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I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Speech Question --- Please Help
Ok so DS went to the doctor this morning and he asked if he was talking. I told him no and that he only says mama. Then he asked if he understands certain things and I said yes. So yada yada yada...he then says that if he is not saying at least 10 words by the time he is 18 months that he is going to send him to some center for learning language...
What do you ladies think? I mean is there something I should be doing to help his speech more? I feel like there is something that I should be doing. I read to him and point things out. I don't know what else to do.
Posted 9/5/07 11:39 AM |
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Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
My son is 19 months old and barely speaks, I see the spark of communication and we communicate just fine. I am not worried, don't let your doctor scare you into thinking something is wrong.
Posted 9/5/07 11:42 AM |
Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Every child is different - I think you are doing fine - all of a sudden he will be talking your ear off
Posted 9/5/07 11:42 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
I repeat certain words over and over again and sometimes even make up songs with the words.
He says a lot now but this all just started happening within the last 2 weeks. Actually he has changed so much in the last 2 weeks.
His new favorite word to say is delicious. It is so cute.
I wouldn't worry yet. A lot can happen by 18 months.
Posted 9/5/07 11:44 AM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by racheeeee
My son is 19 months old and barely speaks, I see the spark of communication and we communicate just fine. I am not worried, don't let your doctor scare you into thinking something is wrong.
We see a tiny little spark too. In fact DH thinks that DS may be trying to talk. If he understood zilch then i'd be really concerned. He understands the sound I make when I don't want him touching something. I point my finger up and go "ehhhh" and he repeats it back to me and even points his finger too. I should starting saying "no" instead of "ehhhehhh" Anways when we are at my mom's house and it's time to leave I say "let's go" and he starts crying cuz he wants to stay. When we are out and we come back home I enter the apt and after I put DS down I always stand by the door and say "can you close the door for mommy" and he pushes it closed. He knows that when we take him to my mom's upstairs bathroom that it's bathtime and he starts screaming with excitement!
It's little things but at least he can understand something. Now the doctor mentioned sending him to a language intervention place. I didn't ask but I hope it means to get him evaluated. I'm not starting anything until he gets evaluated first...
Message edited 9/5/2007 12:00:10 PM.
Posted 9/5/07 11:58 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
My SIL is a speech pathologist and told me that at this age (my son is 14 months) that the most important thing is that they understand you, and that they are making different babbling noises and that their speech patterns mimc yours. Meaning that while it's just babble, does the tone change, like does it get higher at the end like he's asking a question, is it a variety of sounds, is he looking at you like he's trying to get his point across, etc. My daughter spoke early so I was very nervous, hopefully this makes you feel better too.
Posted 9/5/07 12:03 PM |
Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07 1122 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
I was in your same position! At our 15 month checkup she hadn't really started speaking, so the ped said she needed to say at least 6 words by her 18 month or they would recommend an evaluation. I was nervous about it just like you, but by that 18 month checkup she was saying over 20 words- there was just this word explosion!
I did try a few things after the checkup to help, I limited the tv being on (I used to play with her on the floor while watching like HGTV or Jeopardy or whatever, she wasn't interested in it so I didn't think it mattered but I read that background tv noise could interfere with babies learning to distinguish individual words). I also tried to make sure I spoke to her clearly and slowly. One other thing I started doing was asking her questions and then pausing like I expected an answer instead of just assuming what she wanted- so she would have more of a reason to try to speak.
I'm not sure any of these things actually did anything to help her start speaking, I think it was just her time to start speaking. But, it made me feel more empowered that I was actually making a conscious effort to DO something, so I didn't feel as helpless. And like you, since I knew she understood me I didn't feel as nervous about her having a deficiency- there is just a range of when children start to speak and each child is different. I'm sure your little boy will be talking soon!
Posted 9/5/07 12:14 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by JessieQ
I was in your same position! At our 15 month checkup she hadn't really started speaking, so the ped said she needed to say at least 6 words by her 18 month or they would recommend an evaluation. I was nervous about it just like you, but by that 18 month checkup she was saying over 20 words- there was just this word explosion!
I did try a few things after the checkup to help, I limited the tv being on (I used to play with her on the floor while watching like HGTV or Jeopardy or whatever, she wasn't interested in it so I didn't think it mattered but I read that background tv noise could interfere with babies learning to distinguish individual words). I also tried to make sure I spoke to her clearly and slowly. One other thing I started doing was asking her questions and then pausing like I expected an answer instead of just assuming what she wanted- so she would have more of a reason to try to speak.
