule a vaca the week before my due date!) AND she said today that she really needs me to work next week.
I told her I will do what I can but it is up to my body and baby to decide next steps.
Ughhhh! Just needed to vent.
what a winner she is!! I hope you really take it easy and rest up!
OMG I agree! What a horrible manager! Definitely take it easy - your health is way more important. I would also give HR a head's up of your situation.
Posted 10/7/09 7:20 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Hi all! It's awesome seeing posts from our October Mommies! Unreal to think that this is our month!
I've got 5 days to go. is in position. It's funny - October 1st came & he dropped - it was as if he heard it was October & said "showtime!" He's also in position - head in pelvic station, back to my stomach, facing my back.
Other than that I just had some mild cramping Monday night. I haven't seen any sign of me losing the mucus plug - does everyone lose theirs? I did have a couple of insane bouts of nesting energy.
Tomorrow is another internal, so we'll see if there is any progress. I had one last Monday & there was nothing - but a lot has happened since then.
Message edited 10/7/2009 7:25:34 PM.
Posted 10/7/09 7:25 PM |

Member since 5/05 3753 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by lorich
Hi all! It's awesome seeing posts from our October Mommies! Unreal to think that this is our month!
I've got 5 days to go. is in position. It's funny - October 1st came & he dropped - it was as if he heard it was October & said "showtime!" He's also in position - head in pelvic station, back to my stomach, facing my back.
Other than that I just had some mild cramping Monday night. I haven't seen any sign of me losing the mucus plug - does everyone lose theirs? I did have a couple of insane bouts of nesting energy.
Tomorrow is another internal, so we'll see if there is any progress. I had one last Monday & there was nothing - but a lot has happened since then.
Whooohoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOO excited - I can't wait
Posted 10/7/09 8:27 PM |
Member since 8/06 3595 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by lorimarie
Posted by lorich
Hi all! It's awesome seeing posts from our October Mommies! Unreal to think that this is our month!
I've got 5 days to go. is in position. It's funny - October 1st came & he dropped - it was as if he heard it was October & said "showtime!" He's also in position - head in pelvic station, back to my stomach, facing my back.
Other than that I just had some mild cramping Monday night. I haven't seen any sign of me losing the mucus plug - does everyone lose theirs? I did have a couple of insane bouts of nesting energy.
Tomorrow is another internal, so we'll see if there is any progress. I had one last Monday & there was nothing - but a lot has happened since then.
Whooohoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOO excited - I can't wait
That is so exciting!!!
Posted 10/7/09 8:40 PM |
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
hi girls!
im due tomorrow! had a drs appt yesterday and im STILL not dilated but my cervix is very soft so he feels i can go anytime. but just in case, he had me make an appt for next week for an NST and ultrasound. im praying i go before that!!!!
ive been having strong contractions but no pattern yet. i still dont know exactly what im supposed to be waiting to feel, but as usual everyone just says "oh you'll know!". so im waiting...impatiently!
hope everyone feels good!
Posted 10/7/09 10:17 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Well, I'm 37 weeks and aside from some moderate Braxton Hicks I don't think anything else is happening. I still feel pretty good except for this heartburn, and every night I get hungry around 11, no matter how much I ate for dinner.
I also am getting a cold, so that should be fun! Hopefully this baby stays put until I get over it.
Posted 10/7/09 11:22 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Hi October Mommies!
I had my 40wk appt today... or 40w3d according to my doctor's....
Another BPP - baby is doing great. 10 out of 10. Me, no progress. DH & I even walked 3+ miles yesterday - did nada.
I have another appt Thursday morning for another BPP should he not go on his own. They were scheduling me for an induction Thursday night & Friday, but we were able to get it pushed to Sunday into Monday. Because I have GD I'm unable to go past 41 wks.
I offically stopped working today. Dr's wanted me to stop a couple weeks ago, but I've been fine...I had to arm myself with daily BP #s to keep working.
Any other October Mom's-to-be past due?
Posted 10/12/09 7:30 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Had my 38th week appointment today. I had my midwife check me since I'm been crampy and having contractions all weekend. I'm 2cm 90% effaced, and I've been losing bits of my plug all day. I hope she's here by the weekend
Posted 10/12/09 7:40 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/07 1199 total posts
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Had my 39 wk appt today.
My blood pressure is back to normal - yeah! My feet still swell up, but that's expected. My dr. is pushing me to stop working and stay home. I have been working from home the past few days and I just get so restless! So I am going to take one day at a time... go into the office when I feel good, and work from home when I want to keep low key. If I don't have this baby by the early next week, I may set a day to stop working.
