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Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

217 total posts


Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Ds is still up every 3 to 4 hours through the night and he is 13 weeks old.

Now that I am back at work this is really tough.

Any suggestions? Also I know there is a book a lot of girls on here recommend about making a schedule. Anyone know it?

Posted 9/15/09 10:35 AM
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

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Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

The book you're talking about is Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. It was definitely helpful for us. What is your DS's current schedule like?

Posted 9/15/09 10:37 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Chat Icon My kids just started STTN(and not even every night) at 9 months. You hear a lot of stories about babies STTN at 6 weeks but unfortunately I don't think that is the norm. A baby until 6 months may need to eat at night. So wake up, feed him/her with all the lights off and try to stay as sleepy as possible. Chat Icon I know its hard I have twins and work also. Luckily I work from home so that helps

Posted 9/15/09 10:38 AM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Kaydyn was still up 1-2 times a night at that age....although she generally had 1 good stretch from about 10pm-3am most nights.

Swaddling def helped her. We also put on a classical CD for her (still do now at 20 months) and got a humidifier for white noise.

We tried to do the same routine every night of bathing, reading a book, snuggling, bottle, then bed.

Posted 9/15/09 10:39 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

217 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Thanks, I still swaddle and every night around 8pm I change him give him a baby massage and dim the lights. He loves it and passes out in my arms around 9:30pm. I have a sound machine in my room for the white noise.

Maybe 1-2 times a week he will sleep for like 6-7 hours and it's heaven. Of course that's on the weekends when I can take naps. lol

I'm going to try that book. Thanks

Posted 9/15/09 10:42 AM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Posted by sorgy

Thanks, I still swaddle and every night around 8pm I change him give him a baby massage and dim the lights. He loves it and passes out in my arms around 9:30pm. I have a sound machine in my room for the white noise.

Maybe 1-2 times a week he will sleep for like 6-7 hours and it's heaven. Of course that's on the weekends when I can take naps. lol

I'm going to try that book. Thanks

Yea Kaydyn always slept for longer stretches the nights it was my DH's turn to feed her. Figures Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/09 10:47 AM


Member since 1/08

3355 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Posted by DRMom

Chat Icon My kids just started STTN(and not even every night) at 9 months. You hear a lot of stories about babies STTN at 6 weeks but unfortunately I don't think that is the norm. A baby until 6 months may need to eat at night. So wake up, feed him/her with all the lights off and try to stay as sleepy as possible. Chat Icon I know its hard I have twins and work also. Luckily I work from home so that helps

ITA, its not the norm for babies that young to STTN. My DS is 9 months old and he only started to consistently STTN at 7 months and while it was consistent it was not every night. Then when he started to crawl & pull up about 3 weeks ago at 8.5 months old he started to wak up more often during the night again. Just wen you think you have them figured out, the change everything up on you! I just got DS to STTN the night again this past weekend.

Posted 9/15/09 10:48 AM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

13903 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

how are naps during the day?

can bedtime be earlier?

Posted 9/15/09 10:49 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Mason is 3.5 months and gets up once during the night. He has his last bottle around 6:30ish then he goes to bed around 7:30... gets up at midnight and then up at 5:45 AM. It's b4 I get up and get ready for work anyway. Nothing you can do. I'm hoping when he starts oatmeal soon it'll help, but who knows.
Even when I tried feeding him later it's still the same thing. He's like clockwork

Posted 9/15/09 10:50 AM


Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Well Ds is alomost 8 onths and not STTN either. Maybe once or twice a week on a complete whim. so no sympathy over here.Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/09 10:51 AM

When you wish upon a star

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

DD is 3 months and still wakes to eat during the night. Last night she did her longest stretch of 11:30pm - 6am and I was shocked!

There is a section in what to expect the first year that tells you when the baby gets up during the night, to try and delay each nightly feeding by 1/2 hour and basically help teach them to sleep longer through the night. It worked great for me with DD #1 and I am going to be doing this with DD #2 as well

Posted 9/15/09 10:54 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Posted by DRMom

Chat Icon My kids just started STTN(and not even every night) at 9 months. You hear a lot of stories about babies STTN at 6 weeks but unfortunately I don't think that is the norm. A baby until 6 months may need to eat at night. So wake up, feed him/her with all the lights off and try to stay as sleepy as possible. Chat Icon I know its hard I have twins and work also. Luckily I work from home so that helps

I agree, this is not the norm.
My babies are 8.5 months and do not STTN consistently.

Posted 9/15/09 10:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

1001 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Posted by JennZ

Well Ds is alomost 8 onths and not STTN either. Maybe once or twice a week on a complete whim. so no sympathy over here.Chat Icon

I'm with youChat Icon DD is 7.5 months and we have yet to see this 7-7 that other moms brag 4months tho it is normal for them to wake 1 or 2x...if you are getting 6 or 7 hours of continuous sleep for a baby that age, that is considered sleeping thru the night...I hope it gets better and your baby is a great sleeper!!Chat Icon btw, that healthy sleep habit, happy baby book is great..but I believe 4 months is a bit young for sleep training...I think they say to start at 5 or 6..pick it you a nice guidelineChat Icon

Posted 9/15/09 10:58 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

My DS didn't sleep through the night til he was one....I was working too.

It sucked, but its part of having baby. No books worked for us, and CIO didn't until hewas one. Sometimes they just aren't ready til they ar eolderChat Icon

Posted 9/15/09 11:01 AM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

Many babies aren't ready to STTN at that age. You could try a variety of different things and DC may still wake up to eat. DS didn't STTN until 7 months.

Posted 9/15/09 2:05 PM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

9730 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

My son is 15 MONTHS and isn't STTN. Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/09 2:28 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

My DD didn't sleep through the night regularly until 5 months old.

What helped us the most when I went back to work (12 weeks) was going to bed when I put her down for the night - 9:00. This way I got a decent amount of sleep before she woke up. Also, my DH gave her a dream feed between 10 and 11, before he went to bed.

She usually slept until 4:00am, which meant I got to sleep 7 hours straight.

Posted 9/15/09 2:37 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

While my DD STTN very young, my son did not until he was 15 months old. Chat Icon

Probably not the case for you since your DC is so young, but for us at 15 months, all it took was for my DH to go in with the cup of milk for 2 nights and he gave up. Apparently he didn't really want the milk, just mommy and when mommy stopped coming in, he stopped waking up. If only I knew that MONTHS agoChat Icon

Posted 9/15/09 2:37 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: Still not sleeping though the night at 13 weeks

When I read these posts, I think of the "Nature vs Nurture" Theory.

Before I had kids, I believed that the way a child behaves, sleeps,etc is a reflection of the way they were taught and the way they were treated by their caregivers..

Boy, was I wrong. I read all of the books and did everything they said to a "T". Ava slept through the night from about 6 weeks from 7-7. WHen she turned 2, it all went out the window...we were doing nothing different.

We did all of the same things with Brody, he even slept in the same bassinett and then crib, and he turned 1 last week and is just starting to sleep through the night.

So, basically, I do agree to read as many books as you can, but babies have their own ideas sometimes...

Posted 9/15/09 2:43 PM

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