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Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

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Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

13903 total posts


Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

So after my BFing class the other night, I'm thinking, I basically do nothing the first month except feed the baby and try to get some sleep?

As my due date approaches its really hitting me, and hearing about anyone's first month would be great....I guess that's what I'm most nervous about, the first 1-2 months. It sounds like I won't be able to do ANYTHING in the house or in general, except feed baby.

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Posted 6/3/09 12:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

The baby will give you more time than you think to do things around the house. While I didn't BF, my son would sleep so I could do laundry, clean, watch tv, and even pack to move!

I never took naps while he napped, it was impossible.

Posted 6/3/09 12:55 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

don't be scared, but go into it with that notion of the only thing you will be able to do for 6 weeks is nurse...then when you get moments here and there take them.

I am a HUGE believer that nursing is the natural next step that biology has made possible for moms. Sit there, rest, relax, bond with baby, hold baby. Burn calories, shrink uterus...the time goes very fast.

good luck! and be sure to tell DH that he is a fabulous one does it like he does and pass that little joy off to himChat Icon

Posted 6/3/09 12:55 PM


Member since 11/05

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Re: Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

I have to say it was only for the 1st three weeks. My lactation consultant told me that I should not pump until after three weeks and that I should not introduce bottles before that either (or a pacifier) because of nipple confusion. If was tough the first three weeks because you couldn't go anywhere without the baby. I still did though. I would run out while she was sleeping and run a few errands and I still went out and did things. We took our daughter everywhere even though they say you shouldn't. I have fed her in the back of our car and the mall using a cape type coverup. After the three week mark I started pumping and now I try and give her a bottle once a week (usually on the weekends) so that when I do go back to work or have to leave her overnight with my parents or ILs she will be use to it.

I'm not going to say it was easy--the first three weeks that is because I felt I couldn't leave the baby's side in case she was hungry but it is all about timing it.

Good luck--from someone who didn't think she would like breast feeding has found it enjoyable.

Posted 6/3/09 12:56 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

Don't be nervous although it is very hard not to be Chat Icon

You will be able to do things other than just feed the baby and sleep. But just remember your body is going to be recovering from childbirth and you will need plenty of rest. I couldn't drive but did not want to be stuck inside all day so we went walking around stores and DH drove. In the beginning she ate so often and it took awhile for her to eat that I made sure to sleep when I got the chance so I was able to care for her while exhausted or just clean up here and there (make myself lunch or go on the computer)
As she gained weight and would sleep a little longer, I would go for walks around the malls just the two of us. Some malls have great nursing rooms that you can kick back in.

Posted 6/3/09 12:57 PM

It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07

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Re: Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

I had a C-section so my experience may be a bit different. The first week DH really took care of everything! He did all of the cooking and any house stuff that HAD to be done (we let a lot slide in the beginning) I spent most of the day feeding DS, he would eat every 2 hours (he nursed for about an hour) and sleep between feedings.

The second week my Mom was there everyday helping, by this time I was allowed to go up and down stairs twice a day (woohoo!), but the routine was basicaly the same; feeding every 2 hours and he'd sleep in between. I was (and still am) horrible about sleeping when DS slept. I did it a handful of times if we had a particularly rough night. For the most part I would chat with my Mom. I wasn't really up for house work at that point though.

I started grocery shopping, going for walks (when is was warm enough) etc. when DS was 3 weeks. You can get out, but usually for short spurts. I also BF, I have heard that FF babies go longer between feedings, although I don't know if that is true at such a young age.

I remember the first two weeks felt like forever because I was waiting to go to the OB to be given permission to drive. I also remember being terrified the 3rd week when I was going to be on my own and then being totally suprised at how easily it went.

Try to get some sleep (Chat Icon ) and take t as it comes because at that stage things seem to change day by day.Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/09 1:12 PM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

13903 total posts


Re: Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

IF (a big IF of course)

baby arrives on time, I'll have 6 weeks, and then I'll have lots of reading/writing, and teaching to do, but a lot of it is online and done at home. I'm wondering if I can manage that during the day while I'm hope with a 6week old baby (and two dogs)

or should I look for a babysitter/helper to help at home while I'm at home...

or look for one as a back up

I know when other women go back to work full time, they have to find childcare, but since my "full time work" is from home, I am wondering how I can manage it and trying to plan now when I'm NOT sleep deprivedChat Icon

Posted 6/3/09 1:27 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Stupid question from a 1st time mom...

In the beginning it is hard, but you find a way.

I have no other advice to offer, since I didn't BF. But don't worry so much about the house stuff, it will get done.

Good luck to you!

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Posted 6/3/09 1:30 PM

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