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Baby number 2 is on its way!

Member since 9/06 2020 total posts
Name: Kristin
please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
Ok, so Ive read a lot of posts about this. I feel like some people over pack and bring things that really are not needed...can someone please give me the basics that i absolutely need. TIA
Posted 6/3/09 1:43 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
-underwear, a few comfy ones. some you may need to toss. (esp after a vaginal birth)
-sweatpants/tanks (if going to breastfeed) or comfy pajamas
-shampoo/conditioner -soap -toothbrush/toothpaste -contact fluid (if u wear contacts) -baby going home outfit/s -extra pads (again vag birth) but hospital supplies a lot of those necessary things -a boppy (helps in breastfeeding if you are) -a blowdryer
Honestly, that was all I needed.
ETA: Slippers, YES forgot that one
Message edited 6/3/2009 1:56:20 PM.
Posted 6/3/09 1:50 PM |
Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08 6209 total posts
Name: Rafaela
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
Yes you're right, I brought a lot of crap I didn't need. Next time I will be much better prepapred. I was absolutely STARVING all day after the csection and NO ONE would give me a thing to eat. SO if you're a food o holic like me I would pack snacks!!! A cheese sandwich (es) fruit, candy whatever you like to eat. Thank Goodness I had a bag of chewy mints or I would've gone berserk on the hospital staff. lol You will need a nice comfy robe and slippers, your toiletries (I had a csection so I showered on day 2) Ipod is nice to have. A change of clothes when you leave the hospital. But mainy Is ay bring lots of snacks!! lol
Posted 6/3/09 1:54 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
underwear sweatpants/tanks/t-shirts bra socks shampoo/conditioner soap towel toothbrush/toothpaste razor deoderant ear plugs baby going home outfit + onesie + blanket (if cold out) extra pads-the hospitals were too bulky 2 pillows-best thing ever for giving birth and afterward brush and hair ties slippers robe camera and video camera cell phone makeup-makes you feel human again
I seriously overpacked, and next time this is all I will bring. I slept in the hospital's nightgown, but would change into clothes during the day.
Posted 6/3/09 1:56 PM |
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
I used everything I brought -
EVEN if you are planning to have a vaginal birth (like I was) you MAY wind up with a c/s (like I did) and I planned for that by bringing big huge granny underwear that would go up over an incision. I'm glad I did.
I also packed pj pants - I wore them under the robe Yoga pants and t-shirts flip flops for the shower books, magazines, ipod I brought pads but wound up using the ones they had and they were awesome (I stole a few packages of them for home, and they were great for the first few postpartum AFs )
And don't forget- you aren't in the woods - you will have DH and family to get you anything you forget....
Posted 6/3/09 2:01 PM |

Member since 7/06 1860 total posts
Name: Mama :)
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
I brought a lot of stuff that I end up not needing ie my ipod, i was in no mood to listen to music
here's what I am thankful I brought with me...
old lady underwear - I bought Hanes, and tossed after wearing, as i had a vaginal birth and was bleeding like mad. Hospital will give you disposable ones, they were crap.
overnight maxi pad with wings - yes the hospital does provide this for you, but they are too narrow, and to me didn't absorb well. Bring what you usually use and comfortable with.
maternity gown/stretchy 1 piece dress - I brought sweats and never wore because again bleeding a lot and didn't want to get it on my pants.. dress was so much easier. I got a super comfy one from Target maternity section.
robe, fuzzy slippers, flip flop for shower, toiletries, makeup(I was pale as a ghost, make up made me look human again), Camera, Camcorder. I also brought gum, but didn't even remember to chew them. I later asked DH if I had bad breathe during delivery when i was breathing on everyone, he said yes oh well, that was the last thing I worried about.
I may of forgot something else, but I am sure other moms will have on their lists.
ETA: Towels! Hospital ones were dingy and very thin. I was soooo happy to have my own big soft towels
Message edited 6/3/2009 2:08:21 PM.
Posted 6/3/09 2:06 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
I totally overpacked the one thing I HIGHLY suggest you bring....................PILLOWS!!! I know it sounds weird but the hospital pillows were awful, plastic, pieces of cr@p! I was SO happy to have my own set of pillows with me. It really helped.
Other than that, pack basic toiletries, HUGE granny panties to fit those giant pads into , PJ's, camera, some magazines, and that's about it. Maybe a few snacks too. Like everyone said, DH or family can always run and bring you back things you may need after the fact.
Posted 6/3/09 2:46 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 1893 total posts
Name: Janine
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
Having gone through it twice now, other than the basics previously mentioned, I really appreciated having flip flops for the community shower - right before I went in, someone left their bloody stuff all over and the nurses cleaned and disinfected, but I still was VERY happy to not have to put my bare feet on the floor!
I also loved having my own towels and pillow (make sure you use a colored pillow case so they don't take yours by mistake). And my personal favorite that I didn't use for my first but thought of right before my second was earplugs - it allowed me to get a better sleep when I tried to.
I was also very dehydrated after delivery so I used a lot of lotion, lip stuff and lanisoh.
Truth be told, they have everything that you NEED at the hospital - the rest is just for your convenience and comfort
Posted 6/3/09 2:59 PM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
Posted by Smileyd17
-underwear, a few comfy ones. some you may need to toss. (esp after a vaginal birth)
-sweatpants/tanks (if going to breastfeed) or comfy pajamas
-shampoo/conditioner -soap -toothbrush/toothpaste -contact fluid (if u wear contacts) -baby going home outfit/s -extra pads (again vag birth) but hospital supplies a lot of those necessary things -a boppy (helps in breastfeeding if you are) -a blowdryer
Honestly, that was all I needed.
ETA: Slippers, YES forgot that one
yep, thats pretty much it. oh, and camera and cell phone.
Posted 6/3/09 7:43 PM |
Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06 7390 total posts
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
slippers- i brought but didnt need... they put me in slipper socks in L&D and they were comfy that I stuck with them.
Underwear- I did use after the first day of mesh...
tank top & lounge pants are great...
small size shampoo & soap, toothpaste/brush
baby going home outfit.
pads for when you switch to your underwear
I believe we had a blowdryer in our rooms bathroom
Posted 6/3/09 7:49 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/09 972 total posts
Name: Anna Maria
Re: please help with hospital bag...BTDT moms
I broke my water three weeks early so I packed my bag on the fly .... I pretty much threw in everything I thought I might need.
Things that I packed that I didn't need b/c I used what the hospital provided:
slippers (sock slippers) soap/shampo (very gentle) underwear (disposable) pajamas/robe toothpaste/toothbrush maxi pads
What you need:
A change of clothes to go home in and an outfit for baby
eyewear (contact lenses, solution, glasses)
one pajama set for visitors (I had a c-section and wore the hospital gown/robe until it was time to leave the hospital
flipflops for the shower
brush/hair clips
books/cell phone/magazines/camera
Pack light -- your husband can always go home and pick things up for you
Posted 6/3/09 8:25 PM |