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Some Registry Advice

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Member since 5/05

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Some Registry Advice

I know I loved the advice on what WORKED when I went to register...

Heres some advice ( take it or ignore from me on what we love and hate...

-Newborn outfits- GET THEM....We had hardly any, everything was 0-3 mnths and huge. We had to run out and buy those pull on pants, and onsies and shirts to cloth Noah when he was first born.....
we had 2 outfits that fit...

-Pampers Swaddlers are great! The pampers "Newborn" are different and too big on Noah at 8lbs.... So depends on the babies weight but get some swaddlers vs. newborn size. Or look at he diapers if you can and get small ones. They look tiny, they arent.

-We use our wipe warmer a lot- Noah SCREAMS when we use cold wipes.

-We LOVE our Diaper Champ. Its sooo easy to use, and no smells at all.

-The FP rainforst Activity gym....I dont like, seems like a waste of money, for $60..its nothing but some music and rattles on a blanket.....Get one with more activety things on it...

-The boppy is a godsend

-IF you dont have a washer/dryer in your home ( we dont)...get more then 2 changing pad covers...Noah likes to pee on them( helpful if your having a boy especially)

-Get something to put baby in from birth ( swing, bouncer etc)...some swings newborns cant use, no neck control...The papsan we have is will not know what to do with the baby when hes get a bouncer or swing to use from birth ....( not all are good that way)

-And if your Ped says sterilize water if your formula feeiing , Spend $10 and get some of the already sterilized nursery water for at least the first week , and save yourself some sanity of needing to boil water....cause your gonna be doing dishes etc soo much as it is We bought 4 bottles and we still are using them. It goes a long way.

-If you dont have a diswasher, get extra bottles. I make 9-10 bottles a day and I swear I turn aroudn , they are ALL gone, Im washing them again. If I had the 4-5 I started out with, I'd be doing dishes / bottles every two minutes.

Hope it helps alittle...Maybe others can add on to it....

Message edited 6/24/2007 10:29:08 PM.

Posted 6/24/07 1:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Some Registry Advice


Posted 6/24/07 1:25 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Some Registry Advice

Donna-Great idea...and I am going to jump on the bandwagon and add some stuff.

-Newborn outfits-DS is 8 weeks old and probably over 10lbs and STILL wearing his newborn sleepers and onesies! He is just starting to fit into his 0-3 clothes now length wise, but he is a skinny minny so they still are very wide.

-Bottles-get an assortment of bottles. The starter packs are good. We like the Avent, the Playtex Drop Ins and the Wide VentAires.

-Swing-Get a full size one. I was an a$$ who thought a bouncer would be enough, it was good at the beginning, but then he needed more of a rocking motion and HATED a travel swing.

ditto with the boppy-love it and I am not breast feeding.

-Pack and Play-If you are going to get one, get one with a changing table, that is what I use mine the most for.

Now, I am going to give some unsolicited mommy advice here:
1. Buy some clothes in one size bigger than your regular clothes. I didn't gain much weight, but my body definately changed, so wearing maternity clothes after you have the baby is depressing.

2. Take hand me downs if you have the chance!!! My best friend mailed me a 20lb box of beautiful, clean, stain free baby boy clothes and it is awesome to have.

3. Sleep when they sleep. I still need to learn to do thisChat Icon

Message edited 6/24/2007 1:40:33 PM.

Posted 6/24/07 1:39 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

THANKS to both of you for all of this advice!!!

i have been buying/registering for 0-3 month clothes thinking the newborn stuff would be too small too fast. SO good to know that i actually will need smaller stuff.

the great thing about posts like these is that they offer advice that you didn't know you needed!!!! so thanks a million for thinking about us preggos.

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Posted 6/24/07 1:44 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Posted by dm24angel

I know I love dthe advice on what WORKED when I went to register...

Heres some advice ( take it or ignore from me on what we love and hate...

-Newborn outfits- GET THEM....We had hardly any, everything was 0-3 mnths and huge. We had to run out and buy those pull on pants, and onsies and shirts to clothe Noah when he was first born.....

-Pampers Swaddlers are great! The pampers "Newborn" are different and too big on Noah at 8lbs.... So depends on the babies weight but get some swaddlers vs. newborn size.

-We use our wipe warmer a lot- Noah SCREAMS when we use cold wipes.

-We LOVE our Diaper Champ. Its sooo easy to use, and no smells at all.

-The FP rainforst Activity gym....I dont like, seems like a waste of money, for $60..its nothing but some music and rattles on a blanket.....Get one with more activety things on it...

