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Question to you ladies that work??

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Member since 6/06

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Question to you ladies that work??

How do you work if you feel icky or are vomiting?
I am just curious, I'm not pg yet but wondering how that would be.
How can you work and have morning or even afternoon sickness?

Posted 6/25/06 8:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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just the girls

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

Welp for me, I didnt puke at all but felt queesy and nausaeus all day long, and at times so sick I had to run to the bathroom ( came out other end), I just had to excuse myself from my patients and go. I am thankful those days have passed. It works out.

Posted 6/25/06 9:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

I guess my only answer is that while it's not easy, but you just learn to deal with it after awhile ... there were a period of a few weeks that I was throwing up every morning/afternoon at work, but I still 'hid' it pretty well and plugged on along .. It sounds crazy, but you really do get "Used" to the nauseau and how to deal with it, unfortunately Chat Icon

I have a desk job, which admittedly helped (rather than being on my feet all day). So I was able to step away and take breaks as needed. I would try to make sure I always had some food on me that would settle my stomach (bread/carbs/lots of fluids, etc) and generally just took one day at a time -

Eventually it passed thank God! And I didn't miss more than a day or so of work (since when things were particularly bad I could tell from when I'd wake up I couldnt' make the commute) .. but luckily those days were rare

Posted 6/25/06 9:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

ugh - I was in a training class for most of my m/s!!! It was awful - but I packed as many snacks as I could, so I could munch all the time. I felt if I ate slowly and very often I could keep it at bay. I had ginger ale with me - but I think the bubbles helped me burp more than anything

Posted 6/25/06 9:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

2223 total posts


Re: Question to you ladies that work??

I didn't vomit much - so it was just keeping the queeziness at bay. Lots of munching. I heard that ginger candy helped some people and you can **** on that all day - I'll probably try that the next time

Posted 6/26/06 6:23 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

it was terrible. I would vomit at my desk in a trash can. I was so tired and looked like garbage. My mind was not on work at all. People eating and drinking bothered me.

Once I was leaving the building and I did not make it to the restroom to vomit, I was mortified. right there on the floor.

my nips were always hard, I looked indecent all the time.

But I worked for understandable people. They were extremely supportive and great.

It passes.

Posted 6/26/06 6:48 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

I am a social worker so I usually closed my office door when I felt ill and when I had to see clients I selectively made my schedules.
There was a few times I was sick during group sessions I must admit.

Posted 6/26/06 7:32 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

I'm learning this right now. I go to the bathroom a lot for a "time out," because when the m/s hits, I can't focus at all. I also have small lo-cal snacks and water with me all the time to help reduce the m/s.

It's a little scary b/c I have random unpredictable episodes of wretching/dry heaving. Only a few people ever noticed so far. Chat Icon

It was awful last week, but I am making sure I am hydrated and my stomach isn't too empty - today was a better day.

Posted 6/26/06 8:48 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

I was fortunate to never get sick. There were a few times were I felt it coming on and I sprinted to the bathroom, but luckily nothing. On days where I didn't feel well, I just said F it and just sat there eating crackers concentrating on trying to feel better, or sit in the bathroom for long periods of time.

Posted 6/26/06 9:09 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

I was on jury duty, I sat in the courtroom with a plastic bag and some crackers! Chat Icon Luckily my ms only lasted a week and happened in the evenings when I was home.

Posted 6/26/06 9:24 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

I was lucky enough to have a great supportive co-teacher last year when I was pregnant so when I had to run to the bathroom it was Ok because she was there with the kids.

The worst was my commute to the city. I had to pull over a LOT.

Posted 6/26/06 9:30 PM


Member since 6/06

2988 total posts


Re: Question to you ladies that work??

Thanks Ladies for sharing your stories.

I'm not looking forward to m/s. Chat Icon
But, I know it will all be worth it!

Anyone else want to share their stories???
Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 9:56 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

It is not very easy. I had to tell my bosses that I was pg at 10 weeks because I didn't want them to think that I was slacking off. I had to call in sick a few times and wanted them to know why. Also, I have an amazing co-worker who would jump in and help me whenever I needed it.

Posted 6/26/06 10:02 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

It was so hard...because Im a teacher....and I was MISERABLE!!!!! I called in sick a lot, because some days were worse than othersChat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 8:45 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: Question to you ladies that work??

it was really hard. I told my boss early that I was pg because the vomiting and nausea was so bad. The days seemed to drag and I did a lot of crying in my office Chat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 8:55 AM


Member since 6/06

2988 total posts


Re: Question to you ladies that work??

I know it all depends but when does m/s usually start and when does it end?
I know of some that had it throughout their whole pregnancy. Chat Icon

Isn't there a certain trimester it starts and ends?

Posted 6/27/06 6:18 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Question to you ladies that work??

Posted by shell

I know it all depends but when does m/s usually start and when does it end?
I know of some that had it throughout their whole pregnancy. Chat Icon

Isn't there a certain trimester it starts and ends?

M/s usually starts around 5-6 weeks of pg and goes to the 2nd trimester 13 weeks or so. For me mine started at 6 weeks and ended at 12-13 weeks. Some women are sicker longer, some are sick throughout their whole pg. Every pg is different and every woman is different.

I only puked in the am when I brushed my teeth, and had the 24 hour queazies. I drank alot of gatorade and munched all day long. I found that an empty stomach made it worse. I made it through, there were some days I would just put my head on my desk cause it was cold and felt sooo good.

Some women get real lucky and don't get m/s and go on to have very healthy pg's. I am hoping for the next one that's me!

Message edited 6/27/2006 6:57:30 PM.

Posted 6/27/06 6:56 PM


Member since 3/06

2018 total posts


Re: Question to you ladies that work??

my m/s was actually evening sicknes... i got sick mostly after dinnertime. weeks 5-10 were particularly rough. i still get queasy every now and then, but not so bad. as far as work, i called in sick only once during that time. the nausea and vomiting kept me up all night and at 4 o'clock in the morning, i just knew i could not perform well that day...

Posted 6/27/06 7:39 PM

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