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OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

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LIF Zygote

Member since 12/09

20 total posts


OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

Seriously, how do you get through the day?

I'm experiencing really bad morning sickness... well, all day sickness really. I'm exhausted and sick all day. How do you keep up with your DC when you feel this way? All I want to do is sleep. My DC is 11 months old, and while normally a great easy going baby, has been a beast the past couple of days.

I had pretty bad morning sickness with my 1st pregnancy, but it started later and at least I was able to come home from work and crawl into bed. Something I can't do now.

I feel like I'm going to lose it and wonder how I'm going to get through the next 7 months.

Posted 1/8/10 2:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

no advice- just many Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/10 3:02 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

Chat Icon it has made me say 2 is all that will be coming out of me.

My boy's quality of life went to hell during my first trimester.

8 mos pregnant now, throwing up again in the AMs. Migranes.

I could not imagine doing this with an 11 month old...mine is 3.

Posted 1/8/10 3:05 PM

Tiebreaker on deck!!!

Member since 11/08

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Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

I am in the same boat as you, preggo with an 11 month old...and now I have a cold on top of it..all I want is my bed. Chat Icon

No advice, just some sympathy & Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/10 3:06 PM

Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07

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Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

It was a little easier on my bc mine was about 3, but yeah, it was still hell. I was barely able to be a mother for the first trimester & I had m/s until 18 weeks. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/10 3:28 PM


Member since 5/06

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Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

It has a been a struggle. Now that I am further along I manage better. But for the first 16 weeks or so, it was hard and I felt so guilty about not being a good mom. I would crawl into bed right after she went down, I would sit at the table with my head down while she was eating. DH is a big help, but he has alot of night meetings. Hang in there Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/10 3:31 PM

There's no place like home

Member since 8/07

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Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

No advice, just standing in solidarity with you. DD is 20 months and I am almost four months pregnant. My pregnancy with DD was a dream compared to this one. I have had awful all day sickness, a UTI and a bladder infection so far this time. All I can tell you is a little extra sesame street or whatever your DC watches on TV will not really hurt them.

Posted 1/8/10 3:34 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

DS was 22 months when I was pregnant with DD.
Thankfully, I had very early AM sickness, but, by lunch time, I felt like a truck hit me with tiredness. On top of that, I was babysitting for family everyday!
I got them on a schedule..thank goodness and have no shame in saying, the monitors went on HIGH volume and when they napped, I put my feet up and napped right along! I told my family this too! I ALWAYS made sure the kids were sleeping and safe before I got comfy!
That nap (even if it was an hour) was the "miracle nap"! LOL.
If I felt real awful, I'd ask, well, beg, DH to work from home! He did, but, maybe once or twice.

Posted 1/8/10 3:38 PM

Brotherly love

Member since 12/07

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Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

I am 22 weeks pregnant now, and feel pretty good. But between weeks 6 and 12, I was sick as a dog 90% of the day/night and my 20 month old with me.

I did use the TV a lot- also taking a walk- the fresh air helped me (I know it is very cold now to do that- this was back in October).

I also napped when DS did, which helped. Thankfully it got better, I hope it does for you tooChat Icon Chat Icon

I also have a friend who had a sitter come a few hours a day to play with/take care of her DS while she was pregnant and sick, to give her time to rest.

Posted 1/8/10 3:45 PM


Member since 6/08

3195 total posts


Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

i found that the hardest weeks were 5-10 (when my dd was only 3 months old!! And now, at 35 1/2 weeks..when my dd is just a year last weekend...
i am beyond EXHAUSTED and feel overwhelmed and crappy most days..
but i know ill get through it, and i try to remind myself that its just temporary..youll get through it!!

Posted 1/8/10 3:54 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 12/09

20 total posts


Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

Thank you everyone!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/10 3:58 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: OMG, BTDT Moms with LO's at home and pregnant....

I find myself telling DH all the time that it takes everything in me to be nice to him and Josh...and I seriously mean it.

Posted 1/8/10 4:01 PM

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