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I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by mxoxom2004
10 year old rape victim could not get an abortion in her home state
Next it’s our voting rights.
And if you don’t think that can happen, ask any woman who fought for Roe v Wade if they ever thought it would be overturned.
Those of you who support these politicians should be ashamed of yourselves.
\ This is BEYOND horrific!!!! I don't understand how MORE people are NOT up in arms over this.
Posted 7/3/22 10:39 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/21 133 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by lululu
The media sensationalizes everything. That’s part of the problem. Even now it is showing states in which they are saying will ban abortion but many of those states are just changing it from 22 weeks to 15 weeks, not completely banning abortion. And almost all states have provisions for the health of the mother and many have provisions for rape and incest.
Yes and it seems we forgot that already. People need to stop saying the SC made it “illegal” when in actuality that is not what happened.
Posted by lululu
I think the problem is that everyone sees this as only a womens rights issue but for many, many people it is also about the rights of an unborn child. And just because you don’t believe in the rights of that fetus many people do. It doesn’t make one person right or wrong, even though I personally believe the mother still has the right to choose. But everyone digs their heels in and refuses to even contemplate the other side of the argument. It’s like that with everything in this country now.
But I am also not an alarmist. People talking about how we are living in Handmaids Tale is completely dramatic as far as I’m concerned and it’s over the top for me. Call me naïve. I don’t care.
Couldn’t agree more. We just can’t compromise or understand each other anymore. The division between parties is greater than ever and there are extremists on each side. People are now talking about people’s rights being taken away with the SC decision but they’re already forgetting all about covid mandates? It’s not an only red or only blue thing. We need to stop it with this division and really understand the importance of one’s right to choose what’s best for us, not the government.
Covid mandates were put in place to protect the population from a worldwide pandemic.
To protect the population from a virus that infected the young and old, the rich and poor, the healthy and the sick, men and women indiscriminately.
Abortion rights, are dictated by religious views, conservative ideology and a male dominated society.
‘’Politics across the globe remains highly masculinised, so it is largely men in positions of power who are voting to curtail women’s bodily autonomy. Stark photos of male lawmakers signing off anti-abortion legislation remind us of this.’’
There is no comparison to Covid mandates. Stop it. Seriously.
Posted 7/3/22 11:29 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/21 302 total posts
Supreme Court ruling on abortion
How convenient this is all happening before an election that the left had zero chance of winning.
Everyone should be outraged that your rights are being used as a way to “win”
I’m so sick over politics as a whole. Both sides. Everyone. No one has your best interest at heart. They all just want power. Disgusting. And I don’t understand how people don’t see this?!?!?!
Posted 7/4/22 6:45 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by mxoxom2004
Posted by lululu
Posted by blu6385
Just heard on the new there are Republicans trying to push to make it against the law nation wide!!
Yep nothing to worry about!!
Sure they might try to but maybe JennP can explain to us whether or not that could actually happen because I think now it’s on a state by state basis. I am not being snarky. I know she is very knowledgeable and I would be curious to hear if this is even possible.
The media sensationalizes everything. That’s part of the problem. Even now it is showing states in which they are saying will ban abortion but many of those states are just changing it from 22 weeks to 15 weeks, not completely banning abortion. And almost all states have provisions for the health of the mother and many have provisions for rape and incest.
I think the problem is that everyone sees this as only a womens rights issue but for many, many people it is also about the rights of an unborn child. And just because you don’t believe in the rights of that fetus many people do. It doesn’t make one person right or wrong, even though I personally believe the mother still has the right to choose. But everyone digs their heels in and refuses to even contemplate the other side of the argument. It’s like that with everything in this country now.
But I am also not an alarmist. People talking about how we are living in Handmaids Tale is completely dramatic as far as I’m concerned and it’s over the top for me. Call me naïve. I don’t care.
Yeah, you’re naive.
First they came and took our reproductive rights.
Is that not enough???
10 year old rape victim could not get an abortion in her home state
Most laws do not include exceptions for rape and incest. And exceptions for the life of the mother are vague and will leave many physicians wondering if they must choose between breaking the law or breaking their oath, they told the Post.