I'm not sure any of these things actually did anything to help her start speaking, I think it was just her time to start speaking. But, it made me feel more empowered that I was actually making a conscious effort to DO something, so I didn't feel as helpless. And like you, since I knew she understood me I didn't feel as nervous about her having a deficiency- there is just a range of when children start to speak and each child is different. I'm sure your little boy will be talking soon!
I am going to starting doing some of things you tried. He doesn't watch much TV. Just a little in the morning. He loves Mickey and Handy Manny. When the Mickey Mouse Music comes on he dances...
Posted 9/5/07 12:24 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
My DS is 17 months and really only says "mama" and recently "daddy". He sometimes says "nah" when he's refusing to do something, But he's understood EVERYTHING from a very early age-- like at 9 months he could point to many different pictures in books, and understood/responded appropriately to tons of words even at that age. So to me it's kind of odd... his receptive language developed early and is really good for his age, where his expressive language is clearly behind. When he points things out that interest him he says "da" or something generic instead of saying "ball" or "car", you know? All his other development skills are either early or on time, and he is socially interactive etc.
I think I'm going to get him evaluated. I suspect there are oral motor issues going on because I noticed he can't blow bubbles and doesn't pucker his lips to kiss, stuff like that.
Posted 9/5/07 12:28 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by CathyB
My SIL is a speech pathologist and told me that at this age (my son is 14 months) that the most important thing is that they understand you, and that they are making different babbling noises and that their speech patterns mimc yours. Meaning that while it's just babble, does the tone change, like does it get higher at the end like he's asking a question, is it a variety of sounds, is he looking at you like he's trying to get his point across, etc. My daughter spoke early so I was very nervous, hopefully this makes you feel better too.
His tone is really all over the place... But sometimes he's babbling and he'll be moving his hands around. Sometimes he looks at you and sometimes he doesn't. The other day he was in the backyard and since we live 10 minutes from Laguardia airport we always hear planes so one flew by and my mom was like "look airplane". He looked up and was smiling. Now everytime he hears anything in the air whether it's a plane or a helicopter he looks up and makes a sound. And yesterday as my mom was saying airplane he was making a sound that sounded like he was repeating after my mom he was like "apo"...then one of my dad's cousin's came to visit yesterday and they were sitting in the backyard so a plane flew by and he looked up at it. Then my dad's cousin goes "Matthew where is the airplane" He made this gesture with his hands that said "I don't know" as he was baby babbling.
Message edited 9/5/2007 12:29:43 PM.
Posted 9/5/07 12:29 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by computergirl
My DS is 17 months and really only says "mama" and recently "daddy". He sometimes says "nah" when he's refusing to do something, But he's understood EVERYTHING from a very early age-- like at 9 months he could point to many different pictures in books, and understood/responded appropriately to tons of words even at that age. So to me it's kind of odd... his receptive language developed early and is really good for his age, where his expressive language is clearly behind. When he points things out that interest him he says "da" or something generic instead of saying "ball" or "car", you know? All his other development skills are either early or on time, and he is socially interactive etc.
I think I'm going to get him evaluated. I suspect there are oral motor issues going on because I noticed he can't blow bubbles and doesn't pucker his lips to kiss, stuff like that.
DS can't point to pictures or colors. He points to things but doesn't know what he is point to exactly. But he does understand certain things that I mentioned in one of my replies.
He waves, he does kisses and claps hands. Sometimes when he hears clapping he joins in. We took him to a met game in August and he was clapping with the crowd. Sometimes when he hears clapping on the tv he claps along and goes "aaayyy" his way of saying yay...
Posted 9/5/07 12:34 PM |
Secret Agent

Member since 8/06 1087 total posts
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Funny you shoul post this, we had a pre-early intervention evautation yesterday. A social worker came over just to run things by us. She told us that your chi;d will be first evaluated by experts - a teacher and a therapist, separately, and then they will crunch numbers together. She said that if your child scores less than a 33% then your child will qualify for the services. But it gets very tricky, if your child is exposed to more than one language, then a bilingual evaluation is required. And then she said something about different areas of evaluation, that if your child scores exceeds a certain percentage in ANY of the areas, then your child will not qualify as well. It's very confusing!
