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Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Is anyone bothered by this? I am extremely bothered by it. And i cant believe we are going backwards. While I try to stay out of conspiracy theories and worrying about things out of my control I am now Starting to worry about other rights will be taken away.
I refused to ever take a political side when it comes to political parties and I refuse to vote just based on political party line but I’m starting to think I may have to which is very upsetting!!
Posted 6/24/22 2:10 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Yes it bothers me. As a mom of a daughter I want her to be able to have the choice God forbid she needs it some day.
I really don't understand why people have to get involved in other's bodily decisions. You can be against abortion- you don't ever have to have one yourself. That doesn't means everyone shouldn't' have free choice in the matter. Why worry so much about what other people do with their own bodies? That's what gets me.
And we all know that abortions will still happen- but if a woman can't afford to travel to a state where it's legal, she may end up with an unsafe illegal abortion like what went on prior to Roe v Wade.
Message edited 6/24/2022 2:23:57 PM.
Posted 6/24/22 2:22 PM |
Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
I am with you. You are against abortion then don’t have one. Why its bother anyone else that someone may need/want is beyond me!! mind your business.
This can be said the same about gay people transgender non-binary and the million other terms I don’t understand. While I may not understand it do I care no if someone was born a boy and wants identify as a girl or vice versa or doesn’t wanna identify as any sex whatever who cares. Doesn’t bother me one little bit.
I can’t believe how many people are OK with what’s happening.
I am really holding onto hope that they don’t start taking more rights away.
Handmaids till though it’s a show and a book seems to be slowly coming true and that’s a very very scary thought.
Edited to fix all my horrible typos!!
Message edited 6/24/2022 5:36:18 PM.
Posted 6/24/22 2:27 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Supreme Court ruling on abortion
I honestly do not even know what to say. I am beyond disgusted and upset and feel guilty to all the girls/women out there.
This country is headed for a civil war.
Posted 6/24/22 2:33 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by blu6385
I am with you. You don’t against abortion then don’t have one. Why bothers anyone else is beyond me mind your business.
This can be set up about gay people transgender non-binary and the million other terms I don’t understand. Well I may not understand it do I care no if someone was born a boy and wants identify as a girl or vice versa or doesn’t wanna identify as any sex whatever who cares little bit doesn’t bother me.
I can’t believe how many people are OK with what’s happening.
I am really holding onto hope that they don’t start taking more rights away.
Handmaids till though it’s a show and a book seems to be slowly coming true and that’s a very very scary thought.
I know. I honestly don't care one bit what goes on in other people's bedrooms and love lives, their personal lives etc. I have enough of my own stuff to worry about, I have zero care about other people. As long as you aren't hurting anyone, do you. I'm more concerned about if a person is a kind person than anything else.
What kills me too is that the people who are so pro life because of religion are the ones who are the cruelest to others . I know a woman from my neighborhood who is a big Bible thumper, always posting about Church, the Lord Jesus Christ etc and then I see her posting how gays are evil etc. She was at the bus stop with her kid and my DH was there with my daughter one morning and a lesbian couple from our street walked by with their baby in a stroller and she made some hateful comment about them. My DH said something to her like, doesn't Jesus teach us to love everyone? She didn't know what to say
I find it all so hypocritical
Message edited 6/24/2022 3:03:57 PM.
Posted 6/24/22 2:44 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by blu6385
I am with you. You don’t against abortion then don’t have one. Why bothers anyone else is beyond me mind your business.
This can be set up about gay people transgender non-binary and the million other terms I don’t understand. Well I may not understand it do I care no if someone was born a boy and wants identify as a girl or vice versa or doesn’t wanna identify as any sex whatever who cares little bit doesn’t bother me.
I can’t believe how many people are OK with what’s happening.
I am really holding onto hope that they don’t start taking more rights away.
Handmaids till though it’s a show and a book seems to be slowly coming true and that’s a very very scary thought.
I know. I'm not gay, but I honestly don't care one bit what goes on in other people's bedrooms and love lives, etc. I have enough of my own stuff to worry about, I have zero care about other people. As long as you aren't hurting anyone, do you. I'm more concerned about if a person is a kind person than anything else.
What kills me too is that the people who are so pro life because of religion are the ones who are the cruelest to others . I know a woman from my neighborhood who is a big Bible thumper, always posting about Church, the Lord Jesus Christ etc and then I see her posting how gays are evil etc. She was at the bus stop with her kid and my DH was there with my daughter one morning and a lesbian couple from our street walked by with their baby in a stroller and she made some hateful comment about them. My DH said something to her like, doesn't Jesus teach us to love everyone? She didn't know what to say
I find it all so hypocritical
I totally agree. This is one of the main reasons my husband and I stopped going to church. People devout in their religion are the most hateful. Religion has no place in politics and overturning this is purely for religious reasons.