So, what do you tell that 10-year old or a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy after a sexual assault??
Next it’s our voting rights.
And if you don’t think that can happen, ask any woman who fought for Roe v Wade if they ever thought it would be overturned.
All women should have the power to make medical decisions about their body, no matter where they live.
And as of right now, millions of women in the US, the supposed best nation is the world, don’t have that choice.
Is this not alarming?
What medical decisions have been taken out of a man’s hands?
Again you are choosing to only see this as a women's rights issue when it is actually more complicated than that. I am not going to try to convince you otherwise because you seem to be one of the many people that can not see that this is a much more complicated issue than just a woman's right to choose.
I am as atheist as you can get but I still believe that life begins at conception. That's a scientific view I have, not a religious one, so saying this is a religious issue is odd to me.
Also, as I have stated many, many times, I AM PERSONALLY PRO CHOICE. so no, I obviously don't think a 10 year old should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term.
Posted 7/5/22 10:46 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by mxoxom2004
Abortion rights, are dictated by religious views, conservative ideology and a male dominated society.
My views are 100% based on the fact that I have seen a picture of a 12 week old fetus and it does not look like a ball of cells to me. It looks like a very tiny human being. So should we give some consideration and rights to that little creature? I kind of think yes, we should. Not ever at the expense of the mother's health, but do I think it has some rights? I do. I know you probably have a hard time respecting that view because you seem narrow minded when it comes to this, but I can respect your view to not believe that fetus has any rights what-so-ever so it would be nice if you could respect that other people might think that it does. Many of them being women who are strong minded and not male dominated or influenced by religion or otherwise.
Posted 7/5/22 10:51 AM |
My everything <3

Member since 4/15 3635 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by mxoxom2004
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by lululu
The media sensationalizes everything. That’s part of the problem. Even now it is showing states in which they are saying will ban abortion but many of those states are just changing it from 22 weeks to 15 weeks, not completely banning abortion. And almost all states have provisions for the health of the mother and many have provisions for rape and incest.
Yes and it seems we forgot that already. People need to stop saying the SC made it “illegal” when in actuality that is not what happened.
Posted by lululu
I think the problem is that everyone sees this as only a womens rights issue but for many, many people it is also about the rights of an unborn child. And just because you don’t believe in the rights of that fetus many people do. It doesn’t make one person right or wrong, even though I personally believe the mother still has the right to choose. But everyone digs their heels in and refuses to even contemplate the other side of the argument. It’s like that with everything in this country now.
But I am also not an alarmist. People talking about how we are living in Handmaids Tale is completely dramatic as far as I’m concerned and it’s over the top for me. Call me naïve. I don’t care.
Couldn’t agree more. We just can’t compromise or understand each other anymore. The division between parties is greater than ever and there are extremists on each side. People are now talking about people’s rights being taken away with the SC decision but they’re already forgetting all about covid mandates? It’s not an only red or only blue thing. We need to stop it with this division and really understand the importance of one’s right to choose what’s best for us, not the government.
Covid mandates were put in place to protect the population from a worldwide pandemic.
To protect the population from a virus that infected the young and old, the rich and poor, the healthy and the sick, men and women indiscriminately.
Abortion rights, are dictated by religious views, conservative ideology and a male dominated society.
‘’Politics across the globe remains highly masculinised, so it is largely men in positions of power who are voting to curtail women’s bodily autonomy. Stark photos of male lawmakers signing off anti-abortion legislation remind us of this.’’
There is no comparison to Covid mandates. Stop it. Seriously.
People like u are the ones I was referring to. Personal choice should be personal choice, period. Not only one sided or when it’s convenient to some. I don’t believe in vaccines (the way they are now) but I respect the decision of anyone that wants to get it and everyone including the government should respect the ones that don’t want to get it. Mandates are proven not to work especially with an imperfect product like the covid vaccine, we all know that so I won’t explain it to u any further. Any virus that’s “new” will behave the same way at the beginning just like it has happened over and over and over throughout history and a government-imposed mandate won’t change that. Have people that gotten fired for not getting the vaccine have gotten their jobs back? No. Have the businesses that were hit with thousands of dollars in fines reimbursed? No. Have they been able to open again after being shut down? No. I can continue going on and on but I think u get the point. Big government won’t stop with a covid mandate and if u think that way, u’re pretty naive. Button line…the government shouldn’t impose on my personal decision when it has to do with my own body whether it’s due to a vaccine or abortion. So in ur own words…stop it, seriously.
