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Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Question for daycare moms
If your school provides lunch, do any of you opt out of the lunch and pack your child's lunch instead?
We just found out that the camp provides lunch, unlike during the schoolyear. As most of you well know, we're health freaks, and I'm not keen on my daughter eating pizza everyday. I'm meeting some serious resistance with the school about packing her lunches instead. I'm wondering if this is the norm, or no.
Posted 6/4/07 2:46 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: Question for daycare moms
My daughters nursery/daycare provides breakfast and lunch but always gives the option to pack a cold lunch. (they dont want to heat something for each kid)
While the food might not always be the healthiest, I do like that she gets diversity and exposed to things we dont always eat at home. But if it was pizza everyday Im not sure I would be happy
Posted 6/4/07 2:51 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Question for daycare moms
Posted by curley999
My daughters nursery/daycare provides breakfast and lunch but always gives the option to pack a cold lunch. (they dont want to heat something for each kid)
While the food might not always be the healthiest, I do like that she gets diversity and exposed to things we dont always eat at home. But if it was pizza everyday Im not sure I would be happy
I'm sure it's not pizza everday, but I can't imagine what in the world they will be feeding them considering it's a synogogue that keeps kosher, so no meat, and there's a kid in her class with a nut allergy, so no peanut butter. By process of elimination, I land with Pizza
I'm waiting for a sample menu, so we shall see...
Message edited 6/4/2007 2:55:17 PM.
Posted 6/4/07 2:54 PM |
Stop kissing me!

Member since 5/05 2636 total posts
Name: L
Re: Question for daycare moms
DD's daycare provides lunch everyday, but you have the option of sending something in if your childres does not like or won't eat the lunch provided. Her school is also kosher, non-dairy so speaking form experience the menu is very limted (i.e. grilled cheese, mac and cheese, pizza, fish sticks, french toast, etc.). Good Luck!
Posted 6/4/07 3:02 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Question for daycare moms
Posted by lmb03
DD's daycare provides lunch everyday, but you have the option of sending something in if your childres does not like or won't eat the lunch provided. Her school is also kosher, non-dairy so speaking form experience the menu is very limted (i.e. grilled cheese, mac and cheese, pizza, fish sticks, french toast, etc.). Good Luck!
Ok, thanks, that helps!
Posted 6/4/07 3:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Question for daycare moms
We can pack a lunch instead due to milk protein allergy, but I don't know if that's an exception or not.
Posted 6/4/07 3:14 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Question for daycare moms
My daycare's biggest issue would be that it must be store bought. They dont' want any homemade food (as a non-cook I completely appreciate that) on the premises for allergy reasons.
The other issue is the other kids wanting her food. Since there are kids with allergies, it would be explained by diet restrictions.
My daughter has known since she was 2 years old that Billy has a different snack (soy allergy) & that she cannot have it.
Posted 6/4/07 3:26 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 2326 total posts
Name: Ms. Brat
Re: Question for daycare moms
Before deciding upon the childcare situation we are currently in, I toured and interviewed several daycares. All provided hot lunches, but half DID NOT allow you to send in a lunch from home. I immediately was turned off by that. I ask why this was, and the answer at all places was some variation of this: following the health guide lines of (I think) NYS, eliminating allergy prone foods, and the hassel of kids eating different things and causing "lunch envy". Being a picky eater I would never force mass produced food on my kids, so needless to say these places were immediately stricken from my list!
Posted 6/4/07 3:27 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Question for daycare moms
Posted by PatsBrat
Before deciding upon the childcare situation we are currently in, I toured and interviewed several daycares. All provided hot lunches, but half DID NOT allow you to send in a lunch from home. I immediately was turned off by that. I ask why this was, and the answer at all places was some variation of this: following the health guide lines of (I think) NYS, eliminating allergy prone foods, and the hassel of kids eating different things and causing "lunch envy". Being a picky eater I would never force mass produced food on my kids, so needless to say these places were immediately stricken from my list!
That is exactly what we did, and one of the reasons why we specifically chose our daycare. We had NO idea that they have a different policy for summer camp, and if they won't allow us to pack her lunch for camp, I suspect this may direct us towards dropping this synogogue and joining the more reform one down the street, which I really don't want to have to do because Alex loves her classmates.
Posted 6/4/07 3:31 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 2326 total posts
Name: Ms. Brat
Re: Question for daycare moms
Posted by Bxgell2
That is exactly what we did, and one of the reasons why we specifically chose our daycare. We had NO idea that they have a different policy for summer camp,
It must be so aggravating that the rules change for summer!
Posted 6/4/07 3:38 PM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Question for daycare moms
Posted by Bxgell2
If your school provides lunch, do any of you opt out of the lunch and pack your child's lunch instead?
We just found out that the camp provides lunch, unlike during the schoolyear. As most of you well know, we're health freaks, and I'm not keen on my daughter eating pizza everyday. I'm meeting some serious resistance with the school about packing her lunches instead. I'm wondering if this is the norm, or no.
When we were interviewing Day Care, we also found that this is an issue. Many of the places provide lunch, but they are definitely not the kind of food I intend to feed DS. Although he is a few years away from pizza & fries, I did not think it was a great idea to start him out in one Day Care, then change him later b/c they were not thrilled with him bringing his own lunch....
They were all OK with snacks from home though.....go figure
Posted 6/4/07 3:49 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: Question for daycare moms
My daycare provides breakfast, lunch and snack. I have never gotten into the situation that they wanted to bring lunch so I have no clue if they allow it or not.
Posted 6/4/07 7:02 PM |
April already?

Member since 3/06 5297 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Question for daycare moms
Posted by lmb03
DD's daycare provides lunch everyday, but you have the option of sending something in if your childres does not like or won't eat the lunch provided. Her school is also kosher, non-dairy so speaking form experience the menu is very limted (i.e. grilled cheese, mac and cheese, pizza, fish sticks, french toast, etc.). Good Luck!
same here..I don't like that she isnt getting much variety but it makes my life easier not to have to send it in.
Posted 6/5/07 9:18 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Question for daycare moms
Well, as it turns out, I talked to the Director today. I'm suprised because, while the teacher told me I can only supply snacks and was fairly resistant to me, the Director was completely understanding and told me that we can do whatever we want, and that she will supply a weekly menu to us in advance, and we can pick and choose which options Alex can have, and supplement with whatever we want.
I'm glad I inquired because, as it turns out, the synogogue is kosher, and so some of the days they will be serving only meat, no dairy, and as most of you know, we are raising Alex vegetarian.
I'm a little ticked that the teacher gave me the impression I couldn't do this - I'm going in to meet her on Friday so I'll discuss all of this with her at that time.
Posted 6/5/07 9:20 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Question for daycare moms
I am glad that you were able to get some real answers. Shame on that teacher though
Posted 6/5/07 9:56 AM |
Re: Question for daycare moms
Posted by Bxgell2
If your school provides lunch, do any of you opt out of the lunch and pack your child's lunch instead?
We just found out that the camp provides lunch, unlike during the schoolyear. As most of you well know, we're health freaks, and I'm not keen on my daughter eating pizza everyday. I'm meeting some serious resistance with the school about packing her lunches instead. I'm wondering if this is the norm, or no.
I agree with you. When my daycare told me about the food, I asked - what about vegetarian options? The woman said, well, that never ciomes up because they don't want the kids to feel left out or different... etc- I said, well, it's going to come up, because Cailen will be raised vegetarian... She looked at me like I had 6 heads...
They have a chef on site, so she said when the time comes, they will tell him and he will work with me, but feel that I may have to send in my own food anyway - just in case
Posted 6/5/07 10:14 AM |