And on top of that, WTF are men even commenting about this. Do I give a flying F what Trump, Pence, even Obama have to say about this. Where are the women. We need to stop letting men dictate our lives and need to fight this as a collective front. If not, we might as well all be buying some red cloaks and start saying praised be.
Posted 6/24/22 3:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Well I feel like the issue is whether or not abortion is a constitutional right. I am not sure that it really should be. Part of me thinks that it should be at the discretion of each state whether or not abortion is legal, similarly to the death penalty. I feel like in some of the states that had these triggering laws on the books and will now make abortion illegal we will see a wave in people getting elected who will try to overturn these laws. That’s just my thought. However if that is not the case it is because the majority of the people in that state have determined that they want elected officials that oppose the right to an abortion. If this is something that you don’t agree with, you always have the option to move to a state that has views more in line with your own. (and believe me I know this is completely unrealistic for many people however it is an argument that has been used in the past by OP). I am sure I am in the minority in my opinion and that’s fine.
Posted 6/24/22 4:42 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
F!cking told you.
Pack the court or this country is finished.
Griswold and Obergefell are next.
Posted 6/24/22 4:45 PM |
Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by lululu
Well I feel like the issue is whether or not abortion is a constitutional right. I am not sure that it really should be. Part of me thinks that it should be at the discretion of each state whether or not abortion is legal, similarly to the death penalty. I feel like in some of the states that had these triggering laws on the books and will now make abortion illegal we will see a wave in people getting elected who will try to overturn these laws. That’s just my thought. However if that is not the case it is because the majority of the people in that state have determined that they want elected officials that oppose the right to an abortion. If this is something that you don’t agree with, you always have the option to move to a state that has views more in line with your own. (and believe me I know this is completely unrealistic for many people however it is an argument that has been used in the past by OP). I am sure I am in the minority in my opinion and that’s fine.
The fact that you remember what I write is bothering some on its own but you’re right I can move to a state or move out of a state that does not agree with my line of view. (I can’t even remember what I said that exactly for but i know i said it too Proof some kind of point)
Either way This changes nothing about this ruling. Its disgraceful that this even happened. This has set this country back years and years.
Posted 6/24/22 5:27 PM |
Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by blu6385
I am with you. You don’t against abortion then don’t have one. Why bothers anyone else is beyond me mind your business.
This can be set up about gay people transgender non-binary and the million other terms I don’t understand. Well I may not understand it do I care no if someone was born a boy and wants identify as a girl or vice versa or doesn’t wanna identify as any sex whatever who cares little bit doesn’t bother me.
I can’t believe how many people are OK with what’s happening.
I am really holding onto hope that they don’t start taking more rights away.
Handmaids till though it’s a show and a book seems to be slowly coming true and that’s a very very scary thought.
I know. I'm not gay, but I honestly don't care one bit what goes on in other people's bedrooms and love lives, etc. I have enough of my own stuff to worry about, I have zero care about other people. As long as you aren't hurting anyone, do you. I'm more concerned about if a person is a kind person than anything else.
What kills me too is that the people who are so pro life because of religion are the ones who are the cruelest to others . I know a woman from my neighborhood who is a big Bible thumper, always posting about Church, the Lord Jesus Christ etc and then I see her posting how gays are evil etc. She was at the bus stop with her kid and my DH was there with my daughter one morning and a lesbian couple from our street walked by with their baby in a stroller and she made some hateful comment about them. My DH said something to her like, doesn't Jesus teach us to love everyone? She didn't know what to say
I find it all so hypocritical
I totally agree. This is one of the main reasons my husband and I stopped going to church. People devout in their religion are the most hateful. Religion has no place in politics and overturning this is purely for religious reasons.
And on top of that, WTF are men even commenting about this. Do I give a flying F what Trump, Pence, even Obama have to say about this. Where are the women. We need to stop letting men dictate our lives and need to fight this as a collective front. If not, we might as well all be buying some red cloaks and start saying praised be.
First sorry about my horrible typos in the quoted post lol I was using talk to text and didn’t reread before I hit enter clearly.
Whatever happened to that whole separation of church and state I never understood why religion gets involved in anything to do with laws and such.
And I agree why do these men get to have any opinion I don’t see them holding themselves accountable and making men get vasectomies so they can’t produce babies.
And need for abortions our beyond just not wanting to have an unwanted pregnancy.
