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Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

My mother is a speech and language pathologist and we were talking today about how I am worried about Ava being one of those kids that will not want to give up her bink. Well, my mom frequently has to help other parents get their 3, 4 and even 5 year old children off the paci, and she said the tried and true method for her that has not failed is to take each pacifier and poke a whole in it. It will become less satisfying for DC to suck on. Then the next day, poke yet another hole. Everyday, keep poking another hole in the paci, and within a couple of days, it will no longer be enjoyable for them to suck on and they will do away with it. She said it usually takes 2-3 days.
HTH anyone who might need some advice on the subject.

Posted 10/9/06 10:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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boys will be boys =)

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

interestng, but will they get gassy from sucking in air ? Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:04 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by anna

interestng, but will they get gassy from sucking in air ? Chat Icon

I asked the same thing. She said she's never heard a parent complain about that. She said most kids can't bare to suck on a paci with even one hole in it, so they don't even spend long enough sucking on it to get gasChat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:06 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Thanks for the info. My Ava is 2 and still has a binky. Not in public places, but at home and in the car. I was going to take it away at 1 1/2, but then she was hospitalized with the Roto virus and that threw me off course. Now, I'm tooo wimpy. She talks a lot and very clearly, so that's not an issue. But, I know I need to do it!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:07 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by prncssrachel

Posted by anna

interestng, but will they get gassy from sucking in air ? Chat Icon

I asked the same thing. She said she's never heard a parent complain about that. She said most kids can't bare to suck on a paci with even one hole in it, so they don't even spend long enough sucking on it to get gasChat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon that makes sense! I gotta try that when the time comes.
Usually 12-15 months is my limit Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:09 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

I cut Sammy's pacifier nipple off and handed it to him without a nipple. I told him it broke. I did this 2x and he never asked for it again

Posted 10/9/06 10:10 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by avamamma

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Thanks for the info. My Ava is 2 and still has a binky. Not in public places, but at home and in the car. I was going to take it away at 1 1/2, but then she was hospitalized with the Roto virus and that threw me off course. Now, I'm tooo wimpy. She talks a lot and very clearly, so that's not an issue. But, I know I need to do it!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Well, I'll tell you something else my mother told me...."No one ever went to college sucking on a binky!"Chat Icon

But for the children she works with, it's a necessity for them to stop using a bink because it is hindering their ability to speak. Just thought it might help someone elseChat Icon Good luck!

Posted 10/9/06 10:10 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by Samlove

I cut Sammy's pacifier nipple off and handed it to him without a nipple. I told him it broke. I did this 2x and he never asked for it again

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon That's a mommy who means business!Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:11 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by prncssrachel

Posted by Samlove

I cut Sammy's pacifier nipple off and handed it to him without a nipple. I told him it broke. I did this 2x and he never asked for it again

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon That's a mommy who means business!Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon funny, and great job mommy! Im usually a wimp with binky-removal Chat Icon because its also another milestone Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:13 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Is it bad im more concerned with getting rid of the bottle than I am the binky?

I guess its because DS is more attached to the binky (therefore so is mommyChat Icon )

Posted 10/9/06 10:15 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by Princessmaris

Is it bad im more concerned with getting rid of the bottle than I am the binky?

I guess its because DS is more attached to the binky (therefore so is mommyChat Icon )

i was more the opposite, The bottle they only suck on when they drink milk, the binky is a potential all-day thing.
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:16 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by anna

Posted by Princessmaris

Is it bad im more concerned with getting rid of the bottle than I am the binky?

I guess its because DS is more attached to the binky (therefore so is mommyChat Icon )

i was more the opposite, The bottle they only suck on when they drink milk, the binky is a potential all-day thing.
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Well Ryan really never had his binky all day- just nap and the car- if he is real cranky Ill give it to him- but thats not often...

Posted 10/9/06 10:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Honestly, this is why I avoid the pacifier. Gianni did have one, for a very limited time and it was because DH made me. It was gone by 4ish months. I think it's more of a comfort for parents than children past 6 months, but that's me. Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:20 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by Nancy

Honestly, this is why I avoid the pacifier. Gianni did have one, for a very limited time and it was because DH made me. It was gone by 4ish months. I think it's more of a comfort for parents than children past 6 months, but that's me. Chat Icon

so true so true, and im a binky-mommy.
they just look so darn cute sucking them and you just see the binky move up and down and you hear that little squeaky noise from their sucking Chat Icon Chat Icon there I confessed Chat Icon (nothin but the truth Chat Icon)
but I have to say marissa I agree with you, ALL DAY is unacceptable to me. Actually when kids speak with the binky in their mouths Chat Icon it makes me nuts.
thats why 12-15m is my limit.

