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s/o to daycare

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/14

689 total posts


s/o to daycare

for you ladies that have visited daycare facilities, what are some of the questions you asked? this is our first baby and i'm a little clueless.

Posted 8/28/14 11:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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s/o to daycare

I didn't ask all of these questions, but someone gave it to me and it was a great starting point. I basically went off of intuition. You get a feel for a center as soon as you walk in the door.

Questions for Day Care Centers
Fees and application process
What do I need to provide as the parent? Formula, diapers, wipes, spare clothes are typical. Do you provide crib sheets/bedding?
How much notice before we leave?
Provide receipts for income tax credits?
Can I get a copy of your contract?
What is the procedure for contacting you?
What is your snow day policy?
What would you do if you and I disagreed about something?
How are complaints handled in the organization

Staff Questions
Ratios of staff to children (infants should be no more than 1 to 4!)
What is the structure of staff in the room?
Does staff alternate between different age groups etc?
Training, experience and certification of staff? Each level?
Is the staff multi-lingual? Do they speak to the kids in multiple languages?
What is your staff turnover rate?
Are applicants interviewed by management, fingerprinted when required by state law and required to take a medical exam in compliance with state licensing regulations? Are background checks and written references mandatory?
How long has the staff been working at the facility (average tenure of staff)?
How to staff support the emotional development of children?
Does the classroom staff have experience and skills in child-care methods and developmental learning?
How capable are the providers at being able to resolve conflicts between children?
Does the center have strict procedures for hiring caregivers?
Is the staff prepared or trained for possible allergic reactions or other special needs?
What kind of medical training do care providers have?

In/Out policies - how do you make sure no one else picks up your kid? They should have a list of acceptable people on file that can pick up. ID should be required. Also, the front entry should be secure so no one can just walk-in, etc.
Safety processes and evaluations – each facility is required to have a fire drill each month.
Has any child suffered serious injury here?
Are you affiliated with a hospital?
How do you handle emergencies?
Do you have infant and child cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training? Do you carry liability insurance? – Copy of liability insurance should be provided to me.

Sick child policy
Policy regarding sick kids? When do you send them home? When will you take them back? – usually 24hrs of being symptom free or on antibiotics
Do you have a sick care option?
Do I have to pay for days when the child is ill or out on vacation (does it matter if it is scheduled in advance)?

Daily Schedule
Can you describe what a typical day might be like for my child?
Describe organized activities you provide for children.
Do you provide me with formal reports on my child's well-being/performance
Describe the feedback I will receive about my child at the end of the day.
What types of records to you maintain concerning my child’s behavior?
When types of activities do you do with babies? How do you determine age appropriateness?
What is the emphasis of the activities? To have fun? To learn? Both?
What is the pick up and drop off process
Who will I speak to when I pick my kid up?
What is your policy regarding children getting picked up late?

Newborn Care
Do you hold infants during feeding?
How much time do infants spend in the crib, play pen and/or walker?
How is tummy time enforced?
Are newborns expected to be on a schedule (feeding/napping/etc).
How do you keep track of whose pacifier is whose?
Describe how you would play with my infant.
Describe how you deal with parent/child separation, particularly in cases of separation anxiety.

Environment, Cleanliness, and Sanitation
How is the lighting and ventilation?
Look at equipment, toys, space for babies, naptime, where and how food is kept, where and how medicine is kept
Is there an outdoor area that is safe to play in?
Is there space for running about freely for active play and still other space where quiet play may go on undisturbed, both indoors and out?
How big are the activity groups?
How noisy is it?
Are safe, sanitary, hygienic conditions maintained?
Are areas where newborns are crawling kept shoe free?
How often are toys cleaned? Soft toys should be washed, hard toys should be sanitized. Preference is daily but weekly is acceptable.
How often are crib sheets washed?
How often is the room cleaned?
Are there several toilets and wash facilities available and are children encouraged to wash their hands?
Is the changing station sanitized between changings?
How do you manage soiled clothing from a child?
Do the care providers wear gloves during diaper changings?
How often are children’s hands washed?
Does it appear as if hand sanitizer or hand washing stations are readily accessible to parents and staff?