The fact that racism and bigotry and now abortions are all coming back like they were ages ago is just beyond ridiculous. All of a sudden this is all OK again.
Posted 6/24/22 5:33 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Supreme Court ruling on abortion
I can't believe it. Look, no one is pro-abortion. But when you start taking away people's choice, you are treading in very dangerous territory. I'm scared of the direction this country is going in. Terrified in fact.
Posted 6/24/22 6:36 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 2/12 728 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Yes, I'm extremely bothered by this, and I lean right/conservative. One of the few redeeming qualities of this state is that I don't think this will affect us too much here.
Posted 6/24/22 7:44 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by StaceyWill
I can't believe it. Look, no one is pro-abortion. But when you start taking away people's choice, you are treading in very dangerous territory. I'm scared of the direction this country is going in. Terrified in fact.
It’s really astounding. Both sides are catering to the extremists. Pro-choice is not pro abortion. I work near a planned parenthood and almost every day there’s people protesting in front of the place. I wonder if any of these people would change their mind If their 13 year old daughter became pregnant due to a rape. Imagine being raped as a young child and then being forced into further trauma by having no choice but to have the baby? Imagine going through life knowing you were the product of a rape? I wonder if any of them would be willing to volunteer their time to cuddle with babies in the NICU that are withdrawing from drugs and try to console them through the blood curdling screams. I wonder if any of them would take the time to go through the training and be a foster parent for one of those babies who will need a ton of follow up medical care. I wonder if any of them would be in favor of a tax increase to provide more money for social services for families. We are heading down the wrong road fast and it’s gonna be a nightmare. America needs to wake up
Message edited 6/24/2022 9:45:27 PM.
Posted 6/24/22 9:43 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by JennP
F!cking told you.
Pack the court or this country is finished.
Griswold and Obergefell are next.
Yup. Why were we so upset when trump was elected? Because we saw this $hit coming. But the emails.
Posted 6/24/22 10:25 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
I actually have a great memory and I recall you dismissing people telling them that everything is a choice and you can easily pick up and move if you don’t like vaccine mandates. I can’t apologize for remembering something you posted so you can roll your eyes and call it “bothering” all you want (although thou might want a lesson in English). The fact of the matter is that you will use that argument when it suits you but you won’t apply it in general because it is somewhat absurd.
I will stand by what I said thou, I am not SURE that a woman’s right to an abortion is something that should be afforded by the constitution of the United States. This does not make me pro life. It means that I question the legality of it. I know this might be hard for you to comprehend but there are many issues that are left up to the discretion of the state for a reason. That’s part of what makes this great democracy great. Take it or leave it but I feel like I am okay leaving it to the discretion of the states.
Posted 6/24/22 11:50 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by lululu
I actually have a great memory and I recall you dismissing people telling them that everything is a choice and you can easily pick up and move if you don’t like vaccine mandates. I can’t apologize for remembering something you posted so you can roll your eyes and call it “bothering” all you want (although thou might want a lesson in English). The fact of the matter is that you will use that argument when it suits you but you won’t apply it in general because it is somewhat absurd.
I will stand by what I said thou, I am not SURE that a woman’s right to an abortion is something that should be afforded by the constitution of the United States. This does not make me pro life. It means that I question the legality of it. I know this might be hard for you to comprehend but there are many issues that are left up to the discretion of the state for a reason. That’s part of what makes this great democracy great. Take it or leave it but I feel like I am okay leaving it to the discretion of the states.
The legality is that the government is now not allowing women to make a choice about their body. Are we all children who have no rights to make decisions for ourselves? No one has the right to tell a woman what she can and can not do with their bodies. We are not property. Maybe we should have mandatory vasectomies for all men over the age of 16. That would stop the majority of the issue and not put women through the torment of carrying an unwanted child to term or risking her own health due to medical complications.
Posted 6/25/22 12:04 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lululu
I actually have a great memory and I recall you dismissing people telling them that everything is a choice and you can easily pick up and move if you don’t like vaccine mandates. I can’t apologize for remembering something you posted so you can roll your eyes and call it “bothering” all you want (although thou might want a lesson in English). The fact of the matter is that you will use that argument when it suits you but you won’t apply it in general because it is somewhat absurd.
I will stand by what I said thou, I am not SURE that a woman’s right to an abortion is something that should be afforded by the constitution of the United States. This does not make me pro life. It means that I question the legality of it. I know this might be hard for you to comprehend but there are many issues that are left up to the discretion of the state for a reason. That’s part of what makes this great democracy great. Take it or leave it but I feel like I am okay leaving it to the discretion of the states.
