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There's no place like home

Member since 8/07 4110 total posts
Name: Lori
Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Why is this ok to do?? There seems to be an influx of these types of threads lately. I am not sure I understand the point of it. Not trying to be snarky but isn't the point of this board to help each other. I do not see anything positive coming out of these types of posts. So since popular opinion tends to rain supreme unless the poll is anonymous, I created a poll out of curiosity.
Posted 11/27/10 10:01 AM |
I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07 3061 total posts
Name: Carlie
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I don't do it, nor do I think I every will, but maybe somehow someone will learn from one of those post... I do think its stupid though...
I love how you just did the same exact thing though hahaha venting about what another mom was doing hahahah JK...
Posted 11/27/10 10:07 AM |
i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I rarely participate on those threads... but it is interesting to read sometimes. You will see a lot of hypocrites!
Posted 11/27/10 10:07 AM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by LoriH
Why is this ok to do?? There seems to be an influx of these types of threads lately. I am not sure I understand the point of it. Not trying to be snarky but isn't the point of this board to help each other. I do not see anything positive coming out of these types of posts. So since popular opinion tends to rain supreme unless the poll is anonymous, I created a poll out of curiosity.
ITA! Especially since i'm usually in the minority. Seriously though, i originally joined this board as a place to get/give help, but recently it seems like there is alot of judgement here, and so many people(including myself) feeling like they need to explain themselves.
Posted 11/27/10 10:11 AM |
There's no place like home

Member since 8/07 4110 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by CarlieJLD7 I love how you just did the same exact thing though hahaha venting about what another mom was doing hahahah JK...
I guess I did do it.. lol Just folowing the trend I guess.
Posted 11/27/10 10:15 AM |
My three little miracles

Member since 4/06 2628 total posts
Name: Alison
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I usually read them because I am curious, but never really respond. I try not to get invovled in conversations about people's actions that do not impact me. For example, at Thanksgiving dinner, DH's family was going on and on about how horrible it is for people to start decorating their homes for Christmas before Thanksgiving... I just thought to myself... how does it impact your life? Who cares!
Posted 11/27/10 10:36 AM |
My three little miracles

Member since 4/06 2628 total posts
Name: Alison
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by LoriH
Posted by CarlieJLD7 I love how you just did the same exact thing though hahaha venting about what another mom was doing hahahah JK...
I guess I did do it.. lol Just folowing the trend I guess.
pretty funny...
Posted 11/27/10 10:36 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Honestly, posts like that don't bother me at all. Yes, they are judgmental, but guess what... people judge! No matter what you want to think, people are judging your parenting every day. Not everyone is going to applaud every decision you make, this is not preschool where everyone gets a sticker for trying. If you feel confident in the parenting choices you make, then people with differing opinions shouldn't bother you that much.
Posted 11/27/10 10:39 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I think it's normal to look at something someone else does- when it differs from what you do- and judge it a little bit. However, I believe in keeping that opinion to myself. I have always been a big advocate of "live and let live" - even before having a baby. I tend to march to my own drummer a bit- and I hated when people sat there judging me.
But that doesn't exclude me from looking at something I don't agree with and silently thinking- wow, I wouldn't do that because.....
However, I wouldn't come on here and make a post about it nor would I ever tell anyone that I don't like their way of life, raising kids, etc....
Posted 11/27/10 10:44 AM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I think its because it involves children, and not just the adult, people (including myself) are more likely to comment. Doesn't make it right or wrong, but its a message board, so there will be opinions, comments, judgements, questions, answers...the good, bad and the ugly.
Posted 11/27/10 10:55 AM |
I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07 3061 total posts
Name: Carlie
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by LoriH
Posted by CarlieJLD7 I love how you just did the same exact thing though hahaha venting about what another mom was doing hahahah JK...
I guess I did do it.. lol Just folowing the trend I guess.
Posted 11/27/10 10:59 AM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I usually don't judge what others do, I can care less. If you are referring to the black friday thread. . .I had an opinion. . I felt bad for those kids who were dragged out at 4am, they looked miserable. . .am I judging for feeling badly for them ? ? ? I don't care what the mother chose to do but I have a right to just feel a little bad for them.
I think some posts are taken way to seriously.
Posted 11/27/10 11:03 AM |
Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by computergirl
Honestly, posts like that don't bother me at all. Yes, they are judgmental, but guess what... people judge! No matter what you want to think, people are judging your parenting every day. Not everyone is going to applaud every decision you make, this is not preschool where everyone gets a sticker for trying. If you feel confident in the parenting choices you make, then people with differing opinions shouldn't bother you that much.
ITA! Everyone judges, it's human nature to look at something different than what you would do and think hmmmm, thats great or hmmmm, thats horrible. Both ar judging, both are fine and if you want to express that opinion on here that's fine too!
Posted 11/27/10 11:06 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I don't see the big deal. There are a lot of things I don't agree with and some mom's honestly don't know and do things without realizing it's not necessarily the best thing to do. Disagreement is part of life. I enjoy a healthy debate.
Posted 11/27/10 11:07 AM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by julz33
I rarely participate on those threads... but it is interesting to read sometimes. You will see a lot of hypocrites!
This is me as well.
Posted 11/27/10 11:56 AM |
There's no place like home