Posted 10/9/06 10:24 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Actually, I was thinking of getting rid of Ava's altogether NOW because she is teething and it must hurt her to suck on it now, so she has no interest in it. She just chews her fingers. Who knows. She so adaptable that I think she'd be fine if I took it away now. Even though I worry that it might be hard to take it away from her, I think in the back of my mind I know this kid could really care less.Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:25 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by anna

Posted by Nancy

Honestly, this is why I avoid the pacifier. Gianni did have one, for a very limited time and it was because DH made me. It was gone by 4ish months. I think it's more of a comfort for parents than children past 6 months, but that's me. Chat Icon

so true so true, and im a binky-mommy.
they just look so darn cute sucking them and you just see the binky move up and down and you hear that little squeaky noise from their sucking Chat Icon Chat Icon there I confessed Chat Icon (nothin but the truth Chat Icon)
but I have to say marissa I agree with you, ALL DAY is unacceptable to me. Actually when kids speak with the binky in their mouths Chat Icon it makes me nuts.
thats why 12-15m is my limit.

My goal is to get rid of the bottle this month- and the paci by 18 months-Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 10/9/2006 10:26:43 PM.

Posted 10/9/06 10:26 PM

My Everything

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

I guess I get left back in mommy school because I'm not taking away the pacifier or the bottle yet and the ped didn't say we needed to. He said to try by 18 months but she talks plenty (more than he expected) and only takes 2 bottles a day and the paci for sleep and car rides.

Posted 10/9/06 10:29 PM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Is it weird that Jack has no interest in the binkie at 3 weeks? He's a big kid and anything you put in his mouth that doesn't give him food.....he's not interested in it!!!! He loves to little pigletChat Icon

did your DC use the binkie from the beginning or is it something you introduced later on? Part of me is glad....this way no weaning later on.

Posted 10/9/06 10:45 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by Little-J-mommy-to-be

Is it weird that Jack has no interest in the binkie at 3 weeks? He's a big kid and anything you put in his mouth that doesn't give him food.....he's not interested in it!!!! He loves to little pigletChat Icon

did your DC use the binkie from the beginning or is it something you introduced later on? Part of me is glad....this way no weaning later on.

Count your blessings. Maddie has never wanted a pacifier. She found her thumb in utereo.which is much worse.

Rach - any idea on thumbsuckers? I think it's definitely affecting her speech.Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 10:56 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

My daughter never wanted a binky but both my boys did. My older son dropped the habit at 2, no request for it again. I never even thought about trying to get him off it before that, I really didnt worry. And Im definitely not worried with my little guy now...this is my last baby, I love to watch him bink away when he sleeps. Now he pulls it out and flings it across the crib Chat Icon Soooo cute!

Message edited 10/10/2006 12:35:31 AM.

Posted 10/10/06 12:34 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Ugghhh both of my nephews walk around with them all day. My SIL gave a traditional round paci and not the orthodontic one. Both of them have open bites and speech problems because of this. As a dental hygienist I see it all of the time. Great tip Rachel!

Posted 10/10/06 7:01 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by Little-J-mommy-to-be

Is it weird that Jack has no interest in the binkie at 3 weeks? He's a big kid and anything you put in his mouth that doesn't give him food.....he's not interested in it!!!! He loves to little pigletChat Icon

did your DC use the binkie from the beginning or is it something you introduced later on? Part of me is glad....this way no weaning later on.

Count your blessings. Maddie has never wanted a pacifier. She found her thumb in utereo.which is much worse.

Rach - any idea on thumbsuckers? I think it's definitely affecting her speech.Chat Icon

I'll ask my mom about thumb-sucking. And to be quite honest, my father is a professor and has seen college students who suck their thumbs, so I guess my moms saying doesn't for thumbsChat Icon
No, but seriously, Barb, I'll ask her.

Posted 10/10/06 8:23 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Good stuff to know. Although, now that Roman is teething he wants to suck on his binky and his bottle nipples more than usual.Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 8:28 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

Posted by MrsBumbleb

Good stuff to know. Although, now that Roman is teething he wants to suck on his binky and his bottle nipples more than usual.Chat Icon

That what happened to us with Sydney. We went almost a week without the binky for bedtime and I thought, great we are done...but then she started teething and was so miserable we gave it back. We still only give it to her to sleep but lately she has been waking up in the morning and popping it back in her mouth while she plays around in her crib. I hope to try to get rid of it again soon.

Posted 10/10/06 9:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: Speaking of getting rid of the pacifier....

It helped us to take away during the day and only give at night. We did that at about 8 months.

Posted 10/10/06 9:07 AM
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