Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
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My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
How old? 10 months today!
How big and what size clothes? 21 lbs 7 ounces 29 1/2 inches, wears mostly 12 month clothes, some 19 month tops for her belly :)
What are they doing? She is crawling 100 mph, cruising everywhere, walking holding onto just one finger of mine, took a few unassisted steps without realizing it, kissing, saying dada TO dada, ball, cat and babbling ALL day long in baby talk from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed. Yells at us when she's mad. She fetches and throws the ball like a dog. When I say where is Baby Ava she does So Big and claps and waves hello and good-bye to everyone, clicks her tongue when we do, lots of other silly little things. Her latest thing is to laugh when people are laughing like she knows what they are talking about. She just started to say "Ka" for kaka (poop in greek) when she poops.
How much sleep at night and naps? She takes a 2 hour nap in the morning and then about a 1 hour or so nap in the afternoon. She sleeps from 7:30 until 7:45 (waking up a few times for the nuk sometimes, well most times)
Any teeth? 7 teeth - 4 on the bottom and 3 on top and doc said molars are swollen.
How much and what are they eating? She eats just about everything we give her. She is on milk now and no more formula and has her sippy cup with water throughout the day.
What is their favorite toy? The remote, the remote and the remote. Oh and balls, she loves balls. And anything that plays music. She also loves her push car walking toy. Her latest thing is climbing up the stairs ALL DAY LONG.
I say this every month but the last few months really have been the best. She's actually communicating to us now and has such a personality. I fall more in love every day!
ETA: She will hold her sippy, and anything else you give her but does NOT want to hold her own bottle!
Message edited 9/14/2007 9:52:37 PM.
Posted 9/14/07 9:50 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05 3116 total posts
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
How old? 12 months
How big and what size clothes? 25 lbs 31+ inches at their 12 month check-up, wears 18-24 month pants/shorts and 24 month tops.
What are they doing? They are crawling, cruising, walking with assistance. Love "adult" food.....can eat anything.
How much sleep at night and naps?
They give us about 12 hours a night. Usually 7PM till 7AM. Two naps a day...usually totalling 3 hours.
Any teeth? 8. 4 on top and just about 4 on bottom
How much and what are they eating? They have 3 8oz bottles of milk a day. Including a bowl of cereal and one yogurt for breakfast. Usually a microwavable lunch or dessert. They also have 2oz juice/2 oz water bottle a day.
What is their favorite toy?
Lets see...the remote, the coaster from the table, the wipes....LOL. THey also love, love, love their books. Usually pop up books. They love their walkers..
How's your baby doing? GREAT! They both are growing up so fast. Talking..mostly baby stuff.....but i love when i say a word and they repeat it back to me........and when i wake up to the two of them talking baby talk to each other and after they say something and i hear them laughing at each other.
Posted 9/14/07 10:09 PM |
My boys!

Member since 1/06 5292 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
How old? 11 months
How big and what size clothes? 17 lbs 10 oz 27 1/4 inches at his 9 month check-up, wears 6-9 & 12 month
What are they doing? He says about 10 words. He is crawling, cruising, walking with assistance, taking a step without holding, blows kisses, clicking sound with his tongue, Makes a funny face, clapping, waves goodbye
How much sleep at night and naps? Every day is different. Sometimes he will take two naps for about an hour each or he will take one 3 hour nap. Depending on his naps he go to sleep between 8:00 & 9:00 and gets up at 6:30 even if he goes to bed at 10:00
Any teeth? 2 on the bottom
How much and what are they eating? He eats anything. He LOVES Cheese. He's drinking an 6 oz bottle in the morning, a 5 oz with lunch and a 6 oz mid afternoon. sometimes a 4 oz at night. He also drinks water from a sippy cup throughout the day.
What is their favorite toy? Empty water bottles, photo book, yellow blocks, he is obsessed with the remote.
Message edited 9/14/2007 10:50:21 PM.
