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BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

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Baby #1 is here!

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BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

SO I have no diapers...well like 3 or 4

I don't want to buy a bulk box of anything till I know what baby needs

but I'm due in 30 days, so I wanted to get a box so when we're home the first few days we have some and then I can send DH out to get some

what kind should I get? What size etc? I have no clue

Also, on a side, what did you do when you first came home? Drive straight home, settle baby in at home and just relax? Just curious, it seems like I"m going into the unknown ...scary Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/09 12:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

We took to packages of diapers with us from the hospital so we were okay when we got home. However, DD was a little peanut and they had her in size 1 diapers which she was swimming in, so DH went out and got newborn size for her which she was in until she was 4 weeks old.

As far as what we did when we got home from the hospital:

We weren't discharged until the evening because we didn't know if DD was going to be able to come home with us, so we didn't get home until 8:30pm. DH HAD to go to BRU because there were alot of things we were not prepared for, like me being unable to BF for the first two weeks and needing to give formula to DD. So we needed bottles, nipples, a breast pump for me, etc...So relax??? NOPE!!!! DH went to BRU and I organized our bedroom for the baby.

Posted 6/14/09 12:20 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

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Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

Steal as many as you can from the hospital. They have these striped on them that turn green when in contact with urine. Not only are they the right size but they'll help you know how many wet diapers you are getting!!!

The NB Pampers Swaddlers boxes are 92 and I think I went through 2 boxes so 1 box of those should be good. Chat Icon

ETA: We were d/c @ 10 am so we came home and ate!!!!! Then during the little bit of time Sydnie was awake we dressed her up and did a photo shoot on the front lawn on a blanket!!!! Chat Icon (I was anxious to do my announcements)

Message edited 6/14/2009 3:37:48 PM.

Posted 6/14/09 12:26 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

We had one package of NB diapers when we came home from the hospital. The hospital gave us quite a few packs before we left. Then we went to BRU a few days later and stocked up with GC THEN.

I was d/c around noon on a Saturday. We went home nad had lunch and then my parents and sister came over and DH and I took a napChat Icon

I never felt tied to the house tho, we had a ton of guests and we went out and about as well tooChat Icon

Posted 6/14/09 12:48 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

5133 total posts


Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

I would just buy a small pack of NB diapers- some babies outgrow them really fast so you don't want to get too many. Also, one brand may work better for your DC then another (for us, Huggies leaked everytime so we used Pampers) so you don't want to have a ton of just one kind.

It's very scary bringing a baby home for the first time!! We got d/c late, around 3pm so when we got home my parents had come over and made dinner for us. Then we were up ALL night Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/09 12:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

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Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

Buy a pack of NB and if you want to stock up get a box of Size 1, if your DC is small you can always go out and get more NB a fter you get home and can hold the size 1 until your DC is big enough for them.

Posted 6/14/09 1:06 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

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Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

We used NB diapers for the first 3 weeks or so then we went to size 1. I wouldn't buy a ton of the NB size, they grow out of them so fast. We were discharged in the afternoon and just came home and relaxed with the baby. My mom met us at the house with groceries and later that evening my dad and sister came over too. I had a C-section and was in pain so the thought of going anywhere other than home to relax was not really something I was interested in. Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/09 1:19 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

Well I would only get a bag or small box of newborns and not open them until you get home and get a large box of 1s which you will use even if not the minute you get home. Neither of my DD's ever wore newborn diapers (although both wore newborn - esp DD#2- clothing). They were 9lbs 4 ozs and 9lbs 5ozs at birth and immediately put in size 1s at the hospital. So it really depends on the size of your child. If your DC is a smaller baby you will want the newborns but if they are 8+ you might just want to get size 1.

So if you have a small amount of newborns at home and size 1 you are set no matter what. Then stock up on as many diapers as the hospital will give you - they gave us 3 bags of size 1s when we left the hospital so I had those plus 2 boxes of 1s - which I knew I would use.

Posted 6/14/09 1:19 PM


Member since 5/08

1814 total posts


Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

Everyone is giving good advice. I would just like to add that it can be helpful to have someone around who can run out and get something for you in case you realize that there are certain things you need, but don't have.

Posted 6/14/09 1:36 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

You will go thru a box of NB diapers before DC grows out of them. I think it's safe to say you can buy a box.

Posted 6/14/09 2:13 PM


Member since 5/08

1814 total posts


Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

Posted by maiden

Everyone is giving good advice. I would just like to add that it can be helpful to have someone around who can run out and get something for you in case you realize that there are certain things you need, but don't have.

ETA: My daughter was 6lbs 14oz at birth and we are still using newborn diapers a month later.

Posted 6/14/09 2:20 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

161 total posts


Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

I had a case of size 1 swaddlers at home and took as many newborn size from the hospital as I could get my hands on. I ended up buying 2 more cases of NB swaddlers, but only used one before DD grew out of them. I think we switched to size 1's around 3-4 weeks.

The hospital used Pampers and they seemed to work fine so we stuck with them at home. We haven't had any problems with them, but I understand every baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. You may have to try a few different brands before you find one that works for you.

ETA: we were discharged from the hospital around 11am. We came home and my parents were waiting for us at the house. We had lunch, and DH filled my pain prescription. Otherwise we relaxed the rest of the day.

Message edited 6/14/2009 2:27:07 PM.

Posted 6/14/09 2:24 PM


Member since 8/06

3762 total posts


Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

i actually had a package of nb diapers in each brand thanx to my shower... good thing, i hated pampers and loved luvs... still do....

Posted 6/14/09 2:56 PM

summer fun!

Member since 3/06

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Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

I would def get Size 1...even if they are a little big, it doesn't matter. I would also get a smaller pack of newborn diapers.

Posted 6/14/09 3:12 PM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

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Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

I had bought a small pack of huggies newborn. At the hospital, they gave us pampers swaddlers and i liked them better so we ended up buying a big box of them at BRU.

Posted 6/14/09 5:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/09

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Anna Maria

Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

You should probably get a smaller pack of newborns and then a large pack of size one's. Hope that helps!

Posted 6/14/09 5:56 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

I would like to add that DS NEVER fit into newborn diapers...

his first diapers at home were 7th generation size 1's.

as for your other questions, yep, just go straight home. A baby shouldn't really go anywhere public other than the ped's office until 8 weeks.....

things I would do ahead of time:
wash bottles
get diapers/creme/wipes/diaper disposal bags
do baby laundry in fragrance free detergent and no fabric softener
put sheets on crib mattress
assemble bouncer/swing and other newborn items
get maxipads and tucks pads (target brand is MUCH cheaper)
freeze down food and hoard local restuarant coupons!

Message edited 6/14/2009 7:42:32 PM.

Posted 6/14/09 7:39 PM

Onward and Upward!

Member since 2/08

3210 total posts


Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

I would get a box of newborns and stock up on size 1's. DD didn't even finish her newborn box before outgrowing them.

Posted 6/14/09 8:45 PM

Our family

Member since 5/05

2272 total posts


Re: BTDT moms--coming home from hospital and DIAPERS

The bassinet in the hospital has a drawer they keep stocked with diapers, bottles, etc. I was told to clean it out daily so they'd refill it Chat Icon But I would definetly have a package of newborn Swaddlers on hand.

I got home around noon and walked into a house full of people. I don't even remember what I did that day other than entertain!

Posted 6/15/09 8:20 AM

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