The legality is that the government is now not allowing women to make a choice about their body. Are we all children who have no rights to make decisions for ourselves? No one has the right to tell a woman what she can and can not do with their bodies. We are not property. Maybe we should have mandatory vasectomies for all men over the age of 16. That would stop the majority of the issue and not put women through the torment of carrying an unwanted child to term or risking her own health due to medical complications.
The vasectomy argument is just completely absurd to me because a vasectomy prevents pregnancy while an abortion terminates preganancy. It’s apples to oranges. And most states will still allow abortion for the safety of the mother and rape and incest. There are only a handful that won’t.
Posted 6/25/22 12:31 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lululu
I actually have a great memory and I recall you dismissing people telling them that everything is a choice and you can easily pick up and move if you don’t like vaccine mandates. I can’t apologize for remembering something you posted so you can roll your eyes and call it “bothering” all you want (although thou might want a lesson in English). The fact of the matter is that you will use that argument when it suits you but you won’t apply it in general because it is somewhat absurd.
I will stand by what I said thou, I am not SURE that a woman’s right to an abortion is something that should be afforded by the constitution of the United States. This does not make me pro life. It means that I question the legality of it. I know this might be hard for you to comprehend but there are many issues that are left up to the discretion of the state for a reason. That’s part of what makes this great democracy great. Take it or leave it but I feel like I am okay leaving it to the discretion of the states.
The legality is that the government is now not allowing women to make a choice about their body. Are we all children who have no rights to make decisions for ourselves? No one has the right to tell a woman what she can and can not do with their bodies. We are not property. Maybe we should have mandatory vasectomies for all men over the age of 16. That would stop the majority of the issue and not put women through the torment of carrying an unwanted child to term or risking her own health due to medical complications.
Also the decision was not about legality it was about the constitutional right to an abortion. Legality is left to the state
Posted 6/25/22 12:32 AM |
Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by lululu
I actually have a great memory and I recall you dismissing people telling them that everything is a choice and you can easily pick up and move if you don’t like vaccine mandates. I can’t apologize for remembering something you posted so you can roll your eyes and call it “bothering” all you want (although thou might want a lesson in English). The fact of the matter is that you will use that argument when it suits you but you won’t apply it in general because it is somewhat absurd.
I will stand by what I said thou, I am not SURE that a woman’s right to an abortion is something that should be afforded by the constitution of the United States. This does not make me pro life. It means that I question the legality of it. I know this might be hard for you to comprehend but there are many issues that are left up to the discretion of the state for a reason. That’s part of what makes this great democracy great. Take it or leave it but I feel like I am okay leaving it to the discretion of the states.
rolleyes: at your stupid comment on me needing an english lesson. Big difference of mandating vaccines is if you don’t get one you do not get arrested. You may not be able to do certain things but you’re not going to jail for not doing it. And I’m not picking and choosing when to use my excuse i said i agree. if I live in a state where I am not legally allowed to get an abortion you are absolutely correct I can choose to move. But just to make sure I’m clear cause maybe you don’t remember I also said that I don’t agree with vaccine mandate. I can see the reasoning/logic/argument why making it mandatory in certain locations situations but I always said I lean more towards it should be a choice and not mandated. I wont even go back forth with you about this you clearly are ok with the ruling good for you. Hope you or anyone care about doesnt never need to make a choice about their body and won’t be able to make that choice because it’s against the law.
Because more and more states are leaning towards make abortion illegal for almost any reason which is why there is a need for federal/constitutional ruling on it!
Posted 6/25/22 12:47 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
I am interested to see what will actually happen in most states. Many of the triggering laws have been on record for decades passed in the 70s. Clearly times have changed. And the majority of states still allow for abortions when a mothers life is at risk. Not to mention with the existence of the abortion pill I don’t think we are going to go back to back alley abortions being performed with hangers. I just think there will be a large black market for that.
Posted 6/25/22 8:19 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Also, what is to stop someone in Texas from having a telehealth visit with a physician in NY who prescribes and mails the drugs do that person in Texas? Can Texas bring that doctor up on charges even though they did the visit from NY? I feel like this whole thing will be a shit show.
Actually I just found that Texas will try to prosecute anyone that does this. But if a state won’t extradite you how can they enforce it?
Message edited 6/25/2022 8:31:13 AM.
Posted 6/25/22 8:28 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
@lululu and anyone else who doesn’t understand the importance of this, I hope you read up on the historical context and what “state’s rights” means.
I know you’re going to say “I understand what that means “. I assure you that you do not otherwise you would know why this is so dangerous.
