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Spinoff to taking newborn out

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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Spinoff to taking newborn out

I have a huge family with tons of kids....I know that most doctors suggest the babies not being around kids for 2 months. Did you stick to that? Can I take the baby around them and make sure they don't touch him (I feel like they won't even want to be bothered with a newborn anyway)


Am I going to have to avoid most of my nieces/nephews for the first few months?

Posted 5/3/07 10:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

DD was born 3 weeks before Christmas. We brought her to the family get-together and just asked that people "look" and "not touch"

Posted 5/3/07 10:47 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

It's not worth it. I would have minmal contact.

My daughter got sick at 2 weeks old. Even though my pediatrician was 98% sure it was cox sackie (generally harmless but annoying illness) from her brother, she had to get a spinal tap & were in the hospital for 4 days.

Contact with siblings are unavoildable, cousins you can avoid.

It's the last thing I would want you or anyone else to go through unnecessarily.

Message edited 5/3/2007 10:49:28 AM.

Posted 5/3/07 10:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

I kept to the 2 month thing. Sarah was born in Feb. and at her 1 week visit there was another newborn who had a fever and they took him to the hospital by ambulance. The dr told me he'd have to get a spinal tap. Freaked me out too much to take the risk, even when Andy was born in late June.

Posted 5/3/07 10:54 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

Posted by nrthshgrl

It's not worth it. I would have minmal contact.

My daughter got sick at 2 weeks old. Even though my pediatrician was 98% sure it was cox sackie (generally harmless but annoying illness) from her brother, she had to get a spinal tap & were in the hospital for 4 days.

Contact with siblings are unavoildable, cousins you can avoid.

It's the last thing I would want you or anyone else to go through unnecessarily.

I agree. The above was one of my biggest fears.
After one week with my daughter in the NICU for a complication from birth, no way am I risking their health for a family function. All of the immediate family and friends understand. Everyone else will just have to deal.

We passed on one graduation party later this month because, despite it being outside, there will be way too many smokers there and I doubt the majority of the party is going to get up to a far corner in order to have a cig. If it was inside, the smokers wouldn't smoke inside, and we would consider it.

Posted 5/3/07 11:06 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

not worth it. My nieces were here, they never were around him. I never took him out of my room. I held him up by the door, they viewed him. Thank God they did not go around him, at the end of their visit, diagnosed with scarlet fever and impetago(sp)

Went up to NY at 6 weeks, all my cousins were dying to see him. I totally limited it.

DH brought home a cold once, Josh mildly caught it. Its terrible to see them sick. So not worth it.

Show pics.

And people will say to me, what if I had a toddler at home, I could not keep him away from baby....but that is a necessary risk. If that baby catches fever, you are talking hospital.

Posted 5/3/07 11:08 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

2 monthsChat Icon I was never told that. I wouldn't have listened anywayChat Icon

Andrew was around children since the first day. What if you have smalll children at home? Do you put them in the closetChat Icon

Message edited 5/3/2007 11:10:05 AM.

Posted 5/3/07 11:09 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

My doc must be the minority. He told us you can't shield them everything-he put it this way-what if you had an older child would you keep them in a bubble away from the baby? Or as parents you guys bring home tons of things you stay away form the baby. Made sense to us.

My DD was around tons of family starting at the hospital the day she was born. She was born in May though.

Posted 5/3/07 11:17 AM

My girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

I think I waited at least 6-8 weeks before I had her around other small children, especially ones that were in daycare/nursery.
I wasn't as concerned about infants...

Posted 5/3/07 11:20 AM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

We stuck to the 2 month thing, we didnt have a lot of visitors until after they had their first round of shots. It paid off, the just got their first cold at 7 months old.

Posted 5/3/07 11:25 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

I have a huge family and there was no way I was going to sit at home by myself. I had family, including young nieces and nephews holding dd at the hospital and was at a family BBQ for labor day a couple of weeks later.

It really depends on you and how you feel about it. My feelings were that the biggest concern was the baby being exposed to children/people without inoculations and I knew that was not a concern with family. A baby can be exposed to lots of things in the hosptial so you really can't always protect them from catching a cold.

It really comes down to your beliefs and feelings.

Posted 5/3/07 12:06 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

I have alot of nieces and nephews...they all came to visit within the first week of being home. They all held Kerri after they problem

Posted 5/3/07 12:11 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

Thanks for all of your opinions - it's all good to know.

I don't want to risk getting DS sick but I do want my family to be around. I figure I'll play it by ear - they may not bring the kids around for awhile anyway so who knows.

I figure that after the baby is a month or so I will start going out with him - to family bbq's or something like that (nothing really indoorsy)

I guess I just have to wait and see how I feel when he gets here.

