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Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
What is wrong with me? For the past 2 weeks I have been waking up in the middle of the night and not falling back asleep. Does this happen to anyone else? Any advice on how to overcome this?
I am going to the doc tomorrow, maybe she can shed some light!
Posted 7/9/08 9:22 AM |
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Member since 8/06 6663 total posts
Name: Angela
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
are you waking up to go to the bathroom? That is what happens to me. I wake up once a night to pee and then i go back to sleep. Sometimes it takes 2 minutes, sometimes it takes an hour
maybe try keeping a note pad next to your bed and writing down what you are thinking about. that could help you fall back to sleep!
Let me know what the doc says!
Posted 7/9/08 10:58 AM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
This happens to me all the time. But I was always a horrible sleeper, now it's worse.
Message edited 7/9/2008 11:11:31 AM.
Posted 7/9/08 11:11 AM |
Member since 8/05 25463 total posts
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
get used to it. Seriously I have not had a FULL nights sleep since 2 weeks before I found out I was PG. I am 12 weeks today and it is getting worse. Last night I was up from 3-7:15 this morning. I asked the dr last night and she said I can take Benydrel I was jumping for you. I just need to go buy it.
Posted 7/9/08 11:14 AM |
Team Pink!

Member since 12/06 5349 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
yes, welcome to my world. Not only do I wake up in the middle of the night for at least a couple of hours, it takes me about that long to fall asleep when I go to bed initially. I keep saying how tired I am and everyone keeps saying, just wait til the baby comes.
Posted 7/9/08 12:15 PM |
Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07 6349 total posts
Name: erin
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
Ugh, the sleeping situation is just horrible. I can't fall asleep for hours and then wake up really early. I am always tired.
Posted 7/9/08 12:20 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/08 1001 total posts
Name: Indira
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
for weeks now another one of the joys....
Posted 7/9/08 12:46 PM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
I had really bad insomnia in the beginning, and then around 8 weeks I started to get up to pee 4 times a night. Its getting a little better now.
Posted 7/9/08 12:54 PM |
Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07 17227 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
Posted by Goobster
This happens to me all the time. But I was always a horrible sleeper, now it's worse.
Ditto...If I don't get up to go to the bathroom, I'm up tossing and turning and my mind races about all the things I want to do, get, etc....
Posted 7/9/08 12:55 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
This happens to me all the time. During the first trimester, I woke up every night, typically around 2 or 3 am because I felt nauseous, had to pee, and/or was starving. I usually couldn't fall back alseep for several hours. I'm still sleeping poorly in the 2nd trimester. It sucks.
Posted 7/9/08 2:57 PM |

Member since 8/07 3880 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
I have never slept this poorly in my life...being pregnant has brought serious insomnia! :) Not to mention the weird dreams I have once I do fall asleep!!
Posted 7/10/08 7:59 PM |
I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05 3966 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
I have been waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom since about 5 weeks...sometimes I go right to bed, other times it takes a little while. One night I woke up at 2am and didn't go back to bed until 5am...that was terrible!
Posted 7/10/08 8:20 PM |
Welcome to the World!
Member since 5/05 6747 total posts
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
Since my IVF, I've been getting up to pee everynight. Now it is about 3 times a night. In the beginning, getting up would keep me a wake for awhile afterwards. Now, It more like I am sleepwalking and I go straight to bed without a problem.
Posted 7/11/08 7:20 AM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 12/07 495 total posts
Name: wishingfor3rd
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
I am only 4 weeks 5days and i cant sleep either!! its making me crazy!!
Posted 7/11/08 7:31 AM |
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
Update: I went to the dr. and she didn't really offer any advice on this...just to empty my bladder before I go to sleep, which I already do. Oh well, i guess I'm getting used to these sleepless nights!
Posted 7/13/08 10:45 AM |

Member since 8/07 10682 total posts
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
i do remember in the beggining just waking up out of nowhere and not being able to fall asleep
Now I wake up to pee 50 times a night!
i think this is all mother natures way of getting us used to the lack of sleep once is here
Message edited 7/13/2008 11:48:20 AM.
Posted 7/13/08 11:47 AM |
2 boys 2 girls!!!!
Member since 7/08 3324 total posts
Name: M
Re: Only 7 weeks and not sleeping at night!
this happened to me from about 9-12 weeks, but then DH got me the snoogle and that thing is amazing, I'm 14w and sleep through the night! Maybe try that?
Posted 7/13/08 1:10 PM |