Women will die because of this. If you are in the middle of an ectopic pregnancy or you were just raped you cannot just get up and move to a blue state like was suggested.
You also have to put this in the bigger context of what this court is doing. The majority opinion in the gun case twisted history so terribly that the only two choices is that they are either morons or liars. I’m also quite worried about the EPA decision which will, if it lands that way I think it will, strip state and local government of much of its ability to regulate and as far as climate change is concerned we are screwed big time.
This is a conservative, reactionary, alt right court that was installed by a president who was elected with, according to Senate Republicans, the help of the Russians in 2016.
There is an outside chance that if we hold the house and getting two more Senate seats we can get rid of the filibuster and codify some of the things the court has acted on into law, but that’s an outside chance at this point.
The court was what I was always worried about. Fringe minority rule, in for life.
For the first time I’m really starting to believe we are heading towards civil war.
Posted 6/25/22 8:59 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by lululu
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by lululu
I actually have a great memory and I recall you dismissing people telling them that everything is a choice and you can easily pick up and move if you don’t like vaccine mandates. I can’t apologize for remembering something you posted so you can roll your eyes and call it “bothering” all you want (although thou might want a lesson in English). The fact of the matter is that you will use that argument when it suits you but you won’t apply it in general because it is somewhat absurd.
I will stand by what I said thou, I am not SURE that a woman’s right to an abortion is something that should be afforded by the constitution of the United States. This does not make me pro life. It means that I question the legality of it. I know this might be hard for you to comprehend but there are many issues that are left up to the discretion of the state for a reason. That’s part of what makes this great democracy great. Take it or leave it but I feel like I am okay leaving it to the discretion of the states.
The legality is that the government is now not allowing women to make a choice about their body. Are we all children who have no rights to make decisions for ourselves? No one has the right to tell a woman what she can and can not do with their bodies. We are not property. Maybe we should have mandatory vasectomies for all men over the age of 16. That would stop the majority of the issue and not put women through the torment of carrying an unwanted child to term or risking her own health due to medical complications.
The vasectomy argument is just completely absurd to me because a vasectomy prevents pregnancy while an abortion terminates preganancy. It’s apples to oranges. And most states will still allow abortion for the safety of the mother and rape and incest. There are only a handful that won’t.
I want to know which handful of states will let a woman die before they allow her an abortion. Because that is fuckinng insanity. They do know that an ectopic pregnancy is not viable right? That "baby" would never have a chance to live regardless. And they do know that if a mother dies, the fetus inside her dies too. So which handful of states will not allow a woman a life saving medical procedure? Because those states need to be thrown out of the Union to be honest
Posted 6/25/22 10:57 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
I think that you will see people nationwide taking a stand at the state level to push for different abortion regulations. Many of the laws that are being triggered are extremely old, some even dating back to the 1800s. I think that at the end of the day there will only end up being a handful of states with extremely strict abortion laws. The vast majority of states already have exceptions for the mothers health.
Posted 6/25/22 12:17 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by JennP
@lululu and anyone else who doesn’t understand the importance of this, I hope you read up on the historical context and what “state’s rights” means.
I know you’re going to say “I understand what that means “. I assure you that you do not otherwise you would know why this is so dangerous.
Women will die because of this. If you are in the middle of an ectopic pregnancy or you were just raped you cannot just get up and move to a blue state like was suggested.
You also have to put this in the bigger context of what this court is doing. The majority opinion in the gun case twisted history so terribly that the only two choices is that they are either morons or liars. I’m also quite worried about the EPA decision which will, if it lands that way I think it will, strip state and local government of much of its ability to regulate and as far as climate change is concerned we are screwed big time.
This is a conservative, reactionary, alt right court that was installed by a president who was elected with, according to Senate Republicans, the help of the Russians in 2016.
There is an outside chance that if we hold the house and getting two more Senate seats we can get rid of the filibuster and codify some of the things the court has acted on into law, but that’s an outside chance at this point.
The court was what I was always worried about. Fringe minority rule, in for life.
For the first time I’m really starting to believe we are heading towards civil war.
I have faith that the laws that were triggered will be updated appropriately. There are very few states in which an abortion is illegal when the mothers life is at risk. I believe that number will get even smaller quickly. Many also have provisions for rape or incest even thou those situations account for a very small % of abortions. I do help free and accessible birth control is made available.
I never understood the lifetime appointment of Supreme Court judges. I think they should have a term limit, maybe something between 10 and 20 years. I just pray that neither trump nor Biden runs in the next election and we get someone decent.
Posted 6/25/22 12:26 PM |
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