-The boppy is a godsend

-IF you dont have a washer/dryer in your home ( we dont)...get more then 2 changing pad covers...Noah likes to pee on them( helpful if your having a boy especially)

-Get something to put baby in from birth ( swing, bouncer etc)...some swings newborns cant use, no neck control...The papsan we have is will not knwo what to do with the baby when hes get a bouncer or swing to use from birth ....( not all are good that way)

-And if your Ped says sterilize water if your formula feeiing , Spend $10 in the nursery water for at leats the first week , and save yourself some sanity of needing to boil water....cause your gonna be doing dishes etc soo much. We bought 4 bottles and we still are using them. It goes a long way.

Hope it helps alittle...Maybe others can add on to it....

good points Donna... our David seems to pee on himself and everything around all the time, it is like he is waiting for me to change his diaper Chat Icon I actually got some pee in my face the first day in the hospital!
I totally agree about newborn outfits... you need a lot of them especially since you are going to be changing the baby many times because of poop, pee etc...

Message edited 6/24/2007 1:52:42 PM.

Posted 6/24/07 1:52 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Good advice ladies!! I have practically no newborn size clothes, so I may have to have someone get us some when we come home from the hospital (although Chat Icon will likely be around 8 pounds at birth).

Thanks for the heads up!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/07 1:59 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Posted by nbc188

Good advice ladies!! I have practically no newborn size clothes, so I may have to have someone get us some when we come home from the hospital (although Chat Icon will likely be around 8 pounds at birth).

Thanks for the heads up!!! Chat Icon

I thought DS would grow out of them so much quicker than he did. He hasn't grown out of ANY yet and like I said, he is 8 weeks old and probably between 10-11 lbs and pretty long. I *may* be putting away 2 newborn sleepers after my next laundry trip, but that is b/c I do laundry every 2.5 weeks.

Posted 6/24/07 2:01 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by nbc188

Good advice ladies!! I have practically no newborn size clothes, so I may have to have someone get us some when we come home from the hospital (although Chat Icon will likely be around 8 pounds at birth).

Thanks for the heads up!!! Chat Icon

I thought DS would grow out of them so much quicker than he did. He hasn't grown out of ANY yet and like I said, he is 8 weeks old and probably between 10-11 lbs and pretty long. I *may* be putting away 2 newborn sleepers after my next laundry trip, but that is b/c I do laundry every 2.5 weeks.

Wow, that is surprising. Doesn't help that every brand of baby clothes is different with sizing either Chat Icon

I can't believe your little man is 8 weeks old already Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/07 2:02 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

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Re: Some Registry Advice

Wow, this was great - thanks for the info! I have very few newborn sized stuff - like maybe 3 things! So I guess I should look into getting a few more, huh. Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/07 2:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

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Re: Some Registry Advice

This is perfect! Thanks so much for posting. I'll be doing this soon and need all the advice I can get. Chat Icon

Edit I would LOVE to hear from others. I was iffy with the wipe warmers but now I'll jot that down.

Message edited 6/24/2007 2:53:11 PM.

Posted 6/24/07 2:49 PM

soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05

4369 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

thank you for the info!!

Posted 6/24/07 5:04 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Some Registry Advice

I'll play too.

I agree with the clothes - EVERYONE bought me 3-6 month stuff telling me the 0-3 would be too small too quick. He's 6 weeks old and still fitting in the newborn things.

The Ultimate Crib sheet - AWESOME. Get 2 and layer them. Then if you have a middle of the night issue you can just whip off the one and you are still good to go.

I'm thinking of having the Boppy surgically attached to myself.

I love love love my Summer Handheld Video monitor. It works great, excellent sound and I don't have to get out of bed if I hear him make a strange sound.

I agree with the Pack and Play - especially if you have a multi-level house you want the one with the changing table. You will save yourself a lot of trips up and down the stairs.

Miracle Blanket. Hands down 10000% better than the swaddle me's. Logan breaks out of the Swaddle me at least twice a night, but can't break out of the Miracle Blanket.

Mommy advice:

Yoga pants are your friends. Your maternity T-Shirts are your friends.

The full length mirror is not your friend - just stay away for a little while.


Baby 411 - answers every question you have.

Happiest Baby on the Block - my bible for calming DS down

Girlfriends' Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood - I wish I had read this one when I was pregnant. It was so spot on with a lot of the things I went through.

Posted 6/24/07 7:33 PM

Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

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Re: Some Registry Advice

thanks that helps alot

Posted 6/24/07 7:47 PM

I love this boy!

Member since 4/07

3372 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

thanks for the great advice!!!