Our DD will be formally evaluated in about a month. She says NOTHING now, just makes lots of sounds, gibberish. Nope, not even 'mama' or 'dada'. She understands okay though, she knows certain words: 'rubber ducky, wowo/doggy, shoes, bath time!, milk, where's ____?, remote, diaper, fishy, waves bye-bye, gives kisses, makes her super cute 'ugly face', etc. But, she tends to be a selective listener also, chooses to not obey us when we tell her 'no' even though we know she knows what 'no' means.
Anyways, I'm not ALL that worried... b/c her daddy was a late talker as well. MIL said his first words didn't come until AFTER 18 months! And well, he's not mute now. I now live by the term 'All babies develop at their own pace'.
Posted 9/5/07 12:50 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
I'm all for early intervention but I don't think you should worry yourself. He's still very young and so much happens between now and 18 months...2 years...3 years as far as speech (and after too) My son is 15 months and says ?? a bunch of words I think but not all that clear and some come out with meaning, others you'd really have to be with him 24/7 to even know what he's trying to say. It's so not a big deal. Of course do what they say and get him help if he needs it. And if he does, know that in 99.9% of the situations, it's not REALLY an issue. I'm not an expert but a BTDT Mom. Just to show you how different they can be - my older had about 120-150 CLEAR words by 18 months. My DD had a about 12, maybe. She's 3 now and has a large vocabulary. Anyway, try not to worry. As others said, the real issue is the comprehension of what you are saying and he sounds like he's doing more than fine there.
Posted 9/5/07 12:59 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by bee
All babies develop at their own pace'.
That's just how they are I guess. DS did everything late. Crawl and walk...
Posted 9/5/07 1:00 PM |
Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07 1122 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by bedda26
I am going to starting doing some of things you tried. He doesn't watch much TV. Just a little in the morning. He loves Mickey and Handy Manny. When the Mickey Mouse Music comes on he dances...
Oh sorry, I am not against letting her watch tv, I still let her watch her tv in the morning, usually Sesame Street, her favorite. I mean I used to leave the tv on my own shows in the evening and on weekends, either half-watching it while playing with her, or just as background noise (I started this years ago, I don't like silence, I even go to sleep with the tv on). But after I heard that tv as background noise may affect their ability to learn words, I cut that out as much as possible, at least in those months when I was really worried about her speech.
the AAP may not agree, but I think well-produced kids shows (in moderation of course ) are not bad for them and some may actually teach them something. Especially the ones where they can interact, like you said when your son dances with mickey.
Posted 9/5/07 1:04 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by Elizabeth
I'm all for early intervention but I don't think you should worry yourself. He's still very young and so much happens between now and 18 months...2 years...3 years as far as speech (and after too) My son is 15 months and says ?? a bunch of words I think but not all that clear and some come out with meaning, others you'd really have to be with him 24/7 to even know what he's trying to say. It's so not a big deal. Of course do what they say and get him help if he needs it. And if he does, know that in 99.9% of the situations, it's not REALLY an issue. I'm not an expert but a BTDT Mom. Just to show you how different they can be - my older had about 120-150 CLEAR words by 18 months. My DD had a about 12, maybe. She's 3 now and has a large vocabulary. Anyway, try not to worry. As others said, the real issue is the comprehension of what you are saying and he sounds like he's doing more than fine there.
One of DH's friends said that she and her husband had their son evaluated at 18 months and he has gotten speech therapy. He says words now but still sometimes you don't understand them cuz he's not clear sometimes and he is now 3.
And someone I used to work with had her son evaluated at age 2 and he got speech therapy and by the time he was 4 the kid was talking up a storm. I remember my co-worker went from saying "my son doesn't talk too much all he says is ball" to "Oh my God my kid won't shutup now"...
Message edited 9/5/2007 1:06:44 PM.
Posted 9/5/07 1:05 PM |
Secret Agent

Member since 8/06 1087 total posts
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Drives you just a little crazy doesn't it? Haha, my DD was late for everything too. Sat at 7m, crawled at 9m.. walked at 13.5... but she was born 1 month early.. so the walking I think is pretty 'normal'.
Posted by bedda26
Posted by bee
All babies develop at their own pace'.
That's just how they are I guess. DS did everything late. Crawl and walk...
Posted 9/5/07 1:06 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by JessieQ
Posted by bedda26
I am going to starting doing some of things you tried. He doesn't watch much TV. Just a little in the morning. He loves Mickey and Handy Manny. When the Mickey Mouse Music comes on he dances...
