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Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Sleep/nap help please
so DS is 6 months old and takes 3 naps a day. He needs to be rocked for all of them. Lately it has been so difficult to even do that as he moves so much and arches his body while we are holding/rocking him. I am thinking its time to start getting him to go down on his own or I am afraid hes going to hurt someone or hes going to get hurt with all the moving around he does. I am wondering if anyone has any advice/methods they used or can recommend any good books. Also, what age can you do CIO with a baby? Right now i am not sure i can do it as i hate hearing him cry for long periods of time. I just feel like we developed bad habits with the rocking him and i want to nip it now while hes still young. Also if you put your child straight down for their naps, how old is your DC and how long does it take them to fall a sleep? Today he stayed in his crib for 20 min when it was nap time with only mild whining but started to cry soon after. and i took out all the toys/mobile as he loves them and it keeps him up/stimulates him. TIA!
Posted 12/30/07 9:58 PM |
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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Sleep/nap help please
We are sooooo in the same place!
Jack needs to be rocked for all of his naps. When we put him to bed at night - 90% of the time he goes to sleep with the mobile on - the other 10 he needs to be rocked.
He 22 pounds now - and honestly - my back is breaking. I have been throwing him in the car for the morning nap bc it's just easier then to stand there and get beat up by him for 20 minutes until he passes out.
I personally can never see him falling asleep on his own for naps - never have - never will. My cousins baby sleeps anywhere - without so much as a whine - never has to be rocked ever - I'm so jealous!
I would love to hear some tips also.
Posted 12/30/07 10:01 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
I a so glad we are not alone its so frustrating b/c my DS is a sleeper and needs the naps. At night he pretty much gets a bottle and then as soon as hes done, passes out and we put him right in his crib, however, the times he doesn't fall right asleep we have to rock him too. He's in a sleep sack now at night and i found in the miracle blanket we were able to put him in the crib drowsy and he would fall asleep, now in the sleep sack, he wont go to sleep on his own
Posted 12/30/07 10:08 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by bayla
I a so glad we are not alone its so frustrating b/c my DS is a sleeper and needs the naps. At night he pretty much gets a bottle and then as soon as hes done, passes out and we put him right in his crib, however, the times he doesn't fall right asleep we have to rock him too. He's in a sleep sack now at night and i found in the miracle blanket we were able to put him in the crib drowsy and he would fall asleep, now in the sleep sack, he wont go to sleep on his own
Do you have the Tiny Love mobile?
We have that - and during the day he yells and plays when it's on - at night - it puts him right to sleep. Maybe try it one night - he may already be in sleepy mode that it will work?
I'm sorry I'm not more help!
Posted 12/30/07 10:21 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
yes we have the tiny love mobile, we haven't tried it yet to put him to bed but i think i will after the new year, thanks!
Posted 12/30/07 10:22 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by bayla
yes we have the tiny love mobile, we haven't tried it yet to put him to bed but i think i will after the new year, thanks!
When my DH did it one night to put him to bed I got so mad bc I knew it kept him up and stimulated him. I was all "HE WON'T SLEEP WITH THAT ON - I AM HIS MOM AND I KNOW!!!!!!!!!"....and sure enough - he passed out.
Put my big old foot in my mouth for that one!
Posted 12/30/07 10:27 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
By rocking, do you mean standing up holding him and rocking?? If so, DD (6 mos.) needed that until very recently. I decided that I just could NOT do it any longer - my back was literally aching beyond belief. I now "glide" her to sleep in the glider. I go through our whole routine - music, sleepsack, read to her in the glider - and then I turn off the light (day or night), give her her pacifier, pull her in close, and glide. It is SOOOOOOOOOO much better than when I was rocking her. She would also arch her back and squirm and it was just BAD (I *dreaded* bedtime) - but now it's something I even look forward to! I am totally not ready for CIO and I know one day she will need to fall asleep on her own - but for right now, I think we're headed in the right direction.
Maybe you can try the same thing ..? 
Posted 12/30/07 10:40 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by InShock
By rocking, do you mean standing up holding him and rocking?? If so, DD (6 mos.) needed that until very recently. I decided that I just could NOT do it any longer - my back was literally aching beyond belief. I now "glide" her to sleep in the glider. I go through our whole routine - music, sleepsack, read to her in the glider - and then I turn off the light (day or night), give her her pacifier, pull her in close, and glide. It is SOOOOOOOOOO much better than when I was rocking her. She would also arch her back and squirm and it was just BAD (I *dreaded* bedtime) - but now it's something I even look forward to! I am totally not ready for CIO and I know one day she will need to fall asleep on her own - but for right now, I think we're headed in the right direction.
