O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
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My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
What are they really like??? I hear that they are sweeter, calmer and easier than girls??? Is it true? I hope so, because we have The Queen Diva on our hands.
**I cannot compare boys and girls, but, Bryan is so calm and such a sweetheart. He LOVES to snuggle (some days more than others) and he loves our family hugs and giving kisses.
Where do you buy great boy clothes??
***Target, Children's Place, Kohl's***
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber?
**N/A** Bryan's hair is still not long enough, but, I will keep it short.**
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? I never played thay kind of stuff, I guess that I will learn.
***Cars. Bryan loves them and he can sit for hours and play ball with me. Just rolling back and forth**.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers?
***Was told by the ped. to tuck it down. We tried Huggies, didn't work, he always leaked through. Pampers Swaddlers are the BEST in my book**
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
**He won't mind. When I worked in daycare we tried not to associate boy and girl colors....Your DS may not mind, but, do you?**
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone?
** I have ALWAYS loved the name Ryan. DH loved Brian. We compromised and it's how we came up with Bryan. DS' middle name is my DHs name.**
Posted 4/12/08 1:32 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 8/05 2509 total posts
Name: michelle
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
As long as you get used to the color blue, Spiderman, cars, Thomas the Train,sports and running after him, you should do fine! lol!
Just wanted to add that I ALWAYS wanted a girl before having 2 boys.... I never in my wildest dreams thought I would enjoy boys so much! Now I would have 5 boys and be happy! lol
In my experience, boys are A LOT more active, like to climb and jump and build,and they also are super protective of their mommys and soooo affectionate!
I find it a lot easier to dress them, you dont have to deal with doing hair and you could get away with them having a little dirt on their face and looking cute!
I never dressed my boys cutesy with puppies or characters on their clothes,
I LOVE dressing them the way my husband dresses, with clothes from the Gap,Polo, Diesel,Lacoste,puma etc.
When my son picks me a flower and tells me how beautiful I am,and if I hurt myself and he runs to help me, my heart overflows with a love like I never felt before!! The love between a mother & a son is indescribable!!! Congrats!!!He will make your life complete!
Posted 4/12/08 2:17 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
I didn't read all the responses but I think all you need to worry about at first is to cover the penis when the diaper is open. I usually keep a washcloth nearby for diaper changes. They grow out of it but in the beginning, don't learn the way my brother did - with a shot in the mouth.
Posted 4/12/08 2:23 PM |
Can't believe I'm 2

Member since 12/07 1260 total posts
Name: L.
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
My DS has a temper, and when he's mad you know it. Fortunately it's not that often. He is the sweetest thing, he is a cuddler.
We don't have too many toys yet. He loves the infantino stuffed animals that have the vibrant colors and textures, and rings, etc. He is only 4 months old.
We buy most of his clothes from Children's Place, Carters, Osh Kosh, Gymboree, Gap, BRU.
We tuck it down. We use swaddlers or huggies.
His first name is Matteo and we picked it because it was a name we could agree on. I didn't think it was too common, but I'm realizing it's more common than I thought. His middle name Steven is after my DH's brother who passed away at a young age.
Message edited 4/12/2008 3:19:32 PM.
Posted 4/12/08 3:19 PM |
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
All I wanted was a girl, but now that I have Cailen, I can't imagine having a girl - I love every minute of raising a little boy!!!
What are they really like??? He has his calm moments, but also his "naughty boy" moments that I love. He's a little man, a little bear, a little monster, a little kitten - all wrapped up into one!!!
Where do you buy great boy clothes??
Old Navy, Gap, also tooling around on the internet I find cute things - I love really boyish clothes....
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber? We took him to Super cuts - I would love a bowl cut on him!!!
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? He LOVES balls and blocks. starting to enjoy cars. The great thing about boys is that everything they play with is concrete. No "you be the daddy and I'll be the mommy" and no, "you have to say this and pretend to do this..." boys are more like - "Bang, zoom, crash"
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? I tucked it down but he still got that mystery leak on his back!!!
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
I'm sure someone will buy you a new stroller!!!
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone?
baby name book. We wanted something unique. His middle name (Reed) is named after my cousin Richard who died of cystic fibrosis
I have to say - there is nothing like having a boy. I was so afraid of having a boy, and it really is so wonderful!!!!
Posted 4/12/08 3:51 PM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
First off I will start by saying I didn't ever think I would enjoy having a baby boy as much as I do. Boys are a lot of fun!
I think I have the most luck with boys clothes at Childrens Place. I always leave there with a ton of stuff for DS, and I never spend that much.
As for his "equipment" I don't do anything special to it when changing him except I would reccomend getting the Wee Block. I have been peed on about 10 times, so I gave in and bought one
As for toys, my DS is only 10 months, but he already loves cars. I get him those little Fisher Price ones and he has a blast. He also likes rubber balls, he chases his Elmo ball all over the house.
Posted 4/12/08 4:13 PM |
Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07 8494 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Boys are great!!!
DS is super cuddly and smiles whenever he sees me!
I buy most everything at Carters, sometimes Old Navy, Gymboree or Gap.
I do not have brothers and had no idea what to expect, but he is really a joy!
Don't buy into the sports sterotype if that's not you and your husband. It's so not us at all! We do have lots of nautical things.
We wanted an Irish name so Connor fit the bill.
Good luck
Posted 4/12/08 4:46 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/08 732 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
i have a 5 year old boy, and a 5.5 month old girl. i can tell you my son was 1000 times calmer than my daughter. he was easy going, never cried over anything. she's cranky, ALOT!
as for toys, we live with legos and toy cars and trains. i actually prefer them myself over the baby dolls and such.
my son rarely watches tv (his choice, not mine) but when he does, he's more into how its made and dirty jobs on teh discovery channel than the cartoons. (again, his choice, we never restricted much with him)
for clothes, i always liked OshKosh. they wear well, and they tend to be more sports like. i'm not a fan of preppy. but i also shop, walmart, some target, jc penney etc. i also stick with plain stuff, solid colored shirts, not alot of patterns etc.
right now for my daughter its mostly carters, but thats for ease, since footie pj's keep her feet warm when we go out. i don't need to worry about her losing socks.
its funny, i wanted a girl first, got a boy. then the second time, i was all set for a second boy (they really are pretty easy) and i got a girl. i thougt the same thing, "now what do i do with a girl?"
Posted 4/12/08 4:57 PM |
My Girl

Member since 7/06 3395 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Wow!!!! Thanks for all of the responses...
Now that I know how to "tuck it", where to shop, and how to do his hair, I think I'm all set!!
Posted 4/12/08 5:21 PM |
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