Oh sorry, I am not against letting her watch tv, I still let her watch her tv in the morning, usually Sesame Street, her favorite. I mean I used to leave the tv on my own shows in the evening and on weekends, either half-watching it while playing with her, or just as background noise (I started this years ago, I don't like silence, I even go to sleep with the tv on). But after I heard that tv as background noise may affect their ability to learn words, I cut that out as much as possible, at least in those months when I was really worried about her speech.
the AAP may not agree, but I think well-produced kids shows (in moderation of course ) are not bad for them and some may actually teach them something. Especially the ones where they can interact, like you said when your son dances with mickey.
What you said about having the TV as background noises can be distracting is true. I have the TV on all the time and DS and I will playing and if something comes on like a commercial with music he stops what we are doing and stares at the tv. I can't get his attention back until the commercial is over. I never thought of that before but it makes sense now that I realize it. I have to start limiting the tv noise. I have to set time aside whether its half an hour each day or 1 hour with no tv noise so DS and I can have our time...
Posted 9/5/07 1:10 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
This is totally off topic from the post, but I just wanted to say this-- I really don't post here much, but sometimes I just like to lurk/read, and it seems like there's always a topic on this board I was JUST thinking about. Like this morning, I was just having one of "those" days where I was anxious about every little thing, and was having all these nagging worries about DS's speech... and BOOM here's a topic on speech that makes me feel better and not so alone in the problem.
I really should post more because I this board.
Posted 9/5/07 1:10 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Posted by computergirl
This is totally off topic from the post, but I just wanted to say this-- I really don't post here much, but sometimes I just like to lurk/read, and it seems like there's always a topic on this board I was JUST thinking about. Like this morning, I was just having one of "those" days where I was anxious about every little thing, and was having all these nagging worries about DS's speech... and BOOM here's a topic on speech that makes me feel better and not so alone in the problem.
I really should post more because I this board.
That's why I love posting on these boards too. Sometimes it makes me feel better that I'm not alone and that other moms are going through what I am and we are all here to help each other out...
Posted 9/5/07 1:28 PM |
I love these boys

Member since 7/07 2711 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
My son is almost 2 1/5 yrs old and only says about 30words however you tell him to put something away, to get something, turn on/off light he will. He can follow any direction giving to him but yet barely speaks. I had him tested through the district in June and they said they do see a delay in speech however he tested high on everything else so go figure he does not qualify. My ped tells me not to worry he will speak when ready and that's how I feel now but I also feel it can't hurt to look further and make sure your not missing something. Also for helping your dc my ped recommends always saying what you are doing to your child for example when my ds wants a drink he'll go to the cabinet and point and wine so I would say "Jake do you want mommy to get your cup for you" I usually say it a few times. Before you know it your dc will be talking so much you'll wish he wasn't (just kidding)
Posted 9/5/07 1:32 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
I would recommend limiting TV (not sure if he watches alot) and maybe read to him more, asking him questions like you are expecting him to respond, when reading books point to things and ask him to repeat them. There are also a ton of interactive toys and books out there that could help. I think there is also a speech therapist on the boards somehwere...not sure who though.
ETA: One Step Ahead also has flash cards, I think they are called My First Words. Those may be helpful.
Message edited 9/5/2007 1:38:27 PM.
Posted 9/5/07 1:35 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Thank you ladies for your support and suggestions...
Posted 9/5/07 2:09 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2922 total posts
Name: Hillary
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
I personally would get an evaluation done... There is no harm in doing it and if he does get it, it is all for the better....
I felt that what if there was something really wrong that I didn't see and I didn't do it earlier , I would feel that I have failed him...
In my case, Jacob did get speech and now is getting it 3 times a week... He has progressed but he still has trouble forming words..
again, this is my opinion.... Getting evaluated is a very personal decision.. You have to decide what is best for your child... and again every child is different and you can't compare them with anyone...
Posted 9/5/07 2:17 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/07 2712 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: Speech Question --- Please Help
Most likely, nothing is wrong. That said, there is nothing wrong with getting him evaluated for early intervention if he's not saying more at 18 months. It seems like there's a stigma against it sometimes, but there's nothing wrong with getting services if he needs them.
We had DS1 evaluated at around 18 months and he qualified, was seen twice a week in our home (he loved it, he saw it as someone coming to play with him for an hour!) and was talking in crazy full sentences by two years old. Sometimes they just need a little push.
Posted 9/5/07 2:32 PM |
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