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Puppy advice

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

3389 total posts


Puppy advice

My DH have a new puppy and are so in love!!!!
My question is did I create a monster?!?!

He was 8 weeks when we got him and now 12 weeks. We have him in a play pen and everything is great BUT he doesnt like to be alone. I literally can't put him in the play pen without him crying for a good 20 minutes or more. He will cry and cry. We don't have kids but I know the "cry it out" method is what many parents do and we do do that but it's so sad!! At the beginning I would go in and check on him, he's fine just doesn't want to be alone....we have music playing for him and he has toys. At the beginning I felt bad and would pick him that's why I ask did I create a monster?!? And I more mean like an anxious puppy....any tips to make him stop crying for so long?!

Posted 7/9/17 6:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Zygote

Member since 4/13

32 total posts


Puppy advice

At this age any of the bad habits he may have formed aren't anything you can't undo, so no worries there. But, can you put his play area near where you are? It sounds like he just wants to be with you. Dogs are social creatures, and they thrive on interaction. Locking him up in a room without you is like torture to the little guy. The best thing you can do is train him so you don't have to leave him penned up.

Posted 7/28/17 2:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

3389 total posts


Re: Puppy advice

Posted by MissShelly

At this age any of the bad habits he may have formed aren't anything you can't undo, so no worries there. But, can you put his play area near where you are? It sounds like he just wants to be with you. Dogs are social creatures, and they thrive on interaction. Locking him up in a room without you is like torture to the little guy. The best thing you can do is train him so you don't have to leave him penned up.

I just saw this!
A few days after I wrote my question we moved him into the room with us and it has been SO much better

Posted 8/11/17 7:51 AM

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