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Starting solids - dumb q's overload...!

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Starting solids - dumb q's overload...!

Hi ladies - I'm clueless...

Dr. said to start either oatmeal, rice or barley 2 X a day and to mix with BM or formula not water.

So here are my qs for the btdt mommies.

1. is any one cereal better to start first? I was thinking oatmeal?

2. what brand should i buy? is there special baby oatmeal? I would like to buy organic if possible.

3. how do i prepare it? if the dr. said no water does that mean to make the oatmeal with bm instead of water or to make it with water first and then mix in the BM?

4. Did you start by feeding with a spoon or your finger?

Any other tips/advice?

Thanks so much if you are still reading ! I told you it was a dumb q overload!Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/08 1:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: Starting solids - dumb q's overload...!

Hi, we've all been where you are, so no q's are dumb..

1. is any one cereal better to start first? I started w/ rice (as per my dr & then went to oatmeal & barley). Not sure but most seem to start w/ rice...although it can bind them.

2. what brand should i buy? is there special baby oatmeal? If you look in the baby section there's Gerber & Earth's best. Earth's best is organic.

3. how do i prepare it? You just mix it w/ bm, stir & serve. Add more bm to make it soft/mushy iniitally.

4. Did you start by feeding with a spoon or your finger? I started w/ the spoon right away...we actually practiced by letting her play w/ the spoon & then I pretended to feed her the day b4.

The first day I only gave her a TBSPN of cereal, once a day. You want to make sure they aren't allergic & it doesn't constipate them. I started w/ rice & gave once a day & then the next week started oatmeal 2x a day & then barley 2x a day. Now 2 months later we're at 3x a day, 4 TBSPNS.

Posted 2/22/08 6:14 AM


Member since 9/06

2365 total posts


Re: Starting solids - dumb q's overload...!

I use the Gerber rice cereal and oatmeal with DHA. I love it. I started with the rice cereal and he had no problems with it.

I mixed it with formula. I just added it slowly to make it a smooth consistency, like how I would eat oatmeal.

I started with the spoon...he took to it very easily!!!

Posted 2/22/08 8:33 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Starting solids - dumb q's overload...!

1. is any one cereal better to start first? I was thinking oatmeal? **My Dr. recommended starting with rice first.**

2. what brand should i buy? is there special baby oatmeal? I would like to buy organic if possible. **There is indeed special baby Oatmeal. If you want organic I recommend Earth's Best. They have it at most grocery stores, health food stores and Babies R Us.**

3. how do i prepare it? if the dr. said no water does that mean to make the oatmeal with bm instead of water or to make it with water first and then mix in the BM? ** I mixed mine with formula, but you can use BM. If you use BM there is no need to use water at all. The measurements are on the box, but make it loose the first few days until you baby gets used to the texture, then start thickening once DC is used to it.**

4. Did you start by feeding with a spoon or your finger? **I used an infant spoon.**

Any other tips/advice? ** Do not force feed it. If your DC does not like it, just hang back and try again in a few days.**

Good luck!

Posted 2/22/08 8:33 AM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: Starting solids - dumb q's overload...!

I was also overwhelmed with questions when we started solds. To answer your questions:

1. is any one cereal better to start first? I was thinking oatmeal?

I would say that normally people start with Rice. However, I think for babies that may have more sensitive digestive systems people go right to oatmeal. Rice does tend to constipate.

2. what brand should i buy? is there special baby oatmeal? I would like to buy organic if possible. - I actually was never able to find organic oatmeal in regular supermarkets so we did the DHA enhaced gerber stuff. However, i would imagine that whole foods sells the organic earth's best brand. The regular supermarkets here only seemed to have organic rice in that brand.

3. how do i prepare it? if the dr. said no water does that mean to make the oatmeal with bm instead of water or to make it with water first and then mix in the BM? I mixed it with water and a scoop of powdered formula in the beginning. Now I mix with just water.

4. Did you start by feeding with a spoon or your finger? spoon, part of what you're doing is teaching them to eat from a spoon. So they may not get the hang of it right away but they will.

Any other tips/advice? GOOD LUCK!!!

Posted 2/22/08 8:38 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: Starting solids - dumb q's overload...!

Everything I would have said was posted so I just wanted to tell you to have fun with the food. The beginning is a little strange for them but they do take to it quickly. Don't worry about messes and smile so that your DC enjoys it even more. Have fun...sing songs...make it enjoyable and it will go smooth.

Posted 2/22/08 8:47 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Starting solids - dumb q's overload...!

Nope no dumb questions!!

I was told start with Rice - then go to oatmeal and barley - Rice can be binding - DD and a couple of others have said barley gave some loose stoolsChat Icon

We use earths best -because we like the organic brand but the ped suggested earth's best and gerber - but said really any baby cereal brand was okay.

I used breast milk - you can either pump or express it (honestly expressing is easier since you don't need all that much).

I started with a spoon. - DD never took to cereal - I still try but she never eats more than about 2-3 baby spoonfuls. So we breezed right thru cereal and went to straight to fruits.

Good luck!

Posted 2/22/08 11:16 AM

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