General Care
What is your child care philosophy?
What is your discipline policy? What is acceptable? What is unacceptable?
Can I visit/observe my child whenever?
Are parents encouraged to volunteer and participate in center activities?
Will you let me know if my kid has had a bad day?
Describe how you handle toilet training.
What is your policy on parental notification? When do you tell a parent about an incident with their kid or in the center?
Do you go on any field trips?
Is there limited access to television? What programs and how much time each day?
Are the educational programs designed to prepare a child for primary education?
Are the learning programs designed for each age group?
Do the activities emphasize physical fitness as well as mental development?
Are the toys used in the activities safe and appropriate for the children's ages?
Do the children have sufficient rest?
What are some things you hope my child will learn here?

What type of meals/snacks do you serve?
How do I make sure that my kid gets her bottle or her good? Do I bring it daily? How does it not get mixed up with the bottles from other kids?
Are meals included in the price? If so which ones (e.g. breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner)?
Can you accommodate special diets (e.g. vegetarian, certain food allergies)?

Additional in-home center questions
How many children do you have?
Ratio of caregivers to kids?
What is your back up plan if one of your assistants calls in sick?
Waiting list?
Total capacity? How many openings now?
Are children ever transported in a vehicle while in your care? If so, do you have a valid driver's license and what is your driving record?
Do you provide transportation from the center to home or from the center to school?
How long have you been licensed?
What is your vacation and illness policy?
How many days did parents need to use alternative care this past year?
Smoke/Pets? Anyone in your household?
Tell me about yourself. How did you decide to become a provider? What do you like most about being a provider? How long do you plan to be one? Does your family support your business?

Posted 8/28/14 11:27 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

180 total posts


Re: s/o to daycare

I didn't really know what to ask but I have to tell you that some places I went to were so much more throughough than others and as I went along, I learned what to look for.

In general, I just got a vibe from certain places.....I think you will know what I mean once you start visiting them.

Posted 8/28/14 11:28 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/14

689 total posts


Re: s/o to daycare

Posted by LML

I didn't ask all of these questions, but someone gave it to me and it was a great starting point. I basically went off of intuition. You get a feel for a center as soon as you walk in the door.

Questions for Day Care Centers
Fees and application process
What do I need to provide as the parent? Formula, diapers, wipes, spare clothes are typical. Do you provide crib sheets/bedding?
How much notice before we leave?
Provide receipts for income tax credits?
Can I get a copy of your contract?
What is the procedure for contacting you?
What is your snow day policy?
What would you do if you and I disagreed about something?
How are complaints handled in the organization

Staff Questions
Ratios of staff to children (infants should be no more than 1 to 4!)
What is the structure of staff in the room?
Does staff alternate between different age groups etc?
Training, experience and certification of staff? Each level?
Is the staff multi-lingual? Do they speak to the kids in multiple languages?
What is your staff turnover rate?
Are applicants interviewed by management, fingerprinted when required by state law and required to take a medical exam in compliance with state licensing regulations? Are background checks and written references mandatory?
How long has the staff been working at the facility (average tenure of staff)?
How to staff support the emotional development of children?
Does the classroom staff have experience and skills in child-care methods and developmental learning?
How capable are the providers at being able to resolve conflicts between children?
Does the center have strict procedures for hiring caregivers?
Is the staff prepared or trained for possible allergic reactions or other special needs?
What kind of medical training do care providers have?

In/Out policies - how do you make sure no one else picks up your kid? They should have a list of acceptable people on file that can pick up. ID should be required. Also, the front entry should be secure so no one can just walk-in, etc.
Safety processes and evaluations – each facility is required to have a fire drill each month.
Has any child suffered serious injury here?
Are you affiliated with a hospital?
How do you handle emergencies?
Do you have infant and child cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training? Do you carry liability insurance? – Copy of liability insurance should be provided to me.

Sick child policy
Policy regarding sick kids? When do you send them home? When will you take them back? – usually 24hrs of being symptom free or on antibiotics
Do you have a sick care option?
Do I have to pay for days when the child is ill or out on vacation (does it matter if it is scheduled in advance)?

Daily Schedule
Can you describe what a typical day might be like for my child?
Describe organized activities you provide for children.
Do you provide me with formal reports on my child's well-being/performance
Describe the feedback I will receive about my child at the end of the day.
What types of records to you maintain concerning my child’s behavior?
When types of activities do you do with babies? How do you determine age appropriateness?
What is the emphasis of the activities? To have fun? To learn? Both?
What is the pick up and drop off process
Who will I speak to when I pick my kid up?
What is your policy regarding children getting picked up late?

