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Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
"Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
I've gotten out of my car twice to yell at people - both times they were putting children in danger. Once was tailgating me/honking/yelling because I was doing the speed limit in a school zone at 3pm in the afternoon. Idiot just stared straight ahead when I blocked his way so he couldn't move and yelled at him at his window.
The second one couldn't see around me (again because she was tailgating) and that I had stopped for a school bus that was loading kids. Same deal - honking, yelling. And she had her own KIDS in the car! I had a few choice words for her too.
I probably shouldn't have done it either time because people are just nuts. You never know what kind of lunacy they're capable of.
I never antagonize bad drivers on a highway or if I'm not driving alone - the chance of some major damage to everyone is just too great. I'm getting better and just letting it go.
What are your "road rage" stories - and how did you react to it?
Posted 11/3/06 8:31 AM |
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Member since 5/05 13199 total posts
Name: Did I ever tell you that I hate people?
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
You really have to be very careful
People are nuts, and that is hard to remember when you are angry
I posted a story here over the summer where DH got punched in the face (while he was sitting in his car at a light, through the window) by some nut
Posted 11/3/06 8:33 AM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
My DH will freak out at people. I always try to get him not to because you never know what someone else is capable of, or what they might have in their car.
He is the king of the stop short when someone is tailgating us. He did the other day(Hi 9 months pregnant) I told him if he did that to me again I would kick him in the crotch so he could see what it feels like
Posted 11/3/06 8:34 AM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Well, DH has SERIOUS SERIOUS road rage. We were making a u-turn on a side street. Someone decided to just go around us...and then they were making a left onto a main road, so they were waiting there. DH decides to pull up on the LEFT of the car and go around him. So then they guy starts cursing us out. So then DH loses it and starts screaming. The guy spits at the car and hits my window, meanwhile my window is a crack open and his disgusting phlegm gets in my HAIR! So DH pulls up along side him again (we're on the main road at this point) and spits at his car. Then they keep swirving toward each other. At this point I'm freaking out. Finally the guy gets on the parkway. So, DH decides to turn around so he can follow the guy onto the parkway. Thankfully he was long gone.
Posted 11/3/06 8:35 AM |
Member since 8/06 8652 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
I always try to let it go. I have maybe yelled at them to myself in the car but thats it. I never honk at any one. I try to look at it this way - you never know what is going on in the other persons life, maybe they just made a mistake, or maybe they were having a really bad day. Not an excuse, if they are putting some one in danger, but I have made mistakes before on the road.
Posted 11/3/06 8:36 AM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Posted by Stacey1403
My DH will freak out at people. I always try to get him not to because you never know what someone else is capable of, or what they might have in their car.
He is the king of the stop short when someone is tailgating us. He did the other day(Hi 9 months pregnant) I told him if he did that to me again I would kick him in the crotch so he could see what it feels like
Is your DH related to my DH?
Posted 11/3/06 8:38 AM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Posted by LaurenExp
Posted by Stacey1403
My DH will freak out at people. I always try to get him not to because you never know what someone else is capable of, or what they might have in their car.
He is the king of the stop short when someone is tailgating us. He did the other day(Hi 9 months pregnant) I told him if he did that to me again I would kick him in the crotch so he could see what it feels like
Is your DH related to my DH?
After reading your story I think they might be. He has tried to throw change at people's cars I scream at him that he is going to cause an accident.
Posted 11/3/06 8:40 AM |
My two miracles!

Member since 5/06 17826 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
I try to let it go but with yell inside my car at them. I never confront them bc there are some crazy people in this world. I will honk at someone, especially if you cut me off or if you start to swerve into my lane...
If I am on the parkway & get cut off, I try to shrug it off. If I have to pass someone bc they are driving slow or just did something stupid, I nver look at them. I try to avoid all eye contact
Posted 11/3/06 8:40 AM |
My little loves!
Member since 1/06 8093 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Honestly, I would never get out of a car to yell at someone. People are NUTS!!!! You never know what they will try to do to you.
I had a guy cut me off big time on the Grand Central Pkwy, so I decided to follow him closely just to annoy him. Mind you I was in a Dodge Ram which is pretty big. They guy started to wave his club in the air. I thought he was gonna throw it out the window and hit my car. So I backed off. You really have to be careful.
Posted 11/3/06 9:18 AM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
After reading what your husbands do, I'm definitely keeping my rage to myself, thank you very much.
It's scary how anger can so overtake you that you completely disregard the danger to everyone else, in the car, and on the road with you.
Does anyone else notice that the stupid things - driving in between two lanes, making a left turn from the right lane, etc. - that they're usually done by women?
So many times, the speeders and cutter-offers (is that a word? lol) are guys. And the ones who aren't paying attention are the women. It's just something I've observed - it can be a flawed observance - don't freak on me please!
Posted 11/3/06 9:28 AM |

