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Resume writing/teachers

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My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Resume writing/teachers

I am updating my current resume and have a couple of questions regarding listing my previous places of employment.

I should preface by saying that I am applying for a teaching position through NYC Teaching Fellows and I have worked in a legal field for the past 7 years (3 employers).

I have worked as a teacher's assistant in a daycare center/summer school for a couple of years while in high school and college and was wondering if I should go that far back and list my experience.

Also, should I list all of my employers in the legal field or I should stick to the latest two (6 years)?

I'm trying to keep it quick and thorough and would like to have it all on one page, but I have two degrees to list, volunteer and intership experience, languages and computer skillsChat Icon I actually don't have to worry about keeping it on one page since I am pasting it into an electronic application, but I would like it to be no longer than 1.5 pages. I tried to use as compact language as possible.


Posted 7/7/08 11:58 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 8/06

4376 total posts


Re: Resume writing/teachers

i would still try to keep it to one page, regardless of if its electronic or not. are you bulleting out your job responsibilities? one way i like to compact it is to make the last bullet: 'additional responsibliities included __________' and then add in the minor stuff that is still relevant. it's a good space saver!

ETA: I would maybe leave the college stuff off y our resume but include it in your cover letter.

Message edited 7/7/2008 1:52:12 PM.

Posted 7/7/08 1:51 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

885 total posts


Re: Resume writing/teachers

For the sake of printing and emailing, I'd keep your resume to one page. Try to play with the margins, tabs and font size (i can help reformat it if you want, just FM me) to give yourself some room. Also, I'd keep the volunteer/internship stuff to the cover letter so you'll have room to list your jobs, education and special skills. (sometimes having just a skills section will save room and you can list your computer skills and then have a new sentence with your languages)

Posted 7/7/08 7:23 PM

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