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Member since 5/05 12823 total posts
Name: janet
Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
I need advice on how I can deal with this problem I am having with the school. I am getting SO royally po'ed it's to the point of me pulling her out. They do not watch these children and the principal even admits to numerous problems with this child stealing and she has yet to be suspended I want to get a one on one for her . If you know anything about iep's and what I need to get to get her one please let me know!!! Thanks Janet
Posted 11/17/06 10:34 AM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
If you want a change to her IEP at all a CSE (Committee for Special Education) meeting needs to be called and held. I am sure you are familiar with such but for those that don't know it is a committe made up of the guidance counselor (or equivalent), school psychologist, school social worker, classroom/general ed teacher, special ed teacher, a represenative of the spec. ed. office of the district, and administrator or chairperson usually chairs the meeting.
ETA: I just saw that she doesn't have an IEP. Was she tested? Unless the tests proved that she has the manifestation of a disability then she will not be granted an IEP.
Several school district personnel need to meet, review Kryssy's needs and see if those needs warrant a "one on one". If it is a discipline problem manifested by another student and not specifically tied to Kryssy's disability then it is just a discipline issue concerning that other student and does not warrant Kryssy having a "one on one". I know what you are saying about protecting her but if it's not tied to her disability then the same justification of protecting her could be used to argue granting and paying for a "one to one" for every child in the classroom with the undsiciplined child in question and obviously, that is not practical, financially or otherwise.
Outside forces (such as the behavior of another student) are not a determining factor as to whether a student qualifies for any 504 or special ed. accomodations. Every accomodation must be related to that individual child's disability/disabilities and be manifested through some sort of screening process undertaken by school personnel (ex. testing by the school psychologist, outside neurological consult, etc.)
I know this is not the answer you want but this is how the NYS Spec Ed law is interpretted. I've sat in on many a CSE meeting and deal with this issue constantly. School districts are under enormous pressure to watch their budgets and can't afford mandated special ed accomondation unless they are tied to a certain student's manifested disability.
You can request a CSE but from what you said, this sounds like a discipline issue that should be handled by general administration.
Message edited 11/17/2006 10:55:18 AM.
Posted 11/17/06 10:53 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
i'm a speech therapist at a public school... do you want to get a 1-1 for your daughter, or for the child who is stealing? i don't know a whole lot about the 1-1 thing, but i would think you could bring it up to the case manager or guidance counselor/social worker at the school... good luck!
Posted 11/17/06 10:54 AM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
Posted by ml110
i'm a speech therapist at a public school... do you want to get a 1-1 for your daughter, or for the child who is stealing? i don't know a whole lot about the 1-1 thing, but i would think you could bring it up to the case manager or guidance counselor/social worker at the school... good luck!
I know you are somewhere out in Mastic/shirley area. I was a social worker at William Floyd a few yrs back. I might be able to answer some of your questions. I am just not understanding what is going on? WHo is stealing? your daughter? or a friend of your daughters? FM me if you want some info if I can help.
Posted 11/17/06 11:02 AM |

Member since 5/05 12823 total posts
Name: janet
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
yes she does have an iep and i did call for a team meeting(with her core teachers) and told the pricipal that iw ant a cse meeting also. this has been going on and because kryssy is affraid of lossing "a friend" she will not tell on them and i am just tired of my money getting stolen and nothing being done about it.
Posted 11/17/06 11:05 AM |

Member since 5/05 12823 total posts
Name: janet
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
this may not be a dicapline problem but it is an emotional one which is just as distructive. her self esteem this year has dropped sooo badly i am very worried
Posted 11/17/06 11:16 AM |

Member since 5/05 12823 total posts
Name: janet
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
Posted by ml110
i'm a speech therapist at a public school... do you want to get a 1-1 for your daughter, or for the child who is stealing? i don't know a whole lot about the 1-1 thing, but i would think you could bring it up to the case manager or guidance counselor/social worker at the school... good luck!
hmmm maybe that would work too if this other child was to get a one on one. , kryssy is not the only one who has been stollen from, teachers and other kids have been too.
sorry for miss spells and all over stories but i reeally feel like crap today and i am tired
Posted 11/17/06 11:18 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
yes... it sounds like the child who is stealing is the one who needs the 1-1. sounds like she needs somebody to keep track of her. i can't beleive nothing has been done about it!! and stealing money is a serious thing! its not like shes stealing a pencil or something! i don't think that kryssy would qualify for a 1-1, because its not a behavior issue that SHE has, its the other child who is having the issue. i would talk to the guidance counselor or someone like that at the school and see what can be done...
Posted 11/17/06 11:28 AM |

Member since 5/05 12823 total posts
Name: janet
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
Posted by ml110
yes... it sounds like the child who is stealing is the one who needs the 1-1. sounds like she needs somebody to keep track of her. i can't beleive nothing has been done about it!! and stealing money is a serious thing! its not like shes stealing a pencil or something! i don't think that kryssy would qualify for a 1-1, because its not a behavior issue that SHE has, its the other child who is having the issue. i would talk to the guidance counselor or someone like that at the school and see what can be done... i just got off the phone with the school psyclogist(sp) and again i feel my child is being ignored and not taken care of in this school, i am ready for a lawyer, i want her out of this school and back in her old school!
Posted 11/17/06 11:54 AM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 7/08 31 total posts
Name: Yolanda
Re: Special needs teachers and or staff of schools
Can you help me. I am sorry to impose but I saw that you were a former teacher here in Long Island and was just wondering if you had information that could help me. I just posted a new topic. Not sure if you can read the things that I have posted as I am not on this site often. Please let me know.
Posted 11/30/09 2:09 AM |