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question for the team green ladies
so DH and i decided we're going to be team and let the excitement build up!
but our parents are totally against this. our moms are concerned that no one will buy us clothes because they wont know which colors to buy and feel neutral colors are going to just be boring. so when our level II comes around, they want us to ask the tech to write down the sex on a piece of paper and seal it up in an envelope so that THEY can have it and just buy us a bunch of stuff and hold on to it until the baby's born.
but i think that takes away from the excitement. i mean, i understand their concern but i really want it to be DH and i that find out FIRST, kwim.
are you guys doing anything like that or keeping it a secret till the big day?
Posted 3/24/09 9:50 PM |
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Member since 5/05 3221 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: question for the team green ladies
we didnt fidn out at me you will get so many gifts once the baby is born, you won't have to worry about having all neutral clothing. I dont think I had to buy anything for DD for a while (but ofcourse I did bc I wanted to shop lol)
Posted 3/24/09 9:53 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: question for the team green ladies
I don't think it's a concern. Buy a few gender nuetral things and then people will buy you stuff as soon as the baby is born. Maybe you will even get more because people will be excited once they find out the sex and then get you stuff. you only need onsies and gowns for the first few weeks anyway.. So they can be mostly gender nuetral. Then you can get the 0-3 and 3-6 stuff later as gifts or yourself.
I will tell you that team green has curbed my shopping BIG TIME. I look at how much people have bought and i am I have like 5 things. (my shower hasn't come yet) But, I hear so many people overbuy and never use half the stuff. So, for a person who has a spending problem like me.. team greeen is working out well.
Posted 3/24/09 9:59 PM |
Re: question for the team green ladies
omg dont do that. if you dont want to find out they have to respect that.
i got the same shiat from both parents. and i did get a bunch of clothes and people will buy stuff after the baby is out as well. dont let them ruin your surprise.
Posted 3/24/09 10:02 PM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: question for the team green ladies
We're not finding out. Everyone likes the idea. My mom made a great point, everyone buys clothes and goes overboard, and they never even get to wear a lot of the clothes.... even more so when they know boy or girl...but not knowing they can't do that....
I say you stick to your guns and ask your mom's to be careful not to slip up! Everyone has an opinion, finding out or not!
Some of our family members already bought some clothes (yellow, white, green), and I know after baby is born, they will buy more....
Posted 3/24/09 10:02 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: question for the team green ladies
I was team with my son and am team once again. I had the comments like "Its going to be hard to shop" blaaah blaaah blaah..Im sorry, but, IM carrying this baby and I hard can it be? This time around Im getting opposite comments like "Ooh wow awesome, I love surprises"..etc. My parents (my mom too when she was still with us) and my inlaws were not against us not finding out at all. It was other family members that would make comments ooh and coworkers. DH wanted to find out with DS..I stuck to my "Whose carrying this baby"...LOL and I "Won". At the end, he was sooo happy to be the one announcing to those in the waiting room. He can't wait to do that again.
Posted 3/24/09 10:06 PM |
this is what it's all about

Member since 11/07 3321 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: question for the team green ladies
stay on team green!! and your parents shouldnt know before you know!!
honestly we were on team green and we received a bunch of neutral clothes prior to the birth and then a ton of pink clothes after the baby was born from generous family n friends!!
the suspense is the best part! just tell them that you dont see a big deal in having the baby wear a few yellow/cream items for the first few days! i am sure there will be plenty of time to buy a bunch of gender specific clothes once the baby is born.
Posted 3/24/09 11:09 PM |
Two under two!

Member since 5/07 3703 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: question for the team green ladies
It's funny I didn't want to find out partly so people wouldn't buy a ton of clothes. I have no concerns at about clothing for the baby. I know plenty of people will bring gifts to the hospital and I'm sure my mom and sisters can pick things up if I need them.
Posted 3/24/09 11:15 PM |
Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: question for the team green ladies
I was on team for my son. I had tons of clothes because people brought gifts to the hospital and after the baby was born. He had a ton of clothes.
I go on Friday for my Level II for Baby #2. I am sticking strong with team green again. I have heard some slack from my family..oh well!
Message edited 3/25/2009 6:24:56 AM.
Posted 3/25/09 12:58 AM |
So blessed!

Member since 11/06 10348 total posts
Name: Ivelysse
Re: question for the team green ladies
Personally I think your parents are being silly. They are just making excuses because "they" want to know.
We are team green and have gotten some slack from people but not our parents. Both of our parents have been supportive.
The bottom like is you will get plenty of clothes once the baby is born. Don't worry.
I personally wouldn't give in to telling them ahead of time. It defeats the purpose of the suprise. JMO
Posted 3/25/09 5:52 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: question for the team green ladies
I think that defeats the whole purpose - I like the idea that EVERYONE will be waiting with breathless anticipation, and the moment DH goes into the waiting room to make the announcement was one of the most memorable ever
The clothes isn't an issue - I got a lot of really cute neutral clothes for my DD, and once she was born, I was again inundated with as much pink clothing as you could ever fathom!
Posted 3/25/09 7:05 AM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: question for the team green ladies
I wouldn't want anyone else to know the gender before my husband and I.
I'm really not concerned about the clothes. I figure I will get a ton of onesies and gender neutral stuff that the baby can hang in.
I love shopping, so if I get to run out and choose all gender specific clothes I'd love that too!
Posted 3/25/09 7:38 AM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: question for the team green ladies
No one will know the gender before DH and I. I wouldn't trust someone else to keep that secret.
DH and I have decided to keep it surprise until the end. It was so exciting forus the 1st time around!
Although DH is kind of wanting to find out this time, but I'm putting a stop to that!
Posted 3/25/09 7:42 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: question for the team green ladies
I am not on team green but I feel that if you want to wait, your family will just have to wait also. I think it is pretty ballsy for them to request to find out if you choose not to, JMHO
Posted 3/25/09 8:27 AM |

