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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Speech Therapy question please
Josh did not qualify for speech on the PLS test...but did on the Rossetti test.
I am pushing for 1 hour a week...would he be able to get more if he qualified on PLS test?
I don't know much regarding this at all.
Posted 1/27/09 2:06 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Speech Therapy question please
I might be wrong (I don't use the Rosetti because my population is 3-5), but I think that the PLS-4 might *hold more water* because it's standardized with norms (compares his performance with the performances of other children his age) whereas the Rosetti is more criterion based (not as formal, looks at what the child can do rather than comparing him to the abilities of other children).
Posted 1/27/09 6:35 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Speech Therapy question please
Did they qualify him using the Rosetti? If so, how many hours are they offering you?
Posted 1/27/09 6:36 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Speech Therapy question please
Posted by Porrruss
Did they qualify him using the Rosetti? If so, how many hours are they offering you?
thanks Amy. Based on what I told them he only qualified using Rosetti.
They said 30 minutes once a week. I told them no, I need an hour. She said she would try and make it work.
Posted 1/27/09 7:09 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Speech Therapy question please
i'll be honest Janice, it sometimes makes me nuts when I have parents who insist on a specific # of hours of service. But let me explain why:
In lots of cases, more does not equal better. Especially in the case where a child is higher functioning (which sounds like the case with Josh). I find in many cases if therapy is too intense, it tends to frustrate the child and works against what therapy is for. With kids like that I spend more time redirecting behavior rather than my targeted goals.
Believe me, if they start him at 30 minutes a week (which is pretty standard for children who have good receptive but weak expressive) and realize that he's not making the progress he should, they'll bump him up to more hours. They have to- it's *best practice.*
What I've also done (and found VERY helpful) is to administer those 30 minutes in two 15 minute blasts. It's great because with really young ones, their attention span is so short that those 15 minutes are truly spent working on targeted goals.
Posted 1/27/09 8:13 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Speech Therapy question please
thanks Amy!
They called me back today and said that they can do the hour to start with since he sat through 2 hour evaluation.
So we'll start with that then see where it goes.
Posted 1/28/09 1:19 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Speech Therapy question please
Posted by Janice
thanks Amy!
They called me back today and said that they can do the hour to start with since he sat through 2 hour evaluation.
So we'll start with that then see where it goes.
Thats fantastic! Good for him being able to sit for a 2 hour eval!
Janice- I PROMISE you're going to see amazing results. PLEASE keep updating- I'd love to hear about it.
Posted 1/28/09 2:21 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/08 201 total posts
Name: Kristy
Re: Speech Therapy question please
Hi, I saw your post and am an slp who visits this board from time to time and agree that in an IFSP meeting the PLS-3 does hold more weight than a Rosetti because it is a standardized measure meaning they can derive scores when comparing the scores to a sample of other children the same age. However the Rosetti is so much more thorough in looking at a child's skills in many more areas and I think its a very effective assessment and diagnostic tool. That said being that you are getting a speech language pathologist you can have her do a different test called the REEL-3 which also has standardized scores and see how your child measures on that to determine if they need more services. If you find that they don't do as well and the scores qualify your child then you can always submit a review request form to change services immediately. I respectively disagree with the opinion of separating a thirty minute session into fifteen minute intervals just because its simply not enough time to effectively work on goals. Sometimes it takes children fifteen minutes just to transition into a session. Just my own opinion Its great that you got the one hour that you requested but if you really don't feel its enough time to be effective insist on the other testing or a change in services definitely before your next six month IFSP. HTH
Posted 1/28/09 8:31 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Speech Therapy question please
Good Luck Janice. When does he start? We are starting in about a week. We got 2 hours a week but while Noahs receptive is very high, his expressize is SEVERLY behind so he qualified being he is two standard deviations below the "norm".
I'm excited to see the progress our little "quiet" kids make...and would love to see you post more about it as he goes.
Posted 1/29/09 5:48 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Speech Therapy question please
thanks for info Kristy!
Donna-I will keep you posted, I can't wait to hear what comes out of Noah's mouth!! He has so much character already.
Posted 1/30/09 11:39 PM |