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Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Sleeping on your left side
Now that I'm 16 weeks, I have seen all of these alerts in my apps and books to start sleeping on left side only,. I remember this with my DS but I forgot why? I have been trying my best but often find myself on my back and I'm getting worried that I'll hurt the baby. Any tips on how to stay on the lt side at bedtime?
Posted 8/5/14 9:23 AM |
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Member since 6/12 3009 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Sleeping on your left side
I say sleep whatever way you are comfortable and your body lets you.
Around 16 weeks it hurt to sleep on my stomach and I switched to my side using a body pillow, but since then my hips have been hurting every night (just about 38 wks now). I find myself going from my left side to my right side several times a night then end up sleeping elevated on the couch.
I can't wait until I can sleep on my stomach again.
Message edited 8/5/2014 9:43:04 AM.
Posted 8/5/14 9:42 AM |
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Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Sleeping on your left side
I think it provides the best blood flow to the placenta. I could be wrong though...
That being said, I can fall asleep on my left side, but never, ever wake up that way. You can't really control how you move in your sleep!!
Posted 8/5/14 9:46 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: Sleeping on your left side
Throughout the night, I go anywhere from my left to my right and sometimes on my back. I normally sleep on my stomach, but haven't ever since I found out I was pregnant. And I try and avoid the back unless I'm a bit more elevated. But most of the night is spent between tossing back and forth between the two sides.
Posted 8/5/14 10:10 AM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
Sleeping on your left side
You can't control how you sleep- I slept on my stomach until 36 weeks with DS1; still sleeping on my belly at 23 weeks with DS2 now!
Posted 8/5/14 10:51 AM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Sleeping on your left side
Sleep however is comfortable!
Posted 8/5/14 10:59 AM |
Sleeping on your left side
Sleep anyway comfortable, I alternate between my two sides all night long
Posted 8/5/14 11:04 AM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Sleeping on your left side
Dr. Said do what's comfortable until you get bigger, then try to avoid sleeping on your back. With the twins, I literally had to sleep almost sitting up like in a hospital bed propped to my left side. I'm a back sleeper, and not being able to do that was torture! 
Posted 8/5/14 11:21 AM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Sleeping on your left side
So it has to do with blood flow to the baby? Is that why Drs are saying for us to do this? Im going to get a preg pillow and see if it helps me stay in one position.
Posted 8/5/14 11:39 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/12 3656 total posts
Sleeping on your left side
Pre preg I was a stomach or side sleeper. Since being preg I avoid my stomach. I use a regular pillow to put between my legs and basically hug it. I toss and turn back and fourth all night between my right and left side. I start on my left but can't stay put. I think not sleeping on my stomach is messing up my back. I looked into pregnancy pillows but I think a regular sleeping pillow is good for me for now. Good luck!
Posted 8/5/14 12:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Sleeping on your left side
I put a regular body pillow along side me. If I'm on my left side I cuddle up to it so I can be toward my belly a little and if i turn to my right side I stuff it behind me to keep me from rolling onto my back. It works well as long as I keep switching sides to keep my hips from hurting.
Posted 8/5/14 1:00 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Sleeping on your left side
Yep, lillies it has to do with pressure on the blood vessels that carry blood to the baby. Everything I've read says left is best.
Posted 8/5/14 1:17 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Sleeping on your left side
Thanks so much everyone!
Posted 8/5/14 2:10 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 751 total posts
Re: Sleeping on your left side
You can't really control it, everyone moves in their sleep. I cannot get comfortable enough to stay on my left side at this point, nor do I even try. I just sleep however I can. I have done this with each of my pregnancies.
Posted 8/6/14 7:14 AM |