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Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

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my 2 boys

Member since 10/08

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

we finally got the spare room emptied out completly!! spackeled now we have to sand and paint next weekend! that in itself was a huge thing on the to do list.
we tossed out so much stuff (8 years married we collected so much crap into our spare room) the garbage men must think were moving out. slowly but surely its coming along.

we still have ALOT to do : paint finish basement clean house install car seat pack hospital and then the little things : steralize some bottles etc. oo boy this is getting closer and closer!!!

Posted 9/14/09 5:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Bunny kisses are so cute!

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Wow I had my second to last obgyn appointment for this pregnancy today. I am 37 weeks and had my first real internal. I am 1 cm dialated but long. The obgyn told me not to BD if I want to go before my scheduled c/s. He thinks DD is breech just like DS was. I gained 1 lb from last week. He said he was happy with my over all weight gain. I cannot believe that I have one more obgyn appointment next week and then my scheduled repeat c/s.

Posted 9/18/09 8:15 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/09

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by Ophelia

I can't believe it ladies...come Halloween...we'll all be mommies Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's what I'm waiting for! I'm due 10/31/09. SO HOPING I GO EARLY! Thank goodness I feel great, but my belly is unbelieveably HUGE and I move extremely slowly! I want him out!! Chat Icon

I'm 34 weeks, and have no baby stuff. Shower is coming on October 4th. I can't get much cause we have a 1 BR apt, which we bought, renovated, and moved in EXACTLY one month before conception. So much for our 5 year plan Chat Icon Anyway, I'm happy. I'm in love with this baby, and I want to meet him already, but it's too soon to really hope for that. Still, I'm very excited about my little pumpkin.

Posted 9/18/09 9:37 PM

He is the reason!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

at my 36 week appt on monday, i was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. ideally, i'd like for him to be born between 39 and 40 weeks, but of course i have no control over that. Chat Icon

Posted 9/18/09 9:48 PM


Member since 1/06

3508 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Hi mommies!

I had my 37 week appt yesterday (still no internals, they will start next week) and everything looks good! I gained 25 lbs to date and my BP is normal.

Today I had a growth sono and baby is measuring at 7 lbs 1 oz. If I go to term the tech thinks s/he'll be in the 8 lb range which I'm happy about because I was scared I'd birth a big baby.

Last night I did the labor and delivery tour at Winthrop; the birthing suites looked very nice and the nurses were all extremely friendly. I'm happy to be delivering there.

I'm doing some final cleaning out of the house this weekend, cleaning my car, and having the car seat installed this week. I also have to pack my hospital bag and go to BBB for some last items tomorrow.

My feet are swollen but otherwise I feel good. Good luck to all! We'll be mommies soon enough :o)

Posted 9/18/09 10:21 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Do they do another growth sono as you get closer or that is it?? Just internals from now on?

Posted 9/18/09 10:50 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by Kristin616

Do they do another growth sono as you get closer or that is it?? Just internals from now on?

Depends upon your obgyn. This pg I have not had an u/s since the level II at 20 weeks and I will not get one again. My obgyn only gives them if there is a problem. With DS I had one at week 36 b/c I did not feel him move for an extended period of time.

Posted 9/18/09 10:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

881 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Today I'm 38 weeks! With 2 weeks left before my due date, we're pretty much ready for Chat Icon
My hospital bag is packed, some clothes have been washed--all we need to do is install the car seat, which will be done this weekend.

I'm feeling pretty good; although, I've had some really strong contractions that I thought were real, but turned out to be BH (yes, we took a trip to the hospital already).

I'm still not dilated, so maybe the baby will hold out until her due date, but I'd love for her to come sooner! I can't believe October is right around the corner...time really does fly!

Posted 9/19/09 8:31 AM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

37w2d now and i had my growth sono this week. the lil bean is measuring at 6lbs2ozs and dr thinks the baby should be about 7.5lbs at birth. babys head down so thats promising!

hospital bag is packed, clothes are washed, and bassinets assembled and just waiting for the baby! DH will install the carseat this week sometime in the hopes that we'll go a bit early. i have my first internal at this weeks appt so im definitely excited to see if im dilated at all!Chat Icon i have so much pain and pressure in my hooha area so im hoping that it means something good is going on in there.Chat Icon

how often are you guys getting contractions? obviously they're BH contractions but im getting the stomach tightening, menstrual cramping, and back contracting like every 15 mins or so...sometimes closer.

