He's been off sedation and he is awake and a bit anxious. Wouldn't you be?
We saw him tonight and talked to him. He is trached so he couldn't really speak but he did respond to me and I could see that he knew me. I wonder if he will come around enough to even ask what happened to him. That is the biggest question. I don't think he knows his leg is gone.
He is making involuntary movements and that's the brain damage. I don't know though if that goes away. The neurologist needs to see him off sedation.
It's so hard to visit him not knowing if he really knows I'm there or if he knows who I am. Sometimes he just stares into space. I will see him tomorrow too. They put his feeding tube in his stomach instead of through his nose. That made him more comfortable.
Sending you tons of HUGS! I am really not sure what happened to your brother, but have been keeping up on your most recent updates. I know it's been draining! You're a great sister!