Newborn Care
Do you hold infants during feeding?
How much time do infants spend in the crib, play pen and/or walker?
How is tummy time enforced?
Are newborns expected to be on a schedule (feeding/napping/etc).
How do you keep track of whose pacifier is whose?
Describe how you would play with my infant.
Describe how you deal with parent/child separation, particularly in cases of separation anxiety.

Environment, Cleanliness, and Sanitation
How is the lighting and ventilation?
Look at equipment, toys, space for babies, naptime, where and how food is kept, where and how medicine is kept
Is there an outdoor area that is safe to play in?
Is there space for running about freely for active play and still other space where quiet play may go on undisturbed, both indoors and out?
How big are the activity groups?
How noisy is it?
Are safe, sanitary, hygienic conditions maintained?
Are areas where newborns are crawling kept shoe free?
How often are toys cleaned? Soft toys should be washed, hard toys should be sanitized. Preference is daily but weekly is acceptable.
How often are crib sheets washed?
How often is the room cleaned?
Are there several toilets and wash facilities available and are children encouraged to wash their hands?
Is the changing station sanitized between changings?
How do you manage soiled clothing from a child?
Do the care providers wear gloves during diaper changings?
How often are children’s hands washed?
Does it appear as if hand sanitizer or hand washing stations are readily accessible to parents and staff?

General Care
What is your child care philosophy?
What is your discipline policy? What is acceptable? What is unacceptable?
Can I visit/observe my child whenever?
Are parents encouraged to volunteer and participate in center activities?
Will you let me know if my kid has had a bad day?
Describe how you handle toilet training.
What is your policy on parental notification? When do you tell a parent about an incident with their kid or in the center?
Do you go on any field trips?
Is there limited access to television? What programs and how much time each day?
Are the educational programs designed to prepare a child for primary education?
Are the learning programs designed for each age group?
Do the activities emphasize physical fitness as well as mental development?
Are the toys used in the activities safe and appropriate for the children's ages?
Do the children have sufficient rest?
What are some things you hope my child will learn here?

What type of meals/snacks do you serve?
How do I make sure that my kid gets her bottle or her good? Do I bring it daily? How does it not get mixed up with the bottles from other kids?
Are meals included in the price? If so which ones (e.g. breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner)?
Can you accommodate special diets (e.g. vegetarian, certain food allergies)?

Additional in-home center questions
How many children do you have?
Ratio of caregivers to kids?
What is your back up plan if one of your assistants calls in sick?
Waiting list?
Total capacity? How many openings now?
Are children ever transported in a vehicle while in your care? If so, do you have a valid driver's license and what is your driving record?
Do you provide transportation from the center to home or from the center to school?
How long have you been licensed?
What is your vacation and illness policy?
How many days did parents need to use alternative care this past year?
Smoke/Pets? Anyone in your household?
Tell me about yourself. How did you decide to become a provider? What do you like most about being a provider? How long do you plan to be one? Does your family support your business?

wow, thank you.. this is great! Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/14 11:29 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

180 total posts


Re: s/o to daycare

I also made my appointment after work so I was able to see the daycare at the end of the day.

One in particular I was SO TURNED OFF to how the kids were just kind of sitting around waiting for their parents...

At this same facility one of the infant rooms, the teacher was listening to rap music and it was totally inappropriate....

I don't care that it was baby will be one of those late pick ups and I would not want that.

Posted 8/28/14 11:29 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/14

689 total posts


Re: s/o to daycare

Posted by LovetheSecondTime

I didn't really know what to ask but I have to tell you that some places I went to were so much more throughough than others and as I went along, I learned what to look for.

In general, I just got a vibe from certain places.....I think you will know what I mean once you start visiting them.

that's what i said to my husband.. if we don't get a good vibe, we're not even considering it.

Posted 8/28/14 11:34 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/14

689 total posts


Re: s/o to daycare

Posted by LovetheSecondTime

I also made my appointment after work so I was able to see the daycare at the end of the day.

One in particular I was SO TURNED OFF to how the kids were just kind of sitting around waiting for their parents...

At this same facility one of the infant rooms, the teacher was listening to rap music and it was totally inappropriate....

I don't care that it was baby will be one of those late pick ups and I would not want that.

omg, i would not like that either!

my appointments are shattered throughout the day.. i have one first thing in the morning, one right around lunch time and one later in the afternoon.

Posted 8/28/14 11:35 AM

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