Member since 10/06 2938 total posts
Name: me
Re: question for the team green ladies
DON"T DO IT!!! Your parents can wait to find out. I was team green with ds and we got some gender neutral clothes for my shower. Those clothes can be reused for DC#2 no matter what sex the baby is. Once ds was born we got a crap load of clothes from friends and family. I didn't have to buy anything until he was 9 months old. Don't worry about the clothes. Don't let any one know if you don't want to know. Human nature is they will not be able to keep the secret. they ill just have to tell some one who will tell some one who will tell some one and so on. Stay strong Truth be told I enjoyed tormenting my family. My mother and Mil wanted to know. Mil was real bad about it So not finding out pi$$ed them off royally and I enjoyed watching them suffer (evil I know )
Posted 3/25/09 8:48 AM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: question for the team green ladies
I would NOT tell them!
Posted 3/25/09 9:11 AM |
Loving every minute

Member since 2/09 1663 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: question for the team green ladies
My sister wanted me to do the same thing! I think she was half joking/serious though. I told her if I'm not going to find out then neither is she, plus I'd be worried about her slipping up in front of me.
It's ultimately your and DH's choice, and both families should be able to deal with it
Posted 3/25/09 9:24 AM |
I love my girls

Member since 11/08 1510 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: question for the team green ladies
If we are not finding out - then they are not finding out - sorry.... people can't keep secrets as it is.... I would think that with all their excitement someone is bound to slip - and who's to say they won't tell other people too - and then what - YOU'RE the last to find out????
.... sorry their excitement is wonderful but I would NOT do it.
Posted 3/25/09 9:36 AM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: question for the team green ladies
We were team , but our families fully supported us not knowing. Everyone would guess. At my shower I received a lot of neutral clothes, however, after he was born, we received so many boy gifts. I just bought him clothes for the first time, but for the summer. You will get so many gifts after you have .
Stay strong, stay team !!!!!!!
Posted 3/25/09 9:48 AM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: question for the team green ladies
uh, no.
If I don't know, NOBODY knows.
I think boys and girls look equally cute in yellow and mint green. bring it on!
I don't ever want people buying my kids clothes anyway. there is a certain way I want to dress them, and it's not the way most people around me dress their kids (not that they dress them badly, just NOT the same style I like at all)
Posted 3/25/09 9:54 AM |
Waste not, want not

Member since 6/06 7219 total posts
Name: Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma
Re: question for the team green ladies
I actually think their suggestion was rude and intrusive.
I would never allow family members to know what I was having if I didn't want to know.
Their desire to know what you are having, while it may be well-intentioned, I think it's selfish on their part.
This is your child. You and your DH make the rules and the decisions. I hope you are able to stick to you guns and kindly tell them, "Nope, not sharing that info!"
Posted 3/25/09 10:33 AM |
Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06 5913 total posts
Name: Denise
Re: question for the team green ladies
Your moms sound like a couple of school girls! No offense! I think they want to know for their own sake! I've never in my life been to a baby shower without tons of clothes (registered or not)! And pray tell, what do they think your baby is going to wear in day 1, 2 and 3 of their life in the hospital that they cannot go out shopping for you!? All you need at your shower is a layette which is mostly white anyway. When each of my siblings came home from the hospital, my mom had the couch lined up with gender specific clothes!
They're being silly and not rememebering that they survived without knowing the gender or having tons of baby clothes! Tell them they'll have to wait with everyone else!
Posted 3/25/09 12:32 PM |
I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05 5150 total posts
Name: Farah
Re: question for the team green ladies
I would NOT let my mom do that!!! How would that help the situation with people "not being able to buy stuff" anyway? Are they going to tell people the gender of your baby before you know? Ridiculous. If you want to keep it a surprise, you definitely should!
I wanted ours to be a surprise, but we found out in the end. Although, I have to say, I went shopping with my mom the week before and there isn't much out there that's not gender specific. It was kind of boring! But like someone else said, it really helped put the kabash on the spending!!!!
Posted 3/25/09 12:40 PM |
Love my family

Member since 2/08 2267 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: question for the team green ladies
I wouldn't tell them. They can wait with everyone else.
I was team and so was my sister. We got more than enough neutral clothes for the babies. When my sister had her daughter I went crazy during my lunch hour and brought a ton of stuff to the hospital. Did the same thing when she had her son.
You'll get so much once the babies are born. Their reasoning is just lame.
Posted 3/25/09 12:47 PM |

Member since 5/05 6372 total posts
Re: question for the team green ladies
I wouldn't do that!!! When I had my DS I got some really beautiful neutral outfits and then after he was born EVERYONE got me boy clothes.
My Mom actually went to BRU when I was pregnant and bought 1 bags of clothes - one girl, one boy. She paid for each seperate and kept the receipt in the bag and returned the girl bag after DS was born.
Posted 3/25/09 1:01 PM |
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