Our district gave out test kits and the expiration date is "Jan 2022"
Same! I literally was gonna sell this thing.
My Dh wants to test our cats to see what comes up just for fun.
Yes I heard cats can have another strain of corona virus so maybe! Mind would never let me test them though! Too bitchy. lol
They do! It’s FCoV. Most cats have it. Unless your cat has never lived with another cat or doesn’t come for a shelter, the your cat most likely has it.it’s very rare that a cat will not have it. Even reputable breeders have it.
What’s dangerous is when it mutates to FIP. It happens in young kittens or very old cats.
There is no 100% test for FIP only for FCoV. If your cat is having a bit of diarrhea, then it could possibly be an FCoV flare up.
Unfortunately, I had a kitten die from FIP. Both my cats have FCoV.
-signed your resident cat lady.
I knew I had heard this somewhere. That's fascinating. I wonder how close FCoV is to the human strains.