Member since 5/05 10311 total posts
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
One chick cut me off so dangerously close and I guess she saw me yelling "W T F !?!" in the rear view mirror.
I happened to be going the same way she was, so I stayed on her a*s the whole time.
I guess I scared her a bit b/c she held up a hand written note that read "I'M SORRY."
I just started busting up laughing. I waved and backed off.
If someone is being obnoxious, I'll use my Excursion to f*ck with them. I'll block them from trying to weave in and out of lanes or prevent them from driving down a shoulder lane so they can just cut in again.
But for the most part, I just don't want the psychos near me. The further away they are from me...the safer I am.
Message edited 11/3/2006 9:33:14 AM.
Posted 11/3/06 9:31 AM |

Member since 5/05 4319 total posts
Name: Pam
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
I yell in my car - A LOT (much to the dimay of my husband), but I wouldn't do something outright because I believe in my heart that people are friggin crazy!!! I will give them the finger (under the dashboard ) but will rarely honk - and usually when I do, since I have a little Civic, and I don't like to sit on the horn, instead of sounding angry, it's more like a little "toot-toot" "hi there" sound.
One time, when I was young, and foolish - and a little tipsy - I was in the backseat of a friends car. Someone tried to cut her off, but then honked at her. I turned around and gave them the finger when we went past them. Well, they pulled out and at the next light, they pulled up next to us. The girl who was driving got out of the car and the guy in the passengers seat followed her and started moving towards our car. My friend was in tears trying to talk to him (I'm not sure she at first, had known what I did.) The light turned green and my other friend told her to just go. She was so shaken up we had to pull into a parking lot and switch drivers b/c she couldn't drive. I felt so bad - I had just been kidding around, but people are so scary and I should never have done that.
Posted 11/3/06 9:34 AM |
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Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Oh I definetly freak out on people and then go
YOU IDIOT what are doing!
The only time I don't get nervous is when I see people who let there kids stand up and wander around the car while driving. Thats worth anything that person does to me!
Posted 11/3/06 9:34 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2984 total posts
Name: Stick
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
i would never ever get out of my car but i scream, curse, honk, and flip the finger all the time if they do something wrong
on the *rare* chance that i did something wrong ( ), if someone else flips me off, i give them a big smile and wave at them, just to p*ss them off
Posted 11/3/06 9:36 AM |

