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Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

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Member since 8/07

1962 total posts


Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

do you have any tips or recipes for getting all the foods in to a well balanced diet??? when did you start introducing beans?? my son is 9 months and a very picky eater so any advice is good. we have been given the ok from ped to introduce yogurt and cheese and over cooked pasta now but any advice would be greatly appeicated Chat Icon i find that i cant always find some things that are organic so i have been doing without or going from 1 store to another to get it. i refuse to give anything not organic to my son but im sure there are easier ways Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/8/07 4:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

I'm not quite there yet - but you should check out some recipe books - go onto amazon and search for vegetarian baby cookbooks - there are a ton... also, if you google vegan babyfood, lots of things show up- do me a favor, if you do that, could you share some recipes with me?Chat Icon

Posted 10/8/07 5:20 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

Annabel Karmel, she has LOADS. Google veggie childrens recipes and you should find them.

eta...anything that you eat, your children can eat. Falafel, veg sausages, tofu, anything like that. Gemma...get your Mum to send you over a few cans of Heinz Beans. They are the staple of my sons diet!

Message edited 10/8/2007 5:23:08 PM.

Posted 10/8/07 5:21 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

we aren't vegatarians...but we are a half hispanic household and beans are a constant stapleChat Icon

Josh started eating black beans at 8 months. Kidney at 9 months...garbanzo at 9 months.

I either make beans with brown rice or make a soup with beans in it.

Posted 10/8/07 5:33 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

Posted by Janice

we aren't vegatarians...but we are a half hispanic household and beans are a constant stapleChat Icon

Josh started eating black beans at 8 months. Kidney at 9 months...garbanzo at 9 months.

I either make beans with brown rice or make a soup with beans in it.

did he like the beans right away?

Posted 10/8/07 5:34 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

he doesn't like anything right awayChat Icon I started putting a bean in his mouth with strawberry pieces. I show it to him and shove it in his mouth. By the 3rd time, he was loving black beans. Kidney beans I put in my bean chili. I take out his portion before the cumin goes in and powder.

Really, I put a big mess of food on his tray and he loves picking through things. Peas and beans go quick.

Posted 10/8/07 5:37 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

Check out the book "Super Baby Food Diet" by Ruth Yarrow.

She had premie twins, researched a lot about food, when to introduce what foods when... whole grain/vegetarian diet and at her DSs' one year checkup her ped said they were the healthiest kids he had ever seen. Not one illness in their first year.

She has a lot of recipies, step by step instructions on what food to introduce at what months and why, how to make homemade vegetables and fruits and tips on how to prepare each fruit and vegetable recommended. It's a lot cheaper to make your own even when buying all organic... with one batch of organic sweet potatoes (Trader Joe's) I had enough for dinner for two kids for over 2 weeks and it cost less than $4.

My BF used the diet and passed the book onto me. She also has a lot of toddler recipies and money saving tips.

ETA: Their is a page of the book that is a chart listing all of the fruits and vegetables by what vitamins they contain. After month seven she tells you each day you should have X number of servings of each vitamin then you pick off the chart of what you already have premade.

Message edited 10/8/2007 6:01:10 PM.

Posted 10/8/07 5:59 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

Like lipglossjunky said, it's a wise idea to invest in some good baby/toddler vegetarian cookbooks.

My other two suggestions are (1) meet with a pediatric nutritionist - it only has to be once - but it was very helpful to get all the materials and to have a professional lay it all out there for us and to explain what is absolutely necessary in the early years for our daughter.

(2) Join a local organic farm co-op - you will save a LOT of money and time. We pay $540 a year, which covers April through December. Every week we get a grocery bag full of organic veggies, fruits and herbs, that are enough to feed a family of 4 for the week. It's delivered to our neighborhood, and unbelievably convenient. I bought two seasonal cookbooks so I can figure out what to do with some of the more odd items we get (i.e. cabbage, beets, okra).

Good luck!

Posted 10/8/07 5:59 PM


Member since 8/07

1962 total posts


Re: Question to moms who are doing all vegatarian all organic foods ......

Posted by lipglossjunky73

I'm not quite there yet - but you should check out some recipe books - go onto amazon and search for vegetarian baby cookbooks - there are a ton... also, if you google vegan babyfood, lots of things show up- do me a favor, if you do that, could you share some recipes with me?Chat Icon

i definatly will share any recipes that i do. thankyou so much ladies for all your great advice and tips i cant wait to start cooking some yummy healthy food for my little one. i knew i could count on all of you for great tips. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/8/07 6:55 PM

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