Maybe you can try the same thing ..? 
You do this for naps too? Do you put her in the sleepsack for naps also?
Posted 12/30/07 10:42 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by Diana1215
You do this for naps too? Do you put her in the sleepsack for naps also?
Yes and yes.
Posted 12/30/07 10:44 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
yes we stand and hold him, he wont let us sit with him to put him down for naps and that included when we tried using the rocker. He will let us when its time to go to bed though, if we need to, i think b/c hes so tired, he doesnt care as long as me or my DH is near
I dont use the sleep sack for naps, only for bed time
Message edited 12/30/2007 10:45:51 PM.
Posted 12/30/07 10:45 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by InShock
Posted by Diana1215
You do this for naps too? Do you put her in the sleepsack for naps also?
Yes and yes.
VERY interesting. I may have to try this.
Oh - and - Bayla - what works for me now too - is channel 819 - the Lite Hits station. I swear. Once a Neil Diamond song comes on Jack is out within seconds. I am thinking about buying a Neil Diamond CD (and I'm not kidding )
ETA: Jack has gotten so bad with naps that when I just put him into rocking position - he flips out.
Message edited 12/30/2007 10:47:01 PM.
Posted 12/30/07 10:46 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
OMG that is to funny, i love it! We use ocean sounds now at night time, but maybe during the day i will try some light music, thanks! My DS also flips when seated, believe it or not, the sound of running water used to work great, put him right out for naps, now it only works sometimes.
Message edited 12/30/2007 10:49:45 PM.
Posted 12/30/07 10:47 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Ok, Im gonna be honest and say that if he is doing that, he is not yet at the point where he is ready for sleep.
I was misinterpretting my sons sleepy signs for Boredom. Whiel they were sleepy signs at 3 months old, they are now just boredom...he changed but I didnt change my perception....
I dont think at 6 months you should need to rock him for more then a few minutes.
That said, my son is similair and we were doing the same thing, then recently I said, fine if your gonna arch etc, then sit up...and he would and he would rub his eyes etc and yet crank and play at the same time.
15 minutes later I would try again and most times ( 80%) he falls asleep as soon as I hold him. Other times it was just me thinking he was tired and he was fine for another hour-two.
Sometimes they need to tell you, I am tired, but just 5 more minutes.
I also started putting him in that state down to nap on his own.
He never full out CRIES...if he did I would pick him up. He cranks and sometimes for 15-20 minutes and then will just go out on his own.
Some kids are sleepers, some arent.
I know a LOT of 6 month olds who dont have more then 1 nap a day.
Sometimes they will fight off a nap they should have and then take a longer one later...
I think its trial and error really.
Posted 12/30/07 10:48 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Sleep/nap help please
p.s Diana lite music station worked for us too
Posted 12/30/07 10:49 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by bayla
yes we stand and hold him, he wont let us sit with him to put him down for naps and that included when we tried using the rocker. He will let us when its time to go to bed though, if we need to, i think b/c hes so tired, he doesnt care as long as me or my DH is near
I dont use the sleep sack for naps, only for bed time
I just would NOT get up from the glider. DD wasn't happy with the transition at first at all. But I just refused to get up - I figured she was in my arms so if she was crying, it's not like she was feeling "abandoned" or anything and I knew I was taking care of her needs. She eventually gave in, and after a few nights, it was no problem at all (I did it at night first, then moved onto naps).
Posted 12/30/07 10:50 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by dm24angel
p.s Diana lite music station worked for us too
OMG - did it?
I'm telling you - Neil Diamond - works like a charm!
Posted 12/30/07 10:51 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
thanks everyone for the advice, i really appreciate it all please keep it coming!
Posted 12/30/07 10:52 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Oh and as for the sleepsack - it's really just a glorified blanket, so I figure there's no reason to "save" it just for nighttime (which is what I did with the Miracle Blanket!).
Posted 12/30/07 10:52 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by bayla
thanks everyone for the advice, i really appreciate it all please keep it coming!
PS- how many naps a day does your DC get?
Posted 12/30/07 10:53 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by InShock
Oh and as for the sleepsack - it's really just a glorified blanket, so I figure there's no reason to "save" it just for nighttime (which is what I did with the Miracle Blanket!).
your right, i may try this too
Posted 12/30/07 10:53 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Sleep/nap help please
Posted by bayla
PS- how many naps a day does your DC get?
Mine takes between 2 and 3. It was only 2 till recently, but since I've been off for the past 10 days, I realized she could use 3 on most days. However, she did not take her early morning nap yesterday and was just fine (she didn't indicate being tired) - but today, she was totally ready for the nap.
Posted 12/30/07 10:55 PM |