Posted 9/14/07 10:49 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
Oh this thread is so great .. I'm glad I didn't miss it.. takes me back to catch up with all my old preggo buddies 
How old? Niko is 11 months old
How big and what size clothes? At his 9 1/2 month checkup he was 23 pounds and 31 inches long.. he's so active now I don't think he's gained much since really. He is wearing 12-18 month clothing (depending on brand)
What are they doing? He is babbling up a storm.. says dada, mama, hi, bye, cat once in awhile and a lot of other things that I have no clue about. He is crawling and cruising... he walks very well if you hold his hands and will stand and take a step or two if you let go, but is still pretty unsteady. He waves bye bye, claps hands and says "yaaay".. mimicks certain things we do (like the smootch sound) and is just a little ham Oh and he loves to feed me his food.. he laughs and laughs trying to put piece of food in my mouth
How much sleep at night and naps? I do not have a good sleeper but lately he's a lot better! We only really get one good nap out of him.. usually midday anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hrs. He *sometimes* takes a little catnap around 4-5pm if he's had a long day. Bedtime is no later than 7:45 and he is up anywhere from 6-730am..
Any teeth? 7 total. 4 on top 3 on bottom
How much and what are they eating? He is eating a lot more now and refusing baby food except for some fruits (he HATES fresh fruit ) He loves meatballs and chicken/turkey the best.. Loves cheese.. potatoes.. pancakes, some veggies, and so many other things.. Only thing my 1/2 Italian boy does NOT like is pasta , and I've tried to give it to him a million different ways His favorite thing in the world though are his CHEERIOS.. the kid could live on them if I let him 
We've transitioned him to whole milk completely and he takes 3 bottles a day.. One when he wakes up (6-8 oz) one midday (4-5 oz) and one before bed (8 oz).. He drinks water/watered-down juice in a sippy throughout the day and w/meals.
What is their favorite toy? He LOVES his Learn and Groove activity table.. and his many different walker type thingys. He loves blocks and balls of any kind. He likes his big dumptrucks that he inherited from his cousins but mostly LOVES the remote, my keys, my cellphone and tupperware the most He has a definite preference for yellow toys (his rubber ducky, his yellow blocks/balls etc)
eta: every month that goes by, I say "I love this age" but I have to say that right now as he approaches his 1st birthday I could not be more in love and in awe of this little boy of mine.. he just makes me laugh and smile (and sometimes bang my head ) everyday This age is the BEST (well for now )
Message edited 9/14/2007 11:56:10 PM.
Posted 9/14/07 11:52 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
How old? He'll be one on the 20th
How big and what size clothes? 20 lbs 12-18 month size
What are they doing? Walking, kissing, eating solids, says Mama Dada Baba Randa, Throws a ball, climbs on EVERYTHING
How much sleep at night and naps? He takes a 2 1/2-3 hr nap and sleeps 9-10 hours at night
Any teeth? Yes, 3 on the bottom and one on top
How much and what are they eating? He eats a lot, breakfast lunch dinner and 2 snack
What is their favorite toy? A bouncy ball. Thats all he'll play with.
Posted 9/14/07 11:58 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
Posted by FeliciaDP
Oh this thread is so great .. I'm glad I didn't miss it.. takes me back to catch up with all my old preggo buddies 
How old? Niko is 11 months old
How big and what size clothes? At his 9 1/2 month checkup he was 23 pounds and 31 inches long.. he's so active now I don't think he's gained much since really. He is wearing 12-18 month clothing (depending on brand)
What are they doing? He is babbling up a storm.. says dada, mama, hi, bye, cat once in awhile and a lot of other things that I have no clue about. He is crawling and cruising... he walks very well if you hold his hands and will stand and take a step or two if you let go, but is still pretty unsteady. He waves bye bye, claps hands and says "yaaay".. mimicks certain things we do (like the smootch sound) and is just a little ham Oh and he loves to feed me his food.. he laughs and laughs trying to put piece of food in my mouth
How much sleep at night and naps? I do not have a good sleeper but lately he's a lot better! We only really get one good nap out of him.. usually midday anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hrs. He *sometimes* takes a little catnap around 4-5pm if he's had a long day. Bedtime is no later than 7:45 and he is up anywhere from 6-730am..
