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Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05 4919 total posts
Name: Erica
September mommies, please check in
Hi everyone, As I have posted in the past, my baby is on the big side. I had an appointment with my high risk Dr yesterday and Ds is weighing in @ 4lbs11oz .
He was extremely active and is actually head down already
The sono tech. did used the 3d(4d) probe on me for a few minutes and dh & I were able to see his face. DS was opening and closing his mouth and eyes. He had the cutest nose, we were so amazed. He really made us melt.
The sono tech emailed me a few shots- (I would love to post them but would like to block my name that is on the top of them--anyone know how to do that?) I have the copies as well, but scanner is not hooked up.
We spoke for a bit about delivery options, I need to speak to OB/gyn on Tuesday but it looks like I may be having a C-Section between week 38-39.
That's all for now, hope all of you are doing well and handling the heat alright
I am so excited and scared @ the same time!!!!
Posted 8/4/07 12:38 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: September mommies, please check in
Hey Erica, glad to hear you got good news at the Dr and that your baby is healthy!
I'm 33 weeks and my little man is probably 4 1/2 lbs by now (he was 4 1/4 on monday). I'm starting to feel large, I can't believe my side profile when I look in the mirror! The baby has been moving in weird spots too, very low in my pelvis and as high as my ribs. I've been a bit more tired lately than usual but overall I still feel pretty good...just large!
Posted 8/4/07 2:57 PM |
I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06 8041 total posts
Name: D
Re: September mommies, please check in
sorry for intruding here....but I have to share. I see Sept mommies and I still feel like that means me DS will be 1 this Sept and it feels like yesterday that I was on here posting about how my little guy was measuring large and his head was down (in birthing position) from week 30 on. just wanted to say enjoy this time and GET AS MUCH SLEEP AS YOU CAN....PAMPER YOURSELVES. You may not have a chance for a while, but it's all TOTALLY worth it!!!
Posted 8/4/07 4:12 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: September mommies, please check in
September mommy here!
Well, we just hit 36 weeks today. Baby is constantly squirming around... very high up and LOVES my ribs! I have the pleasure of my first internal next Thursday, so I suppose I will find out how the baby is and what the deal is with my cervix.
I have no idea how big my baby is! At the 28 week ultrasound, baby was 3 lbs, 4 ozs. So I would imagine bigger than that now! I will make sure to ask at the next appt.
I am still carrying very high. FOr some reason I have a feeling I am going to go past my due date. I don't know why, I just have a feeling that this baby is not ready to come yet! Fine by me! More time to prepare!!!
Almost there ladies!
Posted 8/4/07 4:34 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: September mommies, please check in
Hi Y'all...
Im 35 weeks tomorrow.. is about 7lbs, as per yesterdays drs visit(based on sonogram and the size of his tush )..Im a fingertip dialated and my cervix is very soft...If history repeats itself should be here sometime between today and sometime next week!!!! But we'll just have to see...
Posted 8/4/07 4:43 PM |
I love my little munchkins!

Member since 10/05 3939 total posts
Re: September mommies, please check in
Hi! I am almost 33 weeks. My baby is due at the end end of September. The baby seems to love the right side of my stomach. I do not know the weight of my baby. I may be going for a sonogram in a couple of weeks. The Dr. said I do no have to but I can go if I want.
I have been feeling very big. It takes soooo much effort for me to sit up and get out of bed to take all my bathroom trips at night.
I can't believe that my due date is only 8 weeks away. I have been busy getting my home and the baby's room organized. Actually the baby's furniture is being delivered on Tuesday from Behrs.
I am also excited and scared at the same time.
Posted 8/4/07 4:45 PM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: September mommies, please check in
Hello Ladies, Glad everyone is doing well. I am somewhere in week 32 now (I have conflicting due dates). Things are good, I am doing my best to avoid the heat and stay as hydrated as possible. Nursery is as done as it can be until we have a baby shower. I am so proud of the work Dh did! I am feeling baby a lot and can't believe I am due in less than 8 weeks! So far I am up about 23-24 pounds which I am fine with. Keep up all the good work ladies!
Posted 8/4/07 7:09 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/05 195 total posts
Name: Pam
Re: September mommies, please check in
Just hit 35 weeks yesterday. Cannot believe how fast the time has gone! The baby's room is coming along and I am going to pack the hospital bag this week...just in case. When I had my growth sono 5 weeks ago was weighing in at 4 lbs. so I'm sure she's grown a bit since then. Going for my Strep B test on Thursday and then the internals begin. likes to roll around a lot, especially after I eat and drink. The feet swelling is out of control! I'm not at the point where I'm uncomfortable most of the time, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Sounds like everybody is doing well. Good luck!
Posted 8/5/07 12:10 PM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: September mommies, please check in
Hey Everyone!
I'm 36 weeks today. I'm still feeling pretty good. I'm trying to be really conscious of taking it easy- I have a problem of knowing when to stop! hahahahahahahahaha.
I'm totally in nesting mood. Today I cleaned out our pantry and the big extra freezer we have in our basement. The next thing to do is do some major grocery shopping so we are stocked up!
I'm going to the doctor every week now because she wants to monitor the protein in my urine. My blood pressure has come down since our visit to Labor and Delivery a week and a half ago.
is still moving a ton. DH is really getting into it- He is constantly touching my big belly and asks how she is doing before he asks me how I am doing! I dont mind- I think its cute!
Only 28 more days! I cant wait!
Posted 8/5/07 2:39 PM |
soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: September mommies, please check in
hello girls.. i am 32 1/2 week and still feeling pretty good, considering..the heat is definitely getting to me and i feel huge. I'm having more trouble sleeping and falling back asleep after waking up in the middle of the night to pee! I am finding it very hard to get through a full day at work lately..just get so tired...but I feel the baby constantly-he actually gets hiccups almost every day now! But i love it, i love feeling him and seeing him move around.
The nursery is pretty much done and little by little we are putting together things that we are going to be using once he gets here-like the stroller, pnp, etc.
Cant believe that next month we're all going to be mommies
Posted 8/5/07 2:53 PM |
Re: September mommies, please check in
I am 34 weeks right now and feeling great! I am starting to feel bleeech at work just becasue it all seems trivial now compared to what is about to happen but I only have 2 weeks left. The baby is kicking constantly and I love it! And I have my GD controlled with diet now, but I miss eating whatever I want.
Posted 8/5/07 5:54 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: September mommies, please check in
Posted by trnity44
Only 28 more days! I cant wait!
If you only have 28 more days... then that means I only have 28 more days!!! Eek!!!!
Posted 8/6/07 7:33 AM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: September mommies, please check in
Posted by jerseypanda
Posted by trnity44
Only 28 more days! I cant wait!
If you only have 28 more days... then that means I only have 28 more days!!! Eek!!!!
I know! Isnt that insane???????
Posted 8/6/07 9:23 AM |
Family of 6

Member since 10/06 3251 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: September mommies, please check in
Hey I am going to be 34 weeks friday, I am feeling great, Just starting to fell all this weight I have gained, I am going for another 3D sonogram this week can't wait to see her again.
Posted 8/6/07 10:19 AM |
Get Out!

Member since 10/06 4463 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: September mommies, please check in
hello fellow sept mommies. I am due at the end of sept. Looks like I will be going a little earlier or at least on time b/c I have GD. My beautiful baby is weighing in at a hefty 5lbs 1oz. oh yes. I feel pretty good, tired, hot all of the time. All worth it, I'm am soooo looking forward to being a mom. Stay cool mommies!
Posted 8/6/07 10:20 AM |