Had an ultrasound - the baby looks great! Heartbeat is strong and steady, vital organs look good, and my fluid level hasn't dropped. My cervix is soft and I am 1.5 cm dialated. Dr. said that if my water breaks, I will definitely know it since my cervix is open.
So far so good, my next appt is in a week!
Posted 10/14/09 3:16 PM |

Member since 5/09 5751 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I'm a Mommy!!!! I delivered on October 3rd (3 weeks early) due to developing a sudden and worrisome case of preeclampsia.
I cannot believe that I am a mommy!!! Best wishes to all the October mommies. I posted a few minutes ago with a pic of my baby boy. We've had some rough days since I was readmitted to the hospital on Friday and stayed until Sunday but seeing his little perfect face just erases everything and brings a smile to my face.
Easy labor vibes to all of you!
Posted 10/14/09 5:09 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by pnbplus1
I'm a Mommy!!!! I delivered on October 3rd (3 weeks early) due to developing a sudden and worrisome case of preeclampsia.
I cannot believe that I am a mommy!!! Best wishes to all the October mommies. I posted a few minutes ago with a pic of my baby boy. We've had some rough days since I was readmitted to the hospital on Friday and stayed until Sunday but seeing his little perfect face just erases everything and brings a smile to my face.
Easy labor vibes to all of you!
Congratulations! I'm so glad you're feeling much better & they caught your BP in time!
Posted 10/14/09 5:46 PM |
Member since 8/06 3595 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Who is left girls????
I have a feeling I'm going to go this week! I have not been feeling myself the past few days, and I have lots of pressure down below. Dr said Friday she is very low & that she does not think I will go past my due date.
Posted 10/18/09 3:31 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 3/08 95 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by Kristin616
Who is left girls????
I have a feeling I'm going to go this week! I have not been feeling myself the past few days, and I have lots of pressure down below. Dr said Friday she is very low & that she does not think I will go past my due date.
I am due in 12 days. I have had intense cramping, but my baby girl is still very wiggly. = ) I am SO ready!
Posted 10/18/09 3:37 PM |
Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09 13591 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by Kristin616
Who is left girls????
I have a feeling I'm going to go this week! I have not been feeling myself the past few days, and I have lots of pressure down below. Dr said Friday she is very low & that she does not think I will go past my due date.
IM due thursday 10/22...i have another visit with the dr. wed for another internal. last week i was a 'fingertip dialted" which is nothing.
im so ready for this baby to get here and get my body back to normal.
If no progress on wed then the dr. said we have to talk about plans for an induction which i dont really want.
Posted 10/18/09 4:33 PM |
Member since 8/06 3595 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Is anyone else urinating a lot?? I cannot stop using the bathroom today. I also have a lot of pressure down below. I have been feeling so crappy the past few days
Posted 10/18/09 7:04 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Posted by pnbplus1
I'm a Mommy!!!! I delivered on October 3rd (3 weeks early) due to developing a sudden and worrisome case of preeclampsia.
I cannot believe that I am a mommy!!! Best wishes to all the October mommies. I posted a few minutes ago with a pic of my baby boy. We've had some rough days since I was readmitted to the hospital on Friday and stayed until Sunday but seeing his little perfect face just erases everything and brings a smile to my face.
Easy labor vibes to all of you!
Posted 10/18/09 10:00 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I'm 38w4d and I am feeling anxious. I cannot wait to meet my little girl, but I'm so nervous too. I had a dream that she was colicky like my first DD and I ran out of the house screaming
Posted 10/18/09 10:01 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/07 1199 total posts
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
I am left too - due this Thursday 10/22.
I have been feeling progressively more uncomfortable so I think that is a good sign.
I forced myself to be out and about this weekend - went to a dinner with friends last night and went to my parents house today and did laundry all day. I have been squatting like mad too.
I hope this baby decides to show this week!
Posted 10/19/09 12:02 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/07 1199 total posts
Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!
Had my 40 week appt today.
The baby has lots of fluid to move around in and is measuring at least 8 pounds - closer to 9!
My blood pressure is good. My feet are still swollen, but oh well, it is what it is.
The great news - I am apparently 3 cm dilated! The baby is low, so it is just a matter of time. My dr. said I am "ripe" for labor!
And today is my last day at work! So in a couple of hours I can finally shut of my work blackberry and relax and wait for this baby!
Posted 10/21/09 4:44 PM |
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