Message edited 7/5/2022 12:07:54 PM.
Posted 7/5/22 12:03 PM |
God Bless America

Member since 5/05 3572 total posts
Name: A.K.
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
One reason why people think there is no comparison to forced covid shots is because at one point they guessed that the shot prevented transmission. We know now that is not true so I am baffled how me not getting a shot affects anyone.
But even if we are going to say that bodily autonomy should be absolute as long as it affects nobody else….then why don’t we have a right to euthanasia? Why dont we have a right to have our tubes tied in our 20s? Why dont we have a right to drink a 30 ounce soda in NYC?
ETA. I am pro choice. But I cannot stand the hypocrisy.
Message edited 7/5/2022 7:11:24 PM.
Posted 7/5/22 7:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by ChilisWife
One reason why people think there is no comparison to forced covid shots is because at one point they guessed that the shot prevented transmission. We know now that is not true so I am baffled how me not getting a shot affects anyone.
But even if we are going to say that bodily autonomy should be absolute as long as it affects nobody else….then why don’t we have a right to euthanasia? Why dont we have a right to have our tubes tied in our 20s? Why dont we have a right to drink a 30 ounce soda in NYC?
ETA. I am pro choice. But I cannot stand the hypocrisy.
Personally I think we should have a right to euthanasia. But I agree. There are many many things we can not legally do with our own bodies. How about legal prostitution?
Posted 7/5/22 8:07 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by ChilisWife
One reason why people think there is no comparison to forced covid shots is because at one point they guessed that the shot prevented transmission. We know now that is not true so I am baffled how me not getting a shot affects anyone.
But even if we are going to say that bodily autonomy should be absolute as long as it affects nobody else….then why don’t we have a right to euthanasia? Why dont we have a right to have our tubes tied in our 20s? Why dont we have a right to drink a 30 ounce soda in NYC?
ETA. I am pro choice. But I cannot stand the hypocrisy.
Correct. Covid shots only protect YOU (and I'm not even sure of that with how many vaccinated people I see getting quite sick lately- but I digress) Same with drinking a large soda, smoking cigarettes, eating fast food 5 days a week, drinking a 6 pack a day, etc. Your body, your choice.
Same with abortion- it should 100% be the choice of the woman and her healthcare provider- nobody else's business . Certainly not for the government to regulate- just like the other things I listed should not be regulated by the gov't either
Message edited 7/6/2022 8:55:24 AM.
Posted 7/6/22 8:55 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Supreme Court ruling on abortion
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by ChilisWife
One reason why people think there is no comparison to forced covid shots is because at one point they guessed that the shot prevented transmission. We know now that is not true so I am baffled how me not getting a shot affects anyone.
But even if we are going to say that bodily autonomy should be absolute as long as it affects nobody else….then why don’t we have a right to euthanasia? Why dont we have a right to have our tubes tied in our 20s? Why dont we have a right to drink a 30 ounce soda in NYC?
ETA. I am pro choice. But I cannot stand the hypocrisy.
Correct. Covid shots only protect YOU (and I'm not even sure of that with how many vaccinated people I see getting quite sick lately- but I digress) Same with drinking a large soda, smoking cigarettes, eating fast food 5 days a week, drinking a 6 pack a day, etc. Your body, your choice.
Same with abortion- it should 100% be the choice of the woman and her healthcare provider- nobody else's business . Certainly not for the government to regulate- just like the other things I listed should not be regulated by the gov't either
Not to derail the post but I actually think that on a large scale as far as the spread of covid I think that the vaccine made it worse. People who wouldn't have otherwise let down their guard and it spread like wildfire. That being said, luckily it was a very mild strain that spread and deaths were minimized. Although, there were still plenty of deaths, they just went unreported by the media who had to keep to the narrative that the vaccine actually worked.
Posted 7/6/22 9:59 AM |
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