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Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

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My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

We are flying to Florida. It should be about a 2- 2 1/2 hour flight.

Can someone give me the pros and cons of giving him his own seat vs having him on our lap? Can anyone share their experience? TIA!!!!!

Posted 9/15/08 4:46 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

at that age, there is NO way my dd will sit on my lap for 2.5 hours

I say get him a seat

Posted 9/15/08 4:47 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

We did it - cause we got the seat pretty cheap.

And we needed the car seat anyway.

And I knew she would be more comfortable in it and we would be able to keep her in it - better than the regular seat itself or our laps.

I don't think I would have been able to sit the entire flight with her in my lap Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 4:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

To Florida I might hold DD in my lap since the flight is not that long - if the seat is really expensive. But i HATE flying that way. She never wants to sit in my lap, yet will sit in the car seat in her own seat. If the flight is not crowded you can bring your car seat and use it if the seat next to you is empty.. that just happened to us.

If your son isn't a wiggler and sits nicely, or will nap on you, then it might be worth it. DD is a wiggler, won't nap on me and likes to run around - so it doesn't work well for us.

Posted 9/15/08 4:56 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

I didn't for my trip to FL when my son was 17 mos. We booked the aisle and window seat and no one booked the seat in between us so he was able to play. My youngest will be 15 mos when I head to florida next month and I hope we get as lucky since we didn't buy him a seat and he is a monster and I don't think has ever sat on my lap for more than 5-10 minutes - - if he wasn't drinking a bottle. He doesnt' stay still for a minute and I thought my 1st was crazy this one beats him....

Posted 9/15/08 5:19 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

We're flying in about 12 days to WDW - we got DD her own seat - she will be 15 months and doesn't sit still for 1 minute - and WON"T be held she just wiggles and squirms her way out of everyones arms - and if you try to hold her she gets more annoyed. We have a seat for her - there is no way I could imagine holding an active child in arms for a 2-3 hour flight (our flight from LGA to MCO says it is 2.47 hrs) We figure she likes her car seat and will sit much more comfortably in it. DD though can sit quietly for 2 hours in her booster seat in a restaurant if we give her something to play with so I figure hopefully the flight will be the same.

I would say if you can afford the seat I would get one - I think once the kids are mobile (crawling or walking) they should get their own seats (if you can afford it) I think it is safer and both of you will be more comfortable.

Pros - both of you will be more comfortable - since you don't have to hold a wiggly child.
If there is turbulence I think it is safer if they are belted in rather than in your arms.
You can bring a checked bag for them (you can't if they are a lap baby and with airlines charging for 2nd and some for 1st checked bag that might help with packing)
If you bring a car seat with you - you have it for rental car or whatever else you need it for.

Con - it is more expensive to buy a seat since you usually have to pay the same for their ticket as you paid for yours.
You have to lug a car seat with you (Unless you use the CARES system).

Posted 9/15/08 5:29 PM

Nya nya nya

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

<Amy drags soapbox from corner>

As a former flight attendant who actually went to DC to support changing the laws re: lap children on flights, I can tell you that having a child on your seat is NOT safe.

I am so angry that the FAA and airlines continue to lead parents to falsely believe that even though your laptop and purse must be secured under your seat or in an overhead bin, it's perfectly fine to hold your most precious cargo on your lap, unrestrained by nothing more than your arms.

Holding a baby in your lap during take-off and landing is the same as holding your child in your arms in your car, except during take-off and landing you're going MUCH faster. Aborted take-offs and missed approaches can be pretty dramatic and cause injury to anyone not strapped in.

Again, I've never blamed the parents- it's the airlines and the FAA's fault for allowing it.

Posted 9/15/08 6:25 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

at that age we got our son his own seat

Pros- my sanity, everyones comfort and safety
Cons - none!

Message edited 9/15/2008 6:27:15 PM.

Posted 9/15/08 6:26 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

We didn't when Christopher was 15 months old. Actually, both times he got his own seat b/c the plane wasn't full.

Posted 9/15/08 6:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

I think that no matter what the age of a child, they should have their own seat. If the plane hits heavy turbulence it is very unsafe to have the baby on your lap. I had asked my pediatrician if she thought our 6 month old needed a seat and she said "absolutely. The fact that airlines let you have a baby on your lap shows that they don't give a sh*t about infant safety." And she doesn't normally curse.

Posted 9/15/08 6:45 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

It is much safer for baby to have his/her own seat.

Ale has had her own seat every time we have flown -- from 4 months old.

Posted 9/15/08 9:33 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

My DS is 9 months and I would buy him his own seat. He is a big boy and too strong for me to keep him on my lap for that amount of time.

Posted 9/15/08 9:38 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

Posted by Lillykat

Con - it is more expensive to buy a seat since you usually have to pay the same for their ticket as you paid for yours.
You have to lug a car seat with you (Unless you use the CARES system).

What is the CARES system? Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 10:03 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

Posted by Porrruss

<Amy drags soapbox from corner>

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
(I'm only laughing at the above, not your entire post)

Great points!!!!!!!

I never thought we wouldn't get a seat for him, but I've seen many on here that have held their kids on their lap and I was just looking for all points of view.

Thanks to everyone!!!

Posted 9/15/08 10:04 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 3/08

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

We just came back for a trip to California and we decided to get my DS his own seat. He is 9 months and doesn't like to be held for too long. We flew Jet Blue and he was comfortable and he had his own TV. If you can afford it I would go for it. I will do it always no matter how long or short the plane ride. Just my opinion.

Posted 9/15/08 10:56 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

We went to Florida in June when Ds was 20 months and did not buy hoim his own seat. Wehen he was 10 months we were lucky and there was a free seat for us to strap his car seat into. This time we eren't so lucky. On the way going down he had to be in our laps. It wasn't God aweful, but it wasn't very fun either. On the way back he was in his own seat and it was much more pleasant. That said, I would probably just try to book the window and the aisle and hope for the best.

Posted 9/15/08 11:02 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

At 21 mos I got my DD her own seat and thankfully so. You will need the extra room to let him sit and play.

Posted 9/16/08 7:42 AM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

Posted by Porrruss

<Amy drags soapbox from corner>

As a former flight attendant who actually went to DC to support changing the laws re: lap children on flights, I can tell you that having a child on your seat is NOT safe.

I am so angry that the FAA and airlines continue to lead parents to falsely believe that even though your laptop and purse must be secured under your seat or in an overhead bin, it's perfectly fine to hold your most precious cargo on your lap, unrestrained by nothing more than your arms.

Holding a baby in your lap during take-off and landing is the same as holding your child in your arms in your car, except during take-off and landing you're going MUCH faster. Aborted take-offs and missed approaches can be pretty dramatic and cause injury to anyone not strapped in.

Again, I've never blamed the parents- it's the airlines and the FAA's fault for allowing it.

Here, you can use mine... External Image Chat Icon Chat Icon

Thank you so much for posting this. I've always paid for a seat for DC for this reason, and I am often trying to tell other parents the same thing. My DC's safety is worth the price of a plane ticket. (Plus, with an "extra" seat, you get to have more carry-on and checked in luggage.... Chat Icon Chat Icon )

Posted 9/16/08 8:32 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

This is the cares system - Don't know if it is as comfortable as a car seat but it straps them into their own seat etd to add it works for kids 22-44 lbs:

External Image

Message edited 9/16/2008 8:50:42 AM.

Posted 9/16/08 8:48 AM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff-flying with an 18 month old-his own seat or no?

because of cost DS sat on our laps at 18 months (to FLA)

Posted 9/16/08 8:52 AM

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