Posted 9/19/09 9:44 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

881 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by waiting4ablessing

how often are you guys getting contractions? obviously they're BH contractions but im getting the stomach tightening, menstrual cramping, and back contracting like every 15 mins or so...sometimes closer.

This has been my experience this past week. They were timeable, coming every 18 minutes, and really strong--just as you described. Then I'll go for stretches of hours where I really don't feel any contractions. This is such a guessing game, and I've realized how low my pain tolerance is; boy am I in for itChat Icon Chat Icon

Everyone says I'll know when it's the real deal...I guess I'll wait for the Holy Sh!t contractions to start before I even start to think "this could be it".

Posted 9/19/09 10:25 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

36 wks, 4 day appt today. The baby is measuring 6 pounds, 15 ounces. All vitals look good. The heartbeat was in the 135-145 range. The technician turned on the 4D scan so I got a picture of my pumpkin's face. Chat Icon

DH is taking Wednesday off to finish up all the painting we need to do around the apartment. On Saturday we are going to BBB to pick up all remaining items.

We narrowed down the pediatrician list to 2 docs, so I need to call them this week. We have an appt with our potential doula (thanks Nadia!) on Sunday. DH is going to do the hospital tour on Wed (I can't make it, I will be traveling on business, AGAIN Chat Icon ). DH is also going to try to install the car seat on Wed. Sometime this week (maybe Thursday) I am going to buy nursing bras so I can get the hospital bag together.

So all in all I am making progress (thanks to DH!)

As for the baby, s/he is still very high up (though head down) so I need to go crazy with squats and the birthing ball if I am ever going to get this baby out.

Just three more weeks! Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/09 9:30 PM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

4351 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

38w5d today and im STILL not dilated! zip, zero, zilchChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Theres nothing going on down there other than baby being head down and low. I feel like this baby will never want to come out! I'm so done being pregnant back is killing me, i pee every 5 mins, my feet and hands are so swollen, i have a shooting pain into my left leg whenver i take a step, and i havent had a good nights sleep in about 9 months!Chat Icon The only bright side is my dr said "see you in a week...if you make it that long" at least theres a glimmer of hope! I'm seriously counting on that full moon on Sunday night to get things going!

come on out baby...mommy wants to meet you!Chat Icon

Posted 9/29/09 10:32 PM

my 2 boys

Member since 10/08

4240 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

I am meeting Chat Icon tomorrow!!! expected to be at the hospital at 7 am and start the induction at 8!!

Finally getting babys furniture delivered today. Had the computer to my dishwasher burn out so im waiting for that delivery and install today - another expense sooo not needed right now!!!

So tomorrow at this time i am getting ready to meet my lil guy!

Posted 9/30/09 5:43 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

881 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by WNA01

So tomorrow at this time i am getting ready to meet my lil guy!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Congrats!
My due date is Saturday. I've been getting very strong contractions since last Friday, but Chat Icon still has not made an appearance. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but as I write this, I've been up since 4:30 with contractions. (This has happened the last 2 days in a row, so I'll believe it's the real thing when it actually happens). I'm tired of being pregnant, excited to meet my baby, and longing for sleep...

Posted 9/30/09 6:07 AM

my 2 boys

Member since 10/08

4240 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by MrsAT

Posted by WNA01

So tomorrow at this time i am getting ready to meet my lil guy!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Congrats!
My due date is Saturday. I've been getting very strong contractions since last Friday, but Chat Icon still has not made an appearance. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but as I write this, I've been up since 4:30 with contractions. (This has happened the last 2 days in a row, so I'll believe it's the real thing when it actually happens). I'm tired of being pregnant, excited to meet my baby, and longing for sleep...

Hopefully this is it for you!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Easy labor vibes ur way!

Posted 9/30/09 7:46 AM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by WNA01

Posted by MrsAT

Posted by WNA01

So tomorrow at this time i am getting ready to meet my lil guy!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Congrats!
My due date is Saturday. I've been getting very strong contractions since last Friday, but Chat Icon still has not made an appearance. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but as I write this, I've been up since 4:30 with contractions. (This has happened the last 2 days in a row, so I'll believe it's the real thing when it actually happens). I'm tired of being pregnant, excited to meet my baby, and longing for sleep...

Hopefully this is it for you!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Easy labor vibes ur way!

Good luck ladies!!! Keep us updated!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/09 8:24 AM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Business as usual over here! Feeling good, tired, but EXTREMELY excited!!! Any day now!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I've got a growth/position sono this morning so I'm really excited to see the munchkin one last time!!!

