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Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

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LIF Toddler

Member since 2/11

454 total posts


Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

For BTDT moms and other well-informed moms-to-be, what would you recommend as your top 5 must-haves on your registry? DH and I have no idea where to begin... plus, being team green, we can barely figure out how to plan for bedding and things of that nature! So color schemes and gender specific stuff aside, I really want to know what most moms think are their winning items for once the baby arrives Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/13 5:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

Looking at other people's registry really helped me when I registered!

Lets see 5 must haves:

Fisher Price rock and play
Chicco key fit infant carseat (I've heard Graco is good too)
Snap and go/stroller
Play mat

Chat Icon

Message edited 7/18/2013 5:24:10 PM.

Posted 7/18/13 5:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/12

870 total posts


Re: Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

FP Bouncer
RNP Sleeper
Aden and Anais Blankets
Swaddle Mes
Video Monitor

Posted 7/18/13 8:39 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

707 total posts


Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

--Chicco KeyFit30
--Snap&Go (or similar)
--Bouncer seat
--HALO Sleepsacks in various sizes depending on weather

Posted 7/19/13 10:27 AM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

3324 total posts


Re: Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

This is my 3rd, and honestly every baby is different. What one likes, the other doesnt lol, but these are mine.

1. Boppy pillow
2. Tub with netting type thing
3. Swing
4. Pack n play with changer ((its a plastic type thing and soo easily washed))
5. Sound machine

Posted 7/19/13 10:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

1706 total posts


Re: Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

swing -DS loved it!!!!

bouncer - only used it for a couple of months but i could carry it anywhere and brought it into the bathroom when i would shower

good video monitor - i got the angelcare - gave me piece of mind!

snap n go stroller - i was so sad when i stopped using this (at 9 months lol!)

pack n play - we used this all the time - we got the one that had a bassinet and changer.

Posted 7/19/13 10:36 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

It was not on my registry but it was a gift that I received at my far the item I have used the most and proably would have never bought it.

BATTERY POWERED BOOGER SUCKER!!!!! yes thats right battery powered. DS is a daycare kid and while he is pretty healthy and never had an real illnesses he constantly had a runny nose for the first year. This was the best thing ever. Gross YES!!!! But way better than the bulb ones.

Posted 7/19/13 11:00 AM


Member since 6/10

6900 total posts


Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

Rock N Play
Swing (one that plugs in not battery operated)
Video Monitor
Sound machine

Posted 7/19/13 1:40 PM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

the gift we got that we didn't register for but loved was a white noise machine.

Dd is really easy going and when she was born the bouncer seat was amazing...I still use it when I am home alone with her and need to shower.
She also loved the swing but that was more to help her sleep

A playmat is also a must and an exersaucer and/or a jumperoo

Dd also loved being swaddled so swaddle-me and swaddle sleep sacks came in handy

And the last thing is a crib mobile by tiny love. We got the one that matched her bedding but it was so boring we switched to the tiny love one....dd loves playing in her crib watching it

Message edited 7/19/2013 9:43:38 PM.

Posted 7/19/13 9:38 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/11

454 total posts


Re: Registry Must-Haves... what's on yours?

this is awesome Chat Icon love the addition of the didn't register for but found to be awesome items! its so easy to go overboard and start registering for everything in sight so I figured I'd start with the ones people found most useful. keep em' coming!

Message edited 7/19/2013 10:23:09 PM.

Posted 7/19/13 10:07 PM

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