Any teeth? 7 total. 4 on top 3 on bottom
How much and what are they eating? He is eating a lot more now and refusing baby food except for some fruits (he HATES fresh fruit ) He loves meatballs and chicken/turkey the best.. Loves cheese.. potatoes.. pancakes, some veggies, and so many other things.. Only thing my 1/2 Italian boy does NOT like is pasta , and I've tried to give it to him a million different ways His favorite thing in the world though are his CHEERIOS.. the kid could live on them if I let him 
We've transitioned him to whole milk completely and he takes 3 bottles a day.. One when he wakes up (6-8 oz) one midday (4-5 oz) and one before bed (8 oz).. He drinks water/watered-down juice in a sippy throughout the day and w/meals.
What is their favorite toy? He LOVES his Learn and Groove activity table.. and his many different walker type thingys. He loves blocks and balls of any kind. He likes his big dumptrucks that he inherited from his cousins but mostly LOVES the remote, my keys, my cellphone and tupperware the most He has a definite preference for yellow toys (his rubber ducky, his yellow blocks/balls etc)
eta: every month that goes by, I say "I love this age" but I have to say that right now as he approaches his 1st birthday I could not be more in love and in awe of this little boy of mine.. he just makes me laugh and smile (and sometimes bang my head ) everyday This age is the BEST (well for now )
OMG! I still remember you getting your 3d 4d
Posted 9/15/07 7:48 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
awwww...I'm so glad all of big little ones are doing great!
Posted 9/15/07 8:00 PM |
Almost there!

Member since 7/06 7376 total posts
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
How old? 9 months in 5 days
How big and what size clothes? She was 18.5lbs at a dr. appt a month ago. I think she's probably topping 20lbs now. She's in 12 month clothing for most brands.
What are they doing? She is crawling, clapping, bopping her head to music, pulling herself up on things, standing for short periods with assistance, climbing on pillows/over our laps/over her bouncer. She says mama and dada but it seems like it was directed to us only once each so far. She fed herself with a spoon for a couple bites.
How much sleep at night and naps? She takes a one hour nap in the morning, then a 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon. She sleeps from 9:00 - 7:30am.
Any teeth? Yes, she has 2. One on top and one on bottom.
How much and what are they eating? She doesn't have many teeth yet so we are still on Stage 2 baby food and soft table foods like mashed potatoes, bananas, etc. She also eats Puffs, Cheerios and teething biscuits. She has about 25-30 oz of formula per day and a ounce of water in a sippy cup.
What is their favorite toy? The dog, the dog's food, the dog's toys She loves her bouncing Tigger, this musical turtle thing and anything she can climb on.
Posted 9/15/07 8:24 PM |
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
How old? 9.5 months
How big & what size clothes? About 25lbs, 24 month clothing.
What are they doing? Lance is crawling & pulling up on everything. He walks along the furniture, takes 1 or 2 steps & falls down. Says mama, dada, baba, dog, duck, and jack. Claps when he laughs. Points randomly. Calls the dog & feeds him all of his food.
How much sleep at night & naps? He sleeps 7:30pm-7:30am. Takes one or two naps per day for 20 min - 1 hour.
Any teeth? 8 total, 4 top & 4 bottom.
How much and what are they eating? He is very fussy. I just started feeding him meats, he does not like them that much. He loves yogurt, cheerios, goldfish, and cheese. So he has 5 small meals per day & 28-32oz of formula.
What is their favorite toy? Our dog Jack!!! His stuffed duck. He also loves the fisher price radio, it drives me nuts.
Lance is doing really well. I too love this age. Things seem to be getting so much easier, finally! I'm happy to see all the babies are doing so well.
Posted 9/15/07 9:51 PM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
How old? 10 months
How big and what size clothes? 20 lbs 28 1/4 inches at her 9 month check-up, she's wearing 6-12 month in Gap stuff. I bought 12 month carters fall clothes since her 9 month summer stuff seemed to be getting small and it's too big! I need to get her more fall clothes.
What are they doing? She is crawling, pulling up to standing, babbling like crazy, screeching (so annoying - it hurts my ears), clapping, getting into everything.