It's our month ladies!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/09 8:27 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Posted by WNA01

I am meeting Chat Icon tomorrow!!! expected to be at the hospital at 7 am and start the induction at 8!!

Finally getting babys furniture delivered today. Had the computer to my dishwasher burn out so im waiting for that delivery and install today - another expense sooo not needed right now!!!

So tomorrow at this time i am getting ready to meet my lil guy!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/09 3:14 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

I'm getting sooo nervous of the whole thing....cannot believe its OCT!!!!!!!!!!

Having lots of contractions...Not really leading to anything though..which I think is pretty good because these girls are STILL NAMELESS and with nothing in sight....I want names first!

Its so exciting to here all the end of the line updates!

Chat Icon

Part of me wants this over with now...the pain and the inability to do anything, enjoy this season, weather etc stinks bad ( plus sending DH to Target cause I cannot go anymore....for only 5 things.... leads to 4 phone calls, a pair of light up spiderman sneakers for DS, 4 bags of french fries Chat Icon and a weird smelling candle) Yet part of me is just so scared of having 3 kids Chat Icon

No turning back now Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/09 3:19 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

I have been so lazy this time around. I'm 36 weeks, and I still need to wash all the baby clothes. I'm soo not ready to have her yet, I keep thinking if I delay doing anything she'll wait to come out Chat Icon

I do have all of my home birth stuff, but I still need to organize it. As of Sunday I am in the clear to birth at home. And I need to do the trial run with my birthing pool.

Posted 9/30/09 3:21 PM


Member since 7/08

2374 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Just went to md this morning and still just barely a fingertip dilated(same as last week). Due date is Sunday. I have an appt scheduled for tues. for a sono and monitoring the baby if I don't have the baby by then. My leave starts monday, and I am thinking I am not going to work whether I have the baby or not. We just put the car seat bases in the cars last weekend. Today is my 2nd wedding anniversary-so at least we get to celebrate it one more time without Chat Icon .

Good luck everyone! It's been great going through this with you all.

Posted 9/30/09 3:28 PM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

I can't believe it's October tomorrow!!!

I started feeling really pregnant about 10 days ago (due the 25th) and with that came the realization that we still had lots to do.

We went on a major shopping spree this weekend at BRU and BBB and purchased just about everything we'll need (of course I forgot the changing pad). Then, I finally got moving on the cord blood banking decision and think we'll do it, now i'm just trying to get the medical discount, and of course I don't have a pediatrician so I'm working on that too!!

Agggh! Oh, geeze, and we need to install the car seat and have it checked but all the places i've called are booked until November.

I'm tired, sore, but I still need this baby to hold on bc mommy and daddy still have a few things to do. I haven't even packed my hospital bag!!

Good luck to all the October mommies Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/09 3:30 PM


Member since 1/06

3508 total posts


Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

I'm scared to jinx myself, but I think I'm prepared (well, as prepared as I can possibly be!) I went to the Dr last week and I was almost 1cm dilated, but we know how long that can last. I go back tomorrow and we'll see if there's any progress.

I'm due in one week and I can't believe it! I am so scared and excited at the same time. I just hope being a mommy comes naturally to me!

Easy labor vibes to everyone! Congrats in advance ladies.Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/09 4:05 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

wowowowow!!! "our" first October baby is coming tomorrow!!!! Congrats and good luck WNA!!

so yeah...38 weeks..slowly losing mucus in position.

I get A LOT of pains but nothing consistent or that feels like "labor" mostly braxton hicks I suppose (tightening of the upper stomach around my belly button and menstrual like cramps in my lower abdoment and back)

there is a TON of pressure on what I guess is my cervix b/c it feels like the inner top of my vagine. sometimes it hurts to walk.

we should be done getting the room together and set up by this week...dh is working like a dog to get it done. then it's just a matter of waiting for this lil thing. I would be A-OK with the baby coming anytime after Friday. dh wants to go the full monty.

my next dr. appt is on Friday so we'll know about any progress then...oh, and I have my awesome rhogam shot that I am being so mature about today Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/30/09 4:08 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Official October 2009 Mommies to be thread!

Can't believe tomorrow is October Chat Icon I'm super nervous and very excited! My first internal is tomorrow Chat Icon Very scared!!! I'm hoping we have some progress b/c I've been having bad back & stomach pains.

Posted 9/30/09 5:02 PM
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