Posted 6/24/07 10:18 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

I wanted to add Lauren is 100% right about the miracle blanket. TRULY A MIRACLE....The swaddle me stinks ( well for us, it overheats Noah too much, the fabric is too thick, he sweats like a piggy in it, even with nothing but a diaper on!)

And the summer handheld works well for us too.

And the Books

Baby 411 was and is GREAT

And the FREE statefarm book, the mongo jumbo one. LOVE IT. LOVE IT. So much info!!

And the GF's guide one cracked me up....It has real time advice and info.

Some hospital advice- Bring a pillow from home. They are really stingy with the plastic ones Chat Icon

BRING the boppy , I didnt breastfeed, and it was a lifesaver.

Bring some snacks, I was up at 1 am a lot, and hungry.

Bring magazines and a book. You will think you wont have time for it, want it, need it. But if you are not a sound sleeper like me...At 1am ( see above) after eating, a few chapters in a book put me right out.

Posted 6/24/07 10:26 PM


Member since 9/06

5307 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

thank you VERY much for posting this - i am in the process of registering and losing my mind.I don't have a washer/dryer in my apt or a dishwasher so i'm concerned about this.

how many undershirts did you get? did you get special ones for the umbilical stump?

Posted 6/25/07 7:58 AM

My two best friends!

Member since 11/06

5879 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Love this post. It is so helpful. Hope a bunch of the new mommies reply!!!!!!!!!

Posted 6/25/07 8:03 AM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Some Registry Advice

Donna, I agree with you 100%. Especially about the diapers and the outfits. Bella STILL doesn't fit into her 0-3 months outfits. She barely has anything to wear that fits.

LOVE LOVE LOVE Swaddlers. We switched (because we had so many) to Huggies newborn just to try them. YUCK. No bueno for Bella!

Posted 6/25/07 8:32 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Posted by Bklyngrl

thank you VERY much for posting this - i am in the process of registering and losing my mind.I don't have a washer/dryer in my apt or a dishwasher so i'm concerned about this.

how many undershirts did you get? did you get special ones for the umbilical stump?

I had a washer/dryer when DS was first born, now I don't. It really isn't a big deal. I have about 3 weeks worth of stuff for him (and you will too) and there are so many cute outfits it doesn't make a difference that you can't wash things right away.

As for undershirts, you are just talking about plain, white onesies? I have ten. But, I rarely use them. I bought the gerber ones and I also bought the patterned ones and I use those WAY more often. And personally, I wouldn't get the ones for the umbilical cord stump, marketing ploy. Nothing will be tight enough to irritate it.

Posted 6/25/07 8:59 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Some Registry Advice

I bought the snap shirts thinking they would be easier. I dont like them. They crawl up his back when I put him down or hold him. I prefer the onsies , I hate putting the onsies on, but once they are on, they are on...and they are much easier ......And no , I just made sure his pants didnt rub the cord, I think thats a gimmick too....

I LOVE those little pull on pants though.

We dont have a washer/dryer. We do laundry once a week and we dont have all that many newborn outfits and we do fine on that......

Posted 6/25/07 12:01 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Thanks for the tips! They're going into my mental registry since it's still too early for me to do that.

Usually when one of my friends has a baby I run out to the gap and buy a newborn size outfit (smaller than 0-3 mos). I'm happy to hear that was a good habit and hopefully they'll return the favor in January!

Posted 6/25/07 12:09 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: Some Registry Advice

Thanks so much!!

Posted 6/25/07 12:23 PM

Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

4919 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Thanks so much ladies for posting this info. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/07 12:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Some Registry Advice

OK here's my 2 cents.....Chat Icon

Socks....get newborn socks in addition to your newborn clothes. DS is swimming in the 0 - 3 socks and can kick them off very easily. Chat Icon I also splurged and got a few pairs of sneakers in sizes 0 & 1 for when we go out somewhere.

The Kidoppotamus is a god send. DS was sitting so slouched in his car seat that I was worried about his neck getting strained. I got the Kidoppotamus & he sits in it like a champ now & is not all "squishy."

Get a mat for under the car seat base. They are inexpensive & really help keep the base from sliding around.

I'll add more as I think of them Chat Icon


GET TONS OF BATTERIES.... most of my baby stuff requires batteries and you'd be amazed how quickly the swing, bouncy, mobiles eat through them. We have only been home 4 weeks & already we have had to change the batteries in the Papasan bouncer and the ocean wonders aquarium.

Message edited 6/25/2007 12:31:43 PM.

Posted 6/25/07 12:29 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Some Registry Advice

Great post and wonderful advice!!!!!!! So much to think about! Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/07 1:12 PM
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