How much sleep at night and naps? Her morning naps are pretty good - anywhere from half hour to an hour and a half in her highchair reclined. Afternoons have been challenging. I usually have to go for a walk or drive to get her to nap. I've been held hostage in the car when she falls asleep in her carseat since she's not in the infant carrier anymore. At night she goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps until 6 or 6:30.
Any teeth? Yes, she has the bottom. The top 4 seem to be coming soon.
How much and what are they eating? DD loves to eat. We're slowly introducing table food. I've been worried I'm feeding her too much. Breakfast is a stage 2 fruit, oatmeal (around 1/4 cup - a little less), a yogurt (sometimes she eats only half), followed by a handful of cheerios. Lunch is a stage 2 veggie, fruit, the rest of her yogurt. Dinner is a stage 2 jar of meat with veggie, stage 2 fruit. She eats cheerios throughout the day. She's drinking 3 8 oz bottles a day but doesn't always finish it. I'm trying to get her to take the sippy cup.
What is their favorite toy? She has so many favorites. A big favorite is the fisher price train with the animals. She also loves her FP learning table, her leapfrog Lily, and LOVES all of her books.
How's your baby doing? Lily's doing great! She loves getting out for walks and seeing other people, especially babies and kids. We've been going to a weekly playgroup at different parks and I'm planning on signing her up for other classes soon. She is so much fun. I LOVE this age. So far it's my favorite.
I hope all of the other Fall 06 babies (and the mommies) are doing well. I love this thread. It's great to catch up with everyone.
Posted 9/15/07 9:53 PM |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
How old? 1 yr next saturday - I can't believe it...
How big and what size clothes? about 15 lbs at last checkup (10 mos) - still wears 3-6 month clothes.....she is a peanut!
What are they doing? She is crawling 100 mph, cruising everywhere, walking holding onto two hands (she is a fraid but can take a few steps with one hand!) kissing,babbling ALL day long in baby talk from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed, yelling and screaming if she gets mad or frustrated, laughing, clapping hands (esp. of you say clap hands or sing if you are happy and you know it!), chasing our dog, playing the bongos on everything, shaking everything she can get her hands on,
How much sleep at night and naps? she sleeps 7-7:30 with a one-1.5 hr a day nap around mid day
Any teeth? 2 - and just recently, our poor almost toothless wonder....but at least there was not any bad teething!
How much and what are they eating? She eats just about everything we give her. She is a bf baby who gets expressed milk at dc, so no milk yet, but eats like it is the last meal she will every have....she rejects nothing and will eat every crumb...the girl has a metabolism to die for!
What is their favorite toy? The remote, water bottles (empty or full), the leap frog maracas, anything muscial, shape sorts and any box she can grab and use as a walker....
Posted 9/15/07 10:23 PM |
I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06 8041 total posts
Name: D
Re: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec '06 Mommies
Great thread Steph...
How old? Jack will be 1 on Tues!!!! It's just blowing my mind.
How big and what size clothes? At 10 1/2 months he was 26lbs 12 oz. Our next appt is on Wed, but he's definitely gained at least a lb and an inch!!!
What are they doing? He is walking and dances by swaying his shoulders back and forth. gives occassional kisses, gives a few mama and dada but mostly babbles, loves throwing things, pushes everying across the floor, climbing, sticking out his tongue and going tttthhhpppp then laughs. Loves clapping and when I sing the alphabet song.
How much sleep at night and naps?
He naps about 2 hours in the morning, then a 2 hour (about) in the afternoon. He sleeps from 7:30 - 6:45. I know I am very lucky with this!!
Any teeth? Yes, he has 8. 4 on top and 4 on bottom.
How much and what are they eating? Jack will eat everything. Whatever we give him, he eats. He's drinking an 8 oz bottle in the morning, a 6 oz in the afternoon and 8 oz at night. I also give water in a sippy and we're trying to transition him to drink his formula in there. Then we're moving on to replacing the formula with milk. I've given him almost everything, except honey, sweets (meaning cake, ice cream etc.) and peanut butter.
What is their favorite toy? Empty water bottles, cars, and balls.
Posted 9/16/07 9:49 AM |
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