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semen analysis...

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Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

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semen analysis...

Well the dr. said dh needs to get tested as step one....he is not happy! Does anyone know exactly what is involved (besides the obvious) and if the results are pretty quick? I have to go to a Quest lab, not sure if all of them do it.


Posted 4/30/07 7:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Baby Boy!

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Re: semen analysis...

I always wondered this myself. You do it right in the lab?

Posted 4/30/07 8:00 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: semen analysis...

DH did the collection at home and brought it right over to NSUH. They processed it there and imediately sent the results to my GYN. This was of course before we were patients at NSUH.

Posted 4/30/07 8:24 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

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Re: semen analysis...

Posted by Goldi0218

DH did the collection at home and brought it right over to NSUH. They processed it there and imediately sent the results to my GYN. This was of course before we were patients at NSUH.

Thanks for the info Goldi!

Posted 4/30/07 8:49 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/06

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Re: semen analysis...

MY DH did his about 2 weeks ago, and had to bring it to Quest Labs. He did it at Home and he had to make an appt. to bring it to the lab.. Then he had 1 hr. to get it there. HE got the results the next day. You make an appt. b/c they need to make sure there is a tech there to do the analysis. Thats why you get the results so quick. Everything was great with him, which was sucha releif to both of us. It's an awkward test, but it needs to be done... Good luck

Posted 4/30/07 9:08 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: semen analysis...

Posted by mamochk

MY DH did his about 2 weeks ago, and had to bring it to Quest Labs. He did it at Home and he had to make an appt. to bring it to the lab.. Then he had 1 hr. to get it there. HE got the results the next day. You make an appt. b/c they need to make sure there is a tech there to do the analysis. Thats why you get the results so quick. Everything was great with him, which was sucha releif to both of us. It's an awkward test, but it needs to be done... Good luck

Thank you - which quest lab did you go to? I was told not all of them do that testing. Glad your results were good. What is the next step for you now? If DH is ok, I have to have the tubes checked which I heard HURTS...

Posted 4/30/07 9:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

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Re: semen analysis...

Can you tell me how you went about scheduling it? Did your doctor schedule it or you? My DH wants to test......

Posted 5/1/07 8:14 AM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

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Re: semen analysis...


Message edited 5/14/2007 8:56:51 AM.

Posted 5/1/07 8:46 AM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: semen analysis...

My DH took a prescription over to NSUH and gave the sample right there. I had called Quest at 1-800-877-8606 and they said to call 516-562-1760 to find the lab closest to us that did SA. I never did call that second number b/c NSUH was willing to do the analysis with a script.

Posted 5/1/07 9:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: semen analysis...

We went thru this yesterday. It was an experience so to speak. I will be very blunt about it becuase there is no sugar coating it. First you have to get a presciption from the docotor, in our case it was the urologist that DH saw the week before. DH has to abstain from sex or masturbation for 2-7 days. Then he has to get it into a sterile cup. You have to keep it at body temp while getting it to a lab that does it right then and there. ( South Nassau does it). You have to make an appt to to drop it off. I kept it in my bra with a coat and had the heat on in the car . It has to get there within one hour. I was so hot, that when I got to the lab they took one look at me and knew no one goes out in a wool jacket on 4-30 and told me to take it out of my bra and I looked warm. DH was complining he was hot, I said to him can u imagine how I feel, I am really sweating with all of these layers. Then you sit and wait for the results from the doctor. In our case the doctor was not in yesterday , so we are waiting for results today. Chat Icon I am learning ( fast) not to be too embaraased becuase the lady at the lab told me they are there to help us. Also, I went to the ob/gyn yesterday to find out what to do next. I am counting on it bring really bad the count because DH has bilateral varcicoles ( vericose veins in his testicles) , she told me to have him get it taken care of and then wait for his sperm count to go back up and then to start trying . She also told me to keep trying, it just takes 1 sperm to get to my egg. She also told me not to try to make it a scientific project, and to keep it exciting and fun, and that it will happen there are many ways to create a baby these days- they can go in and take out sperm from DH, etc.She also told me not to believe everything I read on the internet, and to buy brand names of OPK kits and pregnancy tests. I was also given a RX for prenatal vitamins. So that is it in a nutshell. I hope I helped anyone else going thru this. Feel free to FM mail me.

Message edited 5/1/2007 2:08:43 PM.

Posted 5/1/07 2:04 PM

My everything!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: semen analysis...

Just my two cents..

Make sure you do not abstain from sex for more than 4 days....Ideal is 2-4....The numbers will be bad/inaccurate after 4 days of abstaining...

Good luck!!

BTW: Our first SA was at the RMA of NY clinic in the referalls needed and it was $150 for it....

Posted 5/1/07 3:04 PM

My life is complete!

Member since 1/07

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Re: semen analysis...

My husband just went through the same exact procedure as Princess99 husband. I would have your husband go the urologist and take the cup home and do it there. It will be really uncomfortable for him to do it in a lab. Good Luck!

Posted 5/1/07 5:00 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: semen analysis...

Thanks everyone - they told me 2-7 days of abstaining; sounds like a wide range. Not sure what to do.

Princess99, thanks for sharing your story. I hope things get better for you (and everyone, myself included) soon.

Posted 5/1/07 6:41 PM

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