Member since 8/07 4110 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by DPerotti I usually don't judge what others do, I can care less. If you are referring to the black friday thread. . .I had an opinion. . I felt bad for those kids who were dragged out at 4am, they looked miserable. . .am I judging for feeling badly for them ? ? ? I don't care what the mother chose to do but I have a right to just feel a little bad for them.
I think some posts are taken way to seriously.
The Black Friday thread is prob what sparked it but there have been a ton of others in the past few months. I am just referring to the concept in general. The black friday one was relatively tame when I last looked.
Posted 11/27/10 1:35 PM |
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
There is that saying.....opinions are like @ssholes..everyone has one and they never think theirs stink.... So as much as I don't really care what anyone does, I also tend to not care what they think, also. I know I'm guilty of judging at times...... I just try not too.
Posted 11/27/10 3:13 PM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I do judge myself at times, but I don't usually post about stuff like this here.
As my child gets older, I find I judge less and less however. When he was a baby, I remember being appalled at the way some parents spoke to their kids and the discipline (or lack of it) that they gave. I remember also thinking I would never be the Mom that fed her kid things like chicken nuggets.
But as DS has gotten older, and I've been through more and more with him, I think I judge less, probably because I know at times I've done things that weren't great, and yes, he eats chicken nuggets fairly often these days. Sometimes parents screw up, sometimes they I don't know the whole story, and sometimes they truly are clueless, but as long as a child isn't abused or mistreated, it's really not my business.
Posted 11/27/10 4:13 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I'm glad someone posted about this because, yes, these kind of posts that do nothing but criticize their neighbor's, friend's, sister's, SIL's etc. parenting choices/style really bother me. Maybe b/f I was a mom I would think like that but, not anymore. As a mom of two I know just how hard it is just to get through the day sometimes. I know how I struggle daily to make the right decisions for my kids, to know the right things to say to them, the right way to say it etc. To feed them right, to dress them right, teach them right from wrong, up from down, etc etc etc. And, yet, I'm sure, if you spent the day with me I'm sure you could rip me apart. That's just it - we all do the best we can with the hand we are given. Every baby is different and every parent is different. When I see a parent struggling with their child I empathize and, even when I feel what they are doing isn't perfect - I often just think - there before the grace of God go I. Kwim?
Posted 11/27/10 10:00 PM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I think it's 'okay' to post whatever you want. Sometimes it just speaks volumes and I appreciate the heads up.
Posted 11/27/10 10:32 PM |
BAM 2009
I am who I am!!!
Member since 5/09 6081 total posts
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by rojerono
I think it's 'okay' to post whatever you want. Sometimes it just speaks volumes and I appreciate the heads up.
I agree...Since I started one of the recent threads that we are talking about. I just stated how I felt and posted it. If you don't like it, don't read it. And don't add your two cents. Every board will have drama on it and it is what keeps things interesting...
Posted 11/27/10 10:44 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 1871 total posts
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
on any message board like this I think you'll see that, I usually don't read beyond the first post if it's not something I'm interested in or going in a direction I don't care to be involved in... doesn't really bother me as I don't get involved in it.
Posted 11/28/10 12:10 AM |
There's no place like home

Member since 8/07 4110 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
Posted by itsbabytime
I'm glad someone posted about this because, yes, these kind of posts that do nothing but criticize their neighbor's, friend's, sister's, SIL's etc. parenting choices/style really bother me. Maybe b/f I was a mom I would think like that but, not anymore. As a mom of two I know just how hard it is just to get through the day sometimes. I know how I struggle daily to make the right decisions for my kids, to know the right things to say to them, the right way to say it etc. To feed them right, to dress them right, teach them right from wrong, up from down, etc etc etc. And, yet, I'm sure, if you spent the day with me I'm sure you could rip me apart. That's just it - we all do the best we can with the hand we are given. Every baby is different and every parent is different. When I see a parent struggling with their child I empathize and, even when I feel what they are doing isn't perfect - I often just think - there before the grace of God go I. Kwim?
This was my main point for posting this. I wish as women we could uplift each other instead of ripping apart and tearing down.
Posted 11/28/10 8:15 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
I think most of like reading about differing parenting styles or reading through debates (healthy ones).
C'mon..lets admit it..without these things i think the boards would get a bit boring. I'm not for trashing other things moms do, but I don't mind the posts at all. Recently I posted about how SIL doesn't ever discipline her child and how it upsets me that my niece is becoming something other than the sweet girl she started out as...I see nothing wrong with the post and i got tons of fm's stating how others are in the same situation.
So, no, i see nothing wrong! As long as it is civil its ok
Posted 11/28/10 8:17 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 10/09 860 total posts
Name: me
Re: Posts/Vents about what other moms do
IMO it depends on the vent. If someone is frustrated because a kid was mean to their kid on the playground and the other parent was nowhere in sight, or a person was wailing on their kid in a store, or something, that's one thing.
If someone says those of us who FF or turned our kids carseats around before they were 2 are bad parents, that annoys me.
Posted 11/28/10 8:30 AM |
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