Member since 5/05 4319 total posts
Name: Pam
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Posted by Chatham-Chick
One chick cut me off so dangerously close and I guess she saw me yelling "W T F !?!" in the rear view mirror.
I happened to be going the same way she was, so I stayed on her a*s the whole time.
I guess I scared her a bit b/c she held up a hand written note that read "I'M SORRY."
I just started busting up laughing. I waved and backed off.
I have often wondered, if people said sorry more, would there be less accidents caused by road rage. I have done stupid things by accident, and have wanted to apologize so that the people would stop being angry and try to understand that people make mistakes. Sometimes I have to try and remind myself of that when I start cursing at someone who does something dumb too.
Posted 11/3/06 9:38 AM |
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Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Funny story, one time me and DH were driving in Huntington before we got married...some guy would not let us merge in so I told him he was an azzhole. He must have heard me, because he pulled up next to us and said "I am not an azzhole"....I must have hurt his feelings
I thought he was even more of an azzhole for doing that
Posted 11/3/06 9:44 AM |
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Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
mine were more parking rage situations
I was all set to take this great spot right in front of my building- when this girl tried to steal it from me
I freaked- and rolled my car forward at her- ( I have an SUV- she was in a Jetta- I actually started caling my SUV a Suburban ASSUALT Vechicle instead after this)- I had the car under control- but she wouldn't have known it
and then I made her back up- all while talking on the phone to my friend who was laughing
I kind of felt bad after- but a spot is spot!
but both my DH and Dad are much worse then me- I would never tell tell some of those stories!
Posted 11/3/06 9:45 AM |
Nike. Just do it.
Member since 5/05 3303 total posts
Name: Brianna
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
i dont drive that much, but i have it. bad.
i have it worse when im not driving. i will scoot over and honk the horn myself when DH is driving..he never curses or anything. i will open the window n yell
one time, we went down this street and there was about 20 ppl outside and a little kid came in the street on a bike, dh had to stop short- so i opened my window n yelled "watch your FKN kid"
everyone looked blankly at me. well it turns out, it was a dead end street and we had to pass them again, and some big mutha came over sayin "its not my kid" and i was like i dont care if its ur fkn kid or not, if a kid goes in the streeet, u go after him
then this lil hoodlum (lol) was on a bike circling us. so i was saying seriously *** are u going to do???? i have a car ill run ur azz over -- n then he proceeded to call me a honky-LOL-and i said go fk urself u stupid MF
DH just looked on in amazement
Posted 11/3/06 9:47 AM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
FUNNY story!
When I was in High School I was on my way to my Boyfriends house (who is now my DH) I stopped at a light and there was a girl next to me with speacialized plates (it was her first name) I think she was driving a lexus (she was in High School too ) No one I had ever seen before She followed me to my boyfriends house. I stopped a few houses before his house and they were all "why are you giving me dirty looks?" UMMMM WHAT so I screamed at them why did you follow me here!? We were screaming so loud my BF heard us. I left so they didn't know where I was going. They followed me. Next thing I know BF is behind me. I let him go ahead of me. He pulled up next to them and was like
You want to F with peoples GF pulled out a paint ball gun and shot the side of the car with yellow paint balls. I was parked down the block I saw the girl get out of the car look at it and start crying
Few minutes later my cell is ringing. Its one of my friends and hes like did Mike just paint ball a car. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.She knew my friend went to his house crying He told her she was an idiot for following me
HMMM I wonder if she is still stalking and following people
Message edited 11/3/2006 9:50:41 AM.
Posted 11/3/06 9:48 AM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Posted by Syliblond81106
i have it worse when im not driving. i will scoot over and honk the horn myself when DH is driving..he never curses or anything. i will open the window n yell
My DH does this to me and I want to kill him
Posted 11/3/06 9:50 AM |
Member since 3/06 18677 total posts
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
I have it bad. I throw the finger up and honk at people all the time.
Posted 11/3/06 10:14 AM |

Member since 1/06 2012 total posts
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Posted by TreAnt427
I always try to let it go. I have maybe yelled at them to myself in the car but thats it. I never honk at any one. I try to look at it this way - you never know what is going on in the other persons life, maybe they just made a mistake, or maybe they were having a really bad day. Not an excuse, if they are putting some one in danger, but I have made mistakes before on the road.
This is me too. DH has road rage but he has gotten alot better lately because I told him what the above poster said and I think it sunk in.
But every now and then if someone is a real jerk I will honk and if someone gives me the finger or is cursing at me I smile and wave. Honestly I think it pi$$es em off alot more than if I were to curse back!
Posted 11/3/06 10:20 AM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Some girl cut me off big time in Garden City, right by the school. She thought she was tough..cursing and screaming at me. I was just finishing my lunch as I was driving back to work. I had chicken nuggets. As she screamed at me...I threw a chicken nugget at her and it hit her in the cheek. I laughed as I drove away. Her face was priceless.
Posted 11/3/06 10:37 AM |
Member since 5/05 18919 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
I yell and curse in my car, and will make some hand gestures on occasion, but I try to let it go, b/c I don't know what kind of psycho it is.
Posted 11/3/06 10:39 AM |
Member since 10/05 6039 total posts
Re: "Road Rage" type situations - how do you handle them?
Posted by babybug631
Honestly, I would never get out of a car to yell at someone. People are NUTS!!!! You never know what they will try to do to you.
Ditto !!
Posted 11/3/06 10:39 AM |
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