Posted 5/3/07 12:45 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

The first couple of weeks you dont really take the baby out and anyone who had little kids who came to visit in the first couple of weeks didnt bring them. They didn't even ask, I guess they just knew from when their kids were little. Now DS is a month old and not that he is much older, but my dr. said it was ok to bring him to visit my 7 and 8 yr. old cousins next week as long as they are not sick and aren't breathing on him and touching him.

Posted 5/3/07 11:47 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

Posted by shamrock124

I have a huge family and there was no way I was going to sit at home by myself. I had family, including young nieces and nephews holding dd at the hospital and was at a family BBQ for labor day a couple of weeks later.

It really depends on you and how you feel about it. My feelings were that the biggest concern was the baby being exposed to children/people without inoculations and I knew that was not a concern with family. A baby can be exposed to lots of things in the hosptial so you really can't always protect them from catching a cold.

It really comes down to your beliefs and feelings.

I totally agree. My family is very much the same. Rules, what rules ? Chat Icon
We were at my niece's 1st bday, when Luciano was 4wks old.
and similar things with the others.

Do what you feel is best .
Chat Icon

Posted 5/3/07 11:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

I had children come to visit us in the hospital, the very first being Irishtracys Patrick (almost 3 at the time Chat Icon ) he came bearing lots of smooches for his buddy Chat Icon

We arrived home to a house full of family, friends and many children.

Long story but that was the day of our annual Memorial Day parade for which we have everyone over every year, I was not canceling it and was happy to have everyone there. I wouldn't have had it any other way.

everyone has to do what they are comfortable with.

Posted 5/4/07 12:19 AM

Never Forget

Member since 2/06

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

I kept them away from little kids/huge crowds for about 2 months (I had preemies too so that extended my time away). Maybe you could see them at outdoor venues so there's still fresh air.

Posted 5/4/07 7:32 AM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

thanks for this post, my SIL's two boys are 2 and 3 and ALWAYS sick i am going to make sure she doesnt bring them to close to my son when he's born for the 1st month or two now, esp since they are NOT up to date with their shots

Posted 5/4/07 7:58 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

It really depends on your comfort level. I insisted that all adults washed their hands and then used Purell. It is unavoidable if you have siblings at home, but I personally would limit contact with other children. Use the easiest excuse and blame it on the pediatirican telling them that the doc said that no children are able to hold the baby.

Posted 5/4/07 8:10 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

we waited the 2 months before taking Jacob out...its wasnt worth it to us. The pediatrician said that if he gets sick under 2 months, he could end up in the hospital

Posted 5/4/07 8:24 AM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

Posted by anna

Posted by shamrock124

I have a huge family and there was no way I was going to sit at home by myself. I had family, including young nieces and nephews holding dd at the hospital and was at a family BBQ for labor day a couple of weeks later.

It really depends on you and how you feel about it. My feelings were that the biggest concern was the baby being exposed to children/people without inoculations and I knew that was not a concern with family. A baby can be exposed to lots of things in the hosptial so you really can't always protect them from catching a cold.

It really comes down to your beliefs and feelings.

I totally agree. My family is very much the same. Rules, what rules ? Chat Icon
We were at my niece's 1st bday, when Luciano was 4wks old.
and similar things with the others.

Do what you feel is best .
Chat Icon

same here.....

Posted 5/4/07 8:35 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

I have a huge family too, and I waited a month before I let Julia around my niece, nephew, and cousins, since Julia was born in July I didn't worry as much since kids weren't in school anymore for the summer. I would just see how it goes, I'm sure most "smart" adults wont bring there kids with them when they go to visit you!

Posted 5/4/07 9:02 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

Posted by ddunne2

It really depends on your comfort level. I insisted that all adults washed their hands and then used Purell. It is unavoidable if you have siblings at home, but I personally would limit contact with other children. Use the easiest excuse and blame it on the pediatirican telling them that the doc said that no children are able to hold the baby.

The problem with that excuse is that my cousin works for the pediatrician I will be going to - and my whole family goes to him. He says it's fine for the kids to be around the baby as long as they don't get too close or touch him.

Posted 5/4/07 9:55 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

My doctor never said a word about not taking her out or being around kids. We were out and about pretty early on and I just made sure we didn't go anywhere that someone was sick and didn't let any of the kids hold or touch her.

Posted 5/4/07 10:03 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Spinoff to taking newborn out

Posted by monkeybride

My doctor never said a word about not taking her out or being around kids. We were out and about pretty early on and I just made sure we didn't go anywhere that someone was sick and didn't let any of the kids hold or touch her.

I think that's really what I'm going to do - is basically just use common sense. If anyone is sick in the family obvioiusly they are not coming over (not just kids but adults also)

Otherwise, I'm going to make sure the kids really just look and don't touch. If I have an outdoor BBQ or something I will most likely go to that.

Thanks everyone for your input